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You sit on your bed, looking at the boy sitting at your desk. He was busy doing his homework, which you promised to look over on your way home from school. Since being open and honest during that talk, you learned about his feelings about losing that match. You understood how he as feeling, so you promised to spend some time cuddling and watching a movie together before you both needed to go to bed for school the next day.

Hinata paused what he was doing, looking over at you and meeting your gaze. "Y/n-chan? I think I finished. Can you look over it?"

You nod, standing up and walking over to him. You hum as you look over the papers. "I see you actually followed the guide sheets I gave you. For the most part, everything's correct. A few errors here and there, but nothing serious. I think this is fine, since your teachers might find it weird if you suddenly started doing everything perfect."

He chuckles, scratching the back of his head. "You have a point there. Does this mean I can put everything back in my bag? Can we cuddle now? Ooo, what movie did you pick out for us to watch tonight?"

You hold back your laughter. "Yes, you can put everything away. Yes, we can cuddle on the bed now. And about the movie - you choose. It can either be romance or horror." You give him an innocent smile, knowing the consequences of either movie genre he chose.

Hinata Shoyo was deadly terrified of anything in the horror genre. He would hide his face and cower in fear whenever something scary appeared. You've seen him do this a few times, when you managed to trick him into watching horror movies before. You find his reaction cute, which is why you made that one of two choices. The romance was chosen as the second choice since you wanted to take his mind off of losing his volleyball match. Whenever Hinata watches romance, he becomes more clingy and affectionate. Meaning, he'll kiss you nonstop and it will take quite a while before he lets go of you.

Without hesitation, Hinata gives his answer. "Romance! I'll watch anything but horror!"

You're unable to hold back your laughter, in need of holding your sides with the intensity of your laughs. "Alright. I'll pull up all the romance movies available and you can choose which one we watch."

Hinata jumped onto your bed, rolling around on the blankets. "Yay! This will be the best date night ever!"

You join him on the bed. "This is a date?"

He nods. "A casual date, or an at home date. Something like that."

He picks out a movie, pressing play on it. He cuddles up to you, nuzzling his face against yours. He left a trail of kisses from your cheek to your jawline. He thought about kissing your neck, but decided it wasn't the right time for it. He kept his arms wrapped around, making sure you wouldn't be leaving his side anytime soon.


Somehow, you ended up in this position. You didn't know how exactly you arrived at this point in time, but Hinata managed it while you were busy with the movie. You blink a few times, trying to process what was happening. Never, not once in your life, have you ever been in this kind of situation. All you knew was that it made your heart beat fast. It felt hard to breathe, but you were doing whatever it took to remain calm.

Throughout the movie, Hinata was slowly becoming more affectionate. He even became aggressive. He kissed your neck, eventually sucking and biting to the point that it left marks all over your skin. Gradually, as he kept marking you, he managed to climb on top of you. Right at this moment, he was looking into your eyes with an intense hunger. He wanted more.

You found your voice, it had been caught somewhere in your throat as you were realizing the situation you were in. "Sh-Shoyo?"

Hinata clenched the fabrics of the pillowcase on either side of your head. "Y/n. I want you. Right now."

"Huh? You have me though? I'm literally your girlfriend. Are you feeling alright? You've been more physical tonight. Do you have something you want to talk about? I can make us some tea or something and we can pause the movie." You tried sitting up.

But the orange haired boy pushed you back onto your back. "I know you're my girlfriend, but I want more from you."

You raise a brow questioningly. "What more could I give you? I kiss you all the time, and you're the one that changed your position while we were cuddling. I thought you wanted to watch the movie, since you're the one that chose it. You had a bad day, so I thought you wanted to do something to get your mind off of what happened."

"I want to do something different to forget about the loss today. We can try taking our relationship to a new level." He leans down, his lips grazing your neck. "You're fine with trying new things with me, right?"

You let out a shaky breath, feeling your boyfriend's lips on your neck. "Shoyo, what are you talking about? I thought we were fine with how everything has been. Do you have a problem with our relationship?"

Hinata gave a harsh bite, making you yelp. He brings his head up to look you in the eyes, an intense lust shining within the brown hues. "No problems. Quite the opposite. I love you so much and just wanna get closer to you. Take off your clothes. I wanna try something new."

It was at this point that you figured out what he was talking about. Your face felt like it was on fire, while your heart was beating at an ungodly quick pace. "You - you mean sex?"

Your boyfriend nods. "Let's try it tonight."

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