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You got up early in the morning. You rushed to shower. You hurried to get dressed, dry your hair and style it. You did your makeup. Once you were sure you looked perfect, you went downstairs to the kitchen. You thought to prepare snacks ahead of time. For dinner, you made sure you had all the ingredients needed to make your boyfriend's favorite meal. You smiled to yourself when all the last minute preparations were done. You were proud of yourself. You were confident that he would love this. You were about to give him the best day ever. Hopefully, it would be his best birthday.

When noon finally rolled around, you were waiting in front of your door. About 30 minutes passed, but your boyfriend had yet to show up. You frowned, looking at your phone to check the time once again. He's late? This isn't like Shoyo. Did he forget that I asked him to come over? Maybe I should text him as a reminder. You quickly texted Hinata, saying that you were waiting for him at your house. Within 10 minutes, the boy arrives at your house.

You open the door with a smile the moment the doorbell rang. "Hey, Shoyo." The smile gets wiped off your face once you take in the miserable state the boy is in. "What's wrong?"

Hinata kept his eyes focused on the ground. "Sorry, I didn't sleep last night."

You chuckle. "What? Were you that excited for today? You don't even know what I have planned. Ah, well, I guess that's just like you to be so excited you forget to sleep. I have a surprise for you, come on in." You stand aside, waiting for him to come in.

He doesn't move at all. "I'd rather not. I know you're going to break up with me. I'd rather you just tell me right here and now so I can go back home."

Your eyes widened, jaw dropping. "You think I'm breaking up with you? Why on earth would that thought ever cross your mind?"

"You said that we needed to talk while being completely serious. The guys on the team said that means you plan on breaking up with me."

You shake your head, trembling from the fact that you were holding in your laughter. "Shoyo, you shouldn't listen to them. Maybe I should've had Kageyama give you a hint about what this was all about."

He looks up at you, tears in his eyes and a glare on his face. "You're really gonna leave me for Kageyama?!"

You burst out into laughter. "Shoyo, who put those thoughts in your head? I had Kiyoko and Kageyama help this week cuz I was planning something special for today! It's your birthday, and I wanted us to have a cute little date! Happy birthday, goofball. Come inside and I can show you what I've been up to this week."

Hinata blinked a few times, slowly walking into the house. The moment his eyes land on all the decorations, he starts feeling stupid. "Um, what? This is for me? You planned all this?"

You nod. "I had Kageyama help me pick out decorations and tell me what to do for food. Kiyoko helped me put all this together on the nights I had you walk with Hitoka. I love you, so never think I'd ever consider breaking up with you." You walk over to him, grabbing his hands and looking lovingly into his eyes. "Hinata Shoyo, I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. When I realized how your birthday was coming up, I had to make plans for it. I wanted to do something special to show you just how much you mean to me. You're the most important person in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you. Happy birthday, Shoyo."

He burst into tears, throwing himself at you to hug you. "You're the best, Y/n! I'm so sorry I thought horribly of you! Once I heard what the other guys said in the club room, I just couldn't take it! I cried all night, thinking you didn't love me anymore! I was worried you would rather be with Kageyama!"

You rubbed his back, then started running your fingers through his hair. "It's fine. Maybe I should've said something different. I wanted to look serious so you would know that what I had planned was important. Maybe I should've said I had a surprise for you or something. Sorry for making you worry. Why don't you eat some of the snacks I prepared and we can lay down on my bed for a while so you can get some rest. I wanna make tonight special for you."


"Y/n! Why are you taking so long in the kitchen? Why can't I help you?"

You giggle to yourself, calling out to your boyfriend (who's waiting for you in the living room). "I'm making dinner for us, Shoyo! Be patient! I'm almost done!" You put the finishing touches on the meal, and start carrying it out to the boy. "Happy birthday!"

Hinata gasps once his eyes land on the food you place on the table in front of him. "This is my favorite!"

"I know, that's why I made it. Hope you like it. I worked hard to make sure it would be perfect for you tonight."

He kisses your cheek, then grabs the bowl. "Thank you so much! You didn't have to put this much effort into my birthday."

You shake your head, taking a quick bite of the food. "It was nothing. You mean the world to me, so I wanted to give you everything. I wanted to make today the best day of your life."

"Well, mission accomplished. Wait, what about my mom? Why didn't she try doing something for my birthday?"

You grin. "Well, I told her what my plan was for today, so she decided she'd celebrate your birthday tomorrow. Speaking my plan, are you done with dinner?"

Both of you had finished eating. Hinata nodded. "Yeah. What else did you have in store?"

You smirk, standing up. You take his hand and start leading him to your bedroom. "I'll be giving you your last present now."

His eyes widened, a blush spreading across his face. "Oh. Uh, thank you. I - I love you so much, Y/n."

"I love you too, birthday boy."

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