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You knew your boyfriend was upset. You hadn't seen him this morning on your way to school. You hadn't seen him before classes started. You didn't even get a single text from him, not even a reply to the text you had sent him last night. You knew he was upset. You understood he was trying to handle the fact he lost. You wanted to do what was best for him. You were willing to give him some space, since that seems to be what he wants.

But you hated this. When you got nothing from him by lunch break, you were ready to explode. You told yourself to calm down, to wait for him to feel good enough to come to you. But you had long since reached your limit.

Even Yachi noticed you becoming irritable. "Y/n, if something's bothering you, you can always talk to me about it."

You look at the girl, letting out a loud sigh that had almost turned into a groan. "Shoyo hasn't once contacted me since yesterday. I didn't think I did anything wrong, so I was just assuming he's feeling bad about losing during his volleyball match yesterday. I would've thought he would've come to talk to me by now." You lay your head on your desk, a thud sound coming from your head hitting it. "What do I do?"

The blonde girl furrows her brow, feeling concerned for you. "If it bothers you this much, why don't you make the first move? Shouldn't you show him how worried about him you are? Go find him and talk to him. See if he's ready to say anything to you."

You lift your head up, turning to look at her. "You're right. I'll go talk to him. If he's not in his classroom, I'll probably just come back here since I don't know where else he might be." You get out of your seat, leaving the classroom.

You walk through the hall until you get to your boyfriend's classroom. You peek inside, not seeing that familiar head of orange hair. You walk inside, still not seeing the person you're looking for. You gain the attention of a group of boys in the classroom. "Um, have any of you seem Hinata Shoyo?"

One of the boys looks at you. "Uh, he left when the bell rung. I don't know where he went. Sorry."

You nod. "Thanks." You turn around and walk back to your class. You sit down, not even trying to get your bento out of your school bag. "He wasn't there. He might be avoiding me. He probably doesn't want to talk. I don't know what to do."

Yachi pats your back gently. "I'm sorry. Maybe he just needs some time and space. I hope, for your sake, that he'll come talk to you when he's ready. It shouldn't take too long, I think."

You look at the girl, a sad expression on your face. "I don't know what's going on with him half of the time. I thought I knew him well, but maybe I was wrong. He seemed to change a bit while we went to different middle schools. I thought I was the person that knew Shoyo best, but it looks like I might barely even know him at all. Maybe I made a mistake confessing to him when I did. I should've just waited until I saw who he really is."

The blonde's eyes widened. She didn't know you could ever feel like that. "D-don't say that! D-don't feel bad, Y/n! Maybe it's only because he lost. I think everything will get better. You shouldn't give up so easily!"

You sigh, looking at the floor. "There's nothing I can do. He won't ever tell me when there's a problem, no matter how much I tell him that I want to help him. I always let him know he can come to me with al of his problems, but he chooses to keep them to himself. I feel useless, but it's not like he'll understand. Even if I tell him how I'm feeling right now, he probably won't just suddenly tell me everything. I doubt he even trusts me with anything."


Hinata collapsed onto the floor of the gym, breathing heavily with his setter. He looks over, seeing Kageyama practically upside down.

Kageyama glances over at the shorter boy. "How's L/n doing? I haven't seen her all day. Have you heard from her since our match?"

Hinata looks down. "She texted last night. Shimizu-san told her what happened with our game. I haven't said anything to Y/n."

The door of the gym opens, the beautiful manager of the boys' volleyball club standing right inside the doorway. She heard what the small middle blocker said. "Hinata, you should probably talk to Y/n. I know that right now she's worried about you. She really loves you. Please think about her feelings." She had come to the gym, after receiving a certain text from you. And what it said made Kiyoko worry about you and your relationship. "Also, you two shouldn't be screaming. I could hear you from outside. Clean up and get back to your classes before break ends." She turns to leave, pausing for a split second. "Oh, and Y/n understands how you're feeling. She just wants to feel like she's actually a part of your life. I'd suggest talking to her soon, before she gets the wrong idea. She's the type to give up on something after failing to get results repeatedly." She walks away, letting her words hit the boys.

Kageyama stood up, fixing his clothes. "What did she mean by that? Is L/n upset about something?"

Hinata thought carefully, his eyes widening as he came to a realization. I've been pushing Y/n away too much. She probably feels horrible right about now. I need to hurry up and help Kageyama clean the gym, then go look for her before things get too bad. "Kageyama, let's hurry and clean up. I need to talk to Y/n before the break ends."

The two rush to clean up, the Hinata runs until he gets to your classroom. He opens the door and walks right up to you.

He smiles as best as he can as you look up at him from where you sit. "Hey, Y/n."

"Do you wanna break up?"

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