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You watch as the boys continue with practice. You hum, looking at the other two managers. "Something's gonna happen today, right?"

Kiyoko looks at you, raising a brow. "Why do you say that, Y/n?"

You shrug, taking a glance at the boys on the court. "Just a feeling. I mean, aren't tests and stuff coming up? Won't we have training camps or something over break?"

The older girl hums, trying to think about whether or not they've actually been told about that. "You're right. We'll be travelling to Tokyo soon. Wait, is there a problem?"

You watch as Takeda enters the gym. "Ya know what, I think we're about to find out. Takeda-sensei, did you need something?"

The teacher looks at you, letting out a sigh. "Well, it's in regards to the upcoming Tokyo training camp. The one taking place on the weekend. It's been brought to my attention that we may have a problem with the attendance for some of our members."

You had a feeling that you knew where this was going. "Yo, boys, come gather round. Takeda-sensei needs to speak with all of you! It's important!"

Takeda looks at you with appreciation. "Thank you, L/n." He turns to the players that have gathered around him. "As you all know, we have our training camp coming up. But there are also midterms that'll be taking place just before our first Tokyo trip. I think you all know what that means."

Four of the boys look away from the teacher, beginning to sweat profusely.

You chuckle to yourself, leaning closer to Kiyoko. "Looks like my feeling was right."

"It would seem so." She purses her lips, watching the chaos that was about to unfold.

*Enter that one scene from the show. You know the one, ya know, where they all go into despair over the upcoming exams.*

To sum it up, Nishinoya and Tanaka try running away but get caught by Ennoshita, due to Daichi's instructions. Hinata is trying to think about what counts as passing. Kageyama gets the life drained out of him. The whole team crumbles in despair from four of their key players being absolutely hopeless when it comes to academics.

You let out a sigh as practice comes to an end. "Welp, looks like we have a new arc to focus on."

Kiyoko looks at you questioningly. "New arc? What is this? An anime?"

You raise your arms up. "Who knows. Sometimes it feels like it." You make eye contact with the girl before bursting into laughter with her. "Ok, but seriously, how will we function if four of our most important players might not be able to go if they take supplementary lessons?"

Yachi looks at you, visibly concerned. "Is that bad?"

"Very bad." You reply, not looking at either of your fellow managers. "The whole team will crumble without the foundation they've been getting used to. Yes, we have other players that can replace them for the time being. However, that might not be enough to represent the team at their strongest. I hope for the best, but I already have a feeling that there's gonna be a problem."

Kiyoko sighed. "Couldn't you just tutor them?"

"I'm not taking care of the second years." You huff out a breath, crossing your arms over your chest. "If Kageyama and Shoyo think to ask me for help, I'll gladly do whatever it takes to get them prepared. On one condition." You point to the blonde girl walking beside you. "Hitoka, you have to help me out. I can handle at home with Shoyo, and Kageyama will be more than welcome to join us. I just want your assistance for times when they ask for a little guidance at school."

Yachi nods, a smile spreading across her face. "Of course I can lend a hand. It's the least I can do, since you've helped me so much. And, it'll be a good opportunity for me to become friends with them. Right?" She looks at you, an uneasy expression forming on her face.

You give her a reassuring smile. "No need to worry. The guys already like you. They'll become your friends in no time. I think Hinata is already considering you as a friend. I think. Don't take my word for it, though. I'm pretty sure Yamaguchi really likes having you around." You shoot a smirk her way.

The blonde girl shakes her head, cheeks tinting a pink color. "No way. I don't think he likes me in the way you're implying, Y/n."

Kiyoko shook her head, a chuckle slipping past her lips. "Y/n, are you trying to play matchmaker now that you're in a happy relationship."

You gasp dramatically, placing a hand over your heart. "I can't believe you'd think such a thing! I just want to see my besties happy. Is that such a bad thing to want?"

The girls laughed, causing you to burst out into laughter. You guys pause in the middle of the road as you see the four first year boys talking. Based on what you could make out from their conversation, Hinata and Kageyama were trying to get Tsukishima to help them study. The tallest first year didn't have any intention to help them, but he was eventually convinced to help them just a little.

You said goodbye to Kiyoko as she split off to walk home. You called out to the boys as you were getting ready to walk Yachi to her bus stop. "You boys better be getting home to do homework and get a good night's sleep!"

The four boys jumped, whipping around to face you. "Yes!" They replied before Hinata and Kageyama ran away to get home. Tsukishima let out a sigh before continuing to walk home with Yamaguchi at his side.

You take hold of Yachi's hand, leading her in the direction of her bus stop. "Come on. We should hurry on home as well. We need to get plenty of rest."

Yachi nods. "Good thing we already did our homework."

You agree with her. "That's one less thing I'll need to worry about. I highly doubt that I'll be able to catch up to Shoyo." You let out a sigh. "It's such a shame. You'd think that he and I would be able to spend more time together now that we're in the same club, but that's not the case at all."

The blonde stops as you two arrive at her bus stop. "Sorry about that. Maybe next time, we can convince Hinata to walk with us so you two can get some time together on the way home."

You give her a bright smile before turning away with your bike. "We can try. See you tomorrow, Hitoka. Let me know when you get home. Have a good night."

"Goodnight, Y/n." She watched as you start walking away. I wonder if she'll be ok with how busy things are going to be this summer.

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