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"Can you please help Kageyama and I?" Hinata bows, hoping to not get turned down once again during this lunch period.

Kageyama bowed slightly. "Please help us."

You look behind you at your female friend. You shrug. "I have no problem with that. You ok with helping them out for a bit, Hitoka?"

Yachi nods. "We can help you out during break." She smiles to the two boys.

They sit down in seats next to you and Yachi. Hinata smiles. "I had a feeling you wouldn't turn us down, Y/n-chan."

"I was actually waiting for you two to come up to me. I was already planning on helping you guys out. It just took you longer than I expected for you to come to me."

The orange haired boy scratches the back of his beck. "Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't want to risk bothering you so much, since you have your own things to do. But now Kageyama and I are a little desperate, especially since our trip to Tokyo is on the line." He gladly takes hold of the notebooks you and Yachi hand over to the two volleyball players.

Kageyama bows his head. "Yeah, thanks a lot for this. I can pay you back."

You shake your head. "Nah, I like you guys. I expect great things. Just give it your all at the training camp and improve as a team, and I'll call it even."

The two boys smiles, then quickly got to copying the notes they were given. At one point, Hinata made a comment about how well written the notes were. Yachi ended up explaining her method taking good notes, even telling them what not to do. You just sat and watched, enjoying the onigiri you had packed for yourself. You grinned to yourself, seeing how much effort your boyfriend was putting into studying. That was something you never really saw before.

You let out a quiet chuckle. "You guys really want to go to Tokyo. It's almost scary how focused you guys are."

Yachi tipped her head to one side. "Why are you so determined to go to Tokyo? Isn't only for practice?"

Hinata had an intense look in his eye. "It's a chance to play more volleyball. We'll get better so that we'll never lose again."

The blonde girl looked confused. "Why do you want to win so much?"

"Do you really need a reason to want to not lose?" You and your boyfriend spoke in unison.

You give a smile when you see his surprised look. "I know you so well, Shoyo." You turn to the girl sitting behind you. "Trust me, the boys that play volleyball can be intense. They work really hard, so it hurts when they lose at the thing they love most."

Hinata panicked. "I don't love volleyball more than I love you!"

You roll your eyes playfully. "Are you sure about that Shoyo?"

He turns red, struggling to think of an answer. He wasn't even sure about what he loved more: you or volleyball. He just didn't want to risk upsetting you.

Kageyama huffed out a breath. "Hurrying up and take notes. We break's almost over. We need to go back to our own classes soon."

Hinata's eyes went wide. He quickly focused on taking down notes, making sure to copy it well.

You sit back in your seat and turn to your female friend. "Hitoka, did you want some of the onigiri I made?"

Yachi nods, gratefully accepting one you hand her. "Thanks, Y/n. Why do you have so much?"

You look out the window using your peripheral vision. "I had trouble sleeping last night and made a whole bunch. I packed most of them so I would have plenty to eat during the day." You quickly grab two more out of your bag, placing on in front of each of the boys. "You two also need to make sure you eat something. Consider it as part of me helping you study."

Kageyama moves the rice ball closer to himself. "Thank you, L/n."

Hinata's eyes sparkle as he looks at it. "I think I fall deeper in love with you every day, Y/n-chan!" He quickly unwraps it and takes a huge bite. When he swallows, he turns back to you. "It's like a piece of heaven."

You feel a little bit of heat build up in your face. "Thanks, Shoyo." He definitely knows how to flatter people.

Soon, the two volleyball playing boys finish copying the notes. They hand the notebooks back to you and Yachi, then stand from their seats. They bow, thanking you both for helping them within your free time. After a few more words get exchanged, Hinata and Kageyama take their leave.

Yachi taps your shoulder to gain your attention before classes start up again. "Do you think those two like me? I mean, I know they asked for my help too, but I feel like they're only being nice since I'm your friend."

You furrow your brows at her words. "Hitoka, trust me, they're not like that. I think they're really warming up to you. Shoyo is naturally that friendly with everyone. Kageyama takes a bit more time to open up, but he seems to be pretty comfortable being around you. I think they'll be friends with you in no time. You have no reason to worry."


"What the fuck." You hold your now bleeding nose, pinching the bridge in hopes that the bleeding will stop.

What happened, you may ask. Well, you just opened the door to the gym with the other two managers following you. The moment you faced forward and were getting ready to walk into the gym, a ball cam flying and hit you in the face. Who hit the ball? Well, who do you think?

Kageyama and Hinata ran over, bowing to you. "We're so sorry!"

Kageyama hit a powerful serve, and Hinata didn't receive it properly. Which ended up causing you to get hit.

You shake your head. "It's fine. I'll take care of this. Get back to practice."

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