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You sigh, staring out the window. You would've liked to have been able to get out of classes today, but that wasn't happening during this whole week. Your teachers knew you were a good student, but they didn't like the idea of you missing classes. They came up with ideas to keep you from skipping, mainly by saying there would be some important quizzes that you really shouldn't miss. So, here you were. Sitting bored in class while you knew your best friend was busy playing volleyball at the inter high prelims. You frowned, turning to look at the teacher up at the front of the classroom. You quickly jotted down the notes that were on the board, making sure it made sense when reading it in your notebook.

You glance out the window. It looks like a nice day. I hope the team is doing well. If I remembered correctly, the guys should be playing two matches today. They'll be tired, so there won't be any practices. Especially not if they're gonna focus on making sure they're ready for the upcoming matches for the rest of the week. Maybe I can go home with Shoyo, if he's back in time. Hitoka and I are gonna be doing homework in the library today, since she doesn't want to make me travel all the way to her house with my bike anymore. That also means no lunches with Shoyo. Ugh, I'm gonna miss him. He's too busy with volleyball! No! Don't think that way! He's your boyfriend and you love him, so you need to support him while he's doing something he loves. I need to be his personal cheerleader, not end up becoming the very thing that holds him back.

You were too preoccupied with your thoughts that you hadn't noticed the bell had rung, signaling that it was time for lunch. You tightened the grip on your pencil, almost breaking it. You gritted your teeth, wishing to at the very least get a text from your boyfriend. You would kill to get an update on how the tournament was going so far.

Yachi noticed you seemed distracted. Carefully, she tapped your shoulder and waited for you to turn around before speaking. "Are you ok, Y/n? You seemed lost in thought all throughout classes. Is something bothering you?"

You release a breath, looking down briefly. You return your gaze to meet hers. "I'm just kind of anxious since Shoyo is busy with matches today. A single text would be nice to receive, to at least update me that things are going well."

The blonde nods. "I guess that makes sense, since you two are dating now. How is that, by the way? Is anything different from you two being friends?"

You chuckle, smiling kindly to her. "Of course there are a few differences. We're more physically affectionate with each other now. There's more hugs, some cuddles, and quite a bit of kissing. Though, we haven't kissed on the lips yet. But, I guess, for the most part, everything is normal between the two of us. Not much has changed. We're just as close as before, maybe a little more intimate, but pretty much the same."

"Is that really ok to say about your relationship? That it's pretty much the same as a friendship?"

You raise a brow. "Should it feel much more different than before? I mean, we've been friends our whole lives. I guess it might take more time to adjust to a change in our relationship. But, we've always been closer than normal friends and lovers. It's kind of hard to describe."

Yachi giggles. "I guess that makes sense. As long as you're comfortable with how things are, that's probably what's important with any relationship. Have you two gone on any dates?"

You shrug, taking out your bento and preparing to eat some of it. "Not like an actual date. I guess you can say we sorta had a date the night we finished up with our training camp. I went over to his house for dinner with him and his family, then we just kinda talked and hugged and cuddled in his room for a while before I went home. Other than that, we didn't really spend time together outside of volleyball practices and studying."

"Aww! Study dates seem so cute! I would love to have a study date with someone I like." She takes a bite of food from her bento. "So, everything is casual, for the most part?"

You nod, swallowing the bit of food that was in your mouth. "Yeah. I like things as they are. There's nothing wrong with a boyfriend and girlfriend being casual with each other when starting off with their new relationship, right?"

Your friend hums, tapping her chin with her index finger. "I personally don't see any problems with that. As long as you both are happy and like where things are going, it doesn't really matter how you act with each other. I don't really know much about romance, nor do I have any experience being in a relationship with anyone. I don't think that I'm the most helpful with these kinds of talks. I just think your comfort and happiness should come before any other aspect of a relationship."

You focus on eating, after giving an appreciative look to your friend. You stop eating when you feel your phone vibrate in your uniform pocket. You take it out to see a text from a certain orange haired boy.

Hey, Y/n!
Sorry for not texting sooner
I kinda forgot and got distracted by volleyball
We won our first match and will be playing in our second game soon
Apparently Dateko is a strong school, so it might take a while to play them
I'll text you when we're heading back to school
If I'm there before you leave, we can head home together!

Congrats on your first win
I know you'll beat the next team you face
Good luck

You put your phone back in your pocket, turning back to the girl sitting behind you. "Looks like everything's going well. He'll give me updates whenever he gets the chance."

Yachi smiles at you. "I'm happy for you. Oh, you will be able to stay after for our study session today, right?"

"Of course!"

You two smile and eat your lunches, occasionally holding conversations amongst yourselves. Today seemed like a good day. You were looking forward to hearing from your boyfriend again.

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