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Ok, so the last part was the cliffhanger ending.

I want input on what I should do next, if I should continue in another book or leave things as they are.

There are several choices if a squeal, or multiple sequeals, are wanted.

1: Continuation of the Hinata x reader. In which he survives, but had to be hospitalized right after the incident. Basically, the team arrives almost right after where this book ends. Takeda quickly calls for emergency services, and Hinata is rushed to the hospital. His life is saves, but he needs to seek help for his depression. You aid him in everything he needs, being informed of his depression and he'll tell you everything he's done over the years. It'll be a little angt, but mostly fluff to show the recovery, which will lead into how things end up after the time skip in the manga.

2: Hinata dies. The others return too late, you found him after he passed. As things go into the time skip era, without Hinata being alive, you move to Osaka and end up meeting Bokuto. Bokuto is a member of the MSBY Black Jackals at this point in time. He still has a thing for you, but won't make a move on you since he knew how things have been for you since he met you. He tries helping you as you continue grieving over your dead boyfriend. Eventually, you develop feelings for Bokuto, and by the end of the fic, you two are a couple.

3: Hinata is dead (same as option 2). Going towards the time skip, you try moving on with your life. Sure, things are still painful as Hinata's death remains in your mind. But there's a certain ace you once knew that stays by your side. Ushijima still loves you, his feelings haven't wavered once throughout the years. You end up moving in with him after high school, when he gets a job with the Schweidan Adlers.You go through college while he plays volleyball. You try deciding what you want to do with your life, and eventually realize that you still wanted to have a family. As time goes on, the feelings you once had for Shoyo fade, and get replaced by a newfound love for Ushijima.

4: Same as options 2 and 3, Hinata dies. This time, you graduate high school. With a heavy heart, you call up a certain setter. Oikawa offers you a place to stay with him as he remains on his volleyball team. You decide that leaving Japan would be for the best, seeing as there was no longer any reason for you to stay there. While in Argentina, you begin getting closer with Oikawa. Soon, feelings sprout, growing as you two continue living together.

5: Again, Hinata is dead. This time, Tsukishima is immediately comforting you as you mourn the loss of the one you loved most. Tsukishima knows he's in love with you, but refuses to say or do anything about it. Your feelings come first in his list of priorities. As you continue going through high school, you learn that you might not have only one love of your life. Maybe, just maybe, you can learn to love again. This time, it's with your new closest male friend. Tsukishima will accept any and all feelings you have, all you need to do is build up the courage to finally start building your love life once more.

Let me make this very clear. I will NOT make any of these if I don't get comments from readers. This is for you guys, not me. Yes, I will enjoy making any and all of these if that's what's wanted. I've already come up with ideas, but will not act on it unless I know people will read it.

I already have many other fanfics that I need to work on and publish. Most are Haikyuu x readers, there's 2 Jujutsu Kaisen, and 1 Assassination Classroom. I don't need to overload myself with so many fics that I'm not even sure people want. In fact, some of the fics I have planned in my drafts might just get deleted if I don't have the heart to actually write them. I also do have plans to work on original stories in the (hopefully) near future.

To repeat, no sequeals will be made unless YOU ask for it. If you want it, it will be made. That's a promise. I'm willing to write all of these ideas, if people want one for each of the characters mentioned. I was thinking about using some of the other characters the reader became close to in this fic, but decided against it since I never wrote that the other characters had strong feelings one way or another for the reader. I purposely made specific characters fall for the reader, since I had already thought of making more books revolving around the plot of this one.

Thank you for reading. Please comment on the section for which sequel you would like me to start up. You're more tha  welcome to ask for multiple of the ones I suggested. If I don't get any comments requesting for a sequeal, or more than one, then this fic ends with the cliffhanger.

That's all. The end.

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