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You hum to yourself, walking to the gym for the last practice before the preliminary rounds the team would be having tomorrow. You walk right into the gym, being the first to arrive. You look over when the doors open, revealing the coach. "Oh, coach Ukai. We're facing Ohgiminami High tomorrow, right?"

Ukai nods. "That, plus one other team later on in the day. Are you prepared for that?"

You nod. "It's not like I'll be on the court. I should be fine. Me and the other managers already talked things over. Kiyoko is the one that'll be on the bench with you and Takeda-sensei."

"It's good that everything has been figured out. Will you and Yachi be fine with staying with the crowd?"

"Yes." You push out the ball carts, starting to set the gym up for practice. "Do we have any plans ready in case something happens?"

The coach raises a brow at you. "Like, in the case you have another seizure, or are you talking about the players?"

You pause what you're doing, not expecting the focus to be on you. "I was talking about if players get injured or sick, or something like that. I wasn't even thinking that something might happen with me. I've made lots of effort to assure that I shouldn't have a medical emergency come up suddenly."

Ukai sighs. "Well, that's a relief. I doubt the boys will be able to play at 100% if something happens to you. And, in the case that something happens with any of the players, I'll just sub in one of the better guys we have on the bench. If any players need to be accompanied while going off the court, I'll leave it to you and Yachi. I'd like to keep Shimizu with the players during games, just so the boys have one of you girls helping out while they play. I can always talk things over with the other managers and Takeda."

You focus on setting up the net, not looking at the adult. "That's good. I'm hoping that we won't need to worry about something happening, but it's better to have plans just in case. Though, I can't begin to imagine what would happen if we lose any of the starters for any reason. I have a feeling if any of them need to get subbed out, it'll make it tougher on the players still on the court."

"You're right about that. I don't even wanna think about anything bad happening."

You finish setting up the net, moving over to the side lines. "Well, for the sake of our team, I'll be praying that everything goes well."

The coach narrows his eyes at you, still watching your every move. "Don't stress yourself out, though. I don't want to see or even hear about you having another medical emergency."

Before you could respond, the gym door opens up. The players start filing into the building. They get ready to do their warm ups. You watch as they get into a circle, Daichi leading them through the stretches. Your attention gets torn away from them when the other managers walk into the gym. You give them both a smile, but don't say anything to them.

Kiyoko smiles at you. "It's almost scary how you're always the first one here, Y/n. Are you ready for your first tournament?"

You nod. "I'm as ready as I can be."

Yachi looks nervous. "At least one of us will be useful. I don't think I'd make a good cheerleader for the team."

You put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Hey, you'll be fine, Hitoka. I'll be with you the entire time. If something goes wrong, you'll have me there to help you."

The blonde didn't look comforted by your words. "What if something happens with you?"

You tense. "Look, we can figure something out if things get to that point. Until then, pretend as if nothing bad ever happened to me. I'm fine, you know I'm fine. There's no reason to worry about me. We need to focus on the team now."

Kiyoko raises a brow. "Are you sure everything's alright? You haven't joined the team in practice since the  training camp. If something's going on with you, you know that you can always tell me, right?"

You smile at her. "Really, there's nothing to worry about. If I think you need to know, I would tell you right away. I'm just pausing on physical activities, since it caused me to pass out a lot. I'm just taking it easy for my health. Nothing serious is going on."

"If you say so." The older girl turns away, focusing on the boys running around. "But if there's ever something serious going on, you shouldn't keep it a secret. It's better if we all know what's going on so we can help you stay at your best. We can't do anything if we don't know anything."

"I know." You look at the ground, knowing that you should probably tell Kiyoko what's been going on. "You can keep a secret from the boys, right?"

Kiyoko flinched, turning to you. She moves closer to you, whispering in your ear. "What's going on?"

You keep your voice low, making sure none of the boys would be able to hear you. "I had a seizure that one night at the training camp. Kageyama and Hitoka were there when it happened. Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei also know what happened, sensei was actually the one that helped us out when it happened. I went to the doctors, and they put me on medication to prevent something like that from happening again. I haven't found the best timing to let Shoyo know, so everything that knows about it is keeping it a secret. I just don't want to worry any of the guys, especially not with the tournament coming up."

The black haired girl sighs. "Fine. I get it. My lips are sealed. I just can't believe something that serious happened to you and I had no clue about it. What happened to cause it?"

"Well, the doctors think it could've been the heat and all the physical activity I've been doing. I was spiking Kageyama's tosses when it happened."

"I see."

Yachi leaned in, quietly joining the conversation. "I'm worried something like that might happen again. Are you sure that there's no chance of it repeating?"

You glance at her from the corner of your eye. "I'm not 100% on it, but I'm confident enough to do everything I usually do. I think I should be fine. I know what my body feels like when something is happening. I'll let you know if something feels off."

"You better."

"I'll help you out if it comes to something like that."

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