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Sitting up in bed, you stretch. A yawn escapes you. You look around the room, feeling like it was emptier than you remembered it to be. Maybe those few days staying in Goshiki's dorm made you get used to living in a dorm with someone else again. You shake your head, clearing the thoughts and feelings away. You get out of bed, doing your morning routine. You almost got dressed in your track suit for practice, but you remembered something: there was no practice for today or the next few days. Since Christmas was in just two days, coach Ukai gave everyone off from practice until December 26th.

You let out a sigh, going back to sit in your bed as you finished up with your morning routine. You look at your bedroom floor for a few minutes, trying to see if you could come up with any last minute plans. You came up empty, not knowing what you could do with all this free time. It's been so long since you had this much time away from the various activities that have taken up so much of your life. You had no clue what to do with yourself now.

Luckily for you, someone else called you with the intention of making plans. You happily answer the phone once you read the caller id.

"Hey, Y/n."

You smile brightly, not that the person on the other line would be able to see it. "Hey. What's up?"

Kiyoko let out a sigh. "Well, Hitoka and I don't have anything to do, so we decided to make plans for us managers. Are you free today and tomorrow?"

"I'm free. What were you two thinking of doing?"

"Ah, well, we bought presents for you and each other. We wanted to do an early Christmas celebration. We could open our presents on Christmas Eve instead, since my parents had plans for Christmas. Hitoka said she didn't know what her mom was planning, she guessed that there would be a Christmas party for the company her mom works at, and that she'll have to go. We wanted to see if you would be ok with a sleepover tonight, and a present exchange tomorrow after lunch."

"I'm down. Where are we gonna have the sleepover?"

Kiyoko hums. "Well, we were debating it for a while. But then I asked my mom, so it's been decided that the three of us will be at my house. My mom said she missed you, and that she wanted to meet Hitoka. Wait, I probably should've asked sooner, but do you have presents for me and Hitoka? It's ok if you don't, I just wouldn't want you to feel bad about showing up only to receive gifts instead of reciprocating."

You chuckle. "I actually did get gifts, for everyone on the team. Shoyo's family and mine are actually doing a joint celebration on Christmas, so I can give him my gift then. I was just going to wait till our next practice to give everyone else their gifts."

"That's good. I actually didn't get the boys any gifts, and neither did Hitoka. Maybe tonight the three of us can go out so we can also get gifts for everyone else."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm going to pack a bag, then I'll be over at your house."

"Alright. See you in a bit, Y/n."

"See you, Kiyoko." You hang up, immediately getting off your bed to start packing for the sleepover. You make sure to get a bag big enough to hold the gifts for the other managers.

You prepare to leave the house once you have everything in order, stopping before opening your front door. "Mom, dad, I'll be spending the night at Kiyoko's house! I'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

Your mom calls out to you from somewhere else in the house. "Ok, be careful, sweety! Have fun!"

And out the door you go. You go to your bike, grabbing it and pushing it to the road. You get on and start riding down the mountain, heading to Kiyoko's house. You take your time, not wanting to suddenly go too fast. You were just enjoying the cool air, watching the scenery go by. You found winter to be beautiful, you only wished that it would snow soon. Everything always looked much prettier with snow piled all around.

You stop abruptly when you finally arrive at your destination. You let out a heavy sigh, moving your bike to a safe spot outside of the house. You walk right up to the front door, ringing the doorbell. You wait outside the door with a smile on your face.

Kiyoko isn't the one to open the door. Instead, her mom was happily standing in the doorway. "Oh, it's been so long since the last time you were here, Y/n. I've missed you so much. Please, come on in. It's so cold outside, get into the heat." She moves aside, letting you walk through the door.

You walk inside, watching as the door gets shut behind you. "Thank you for having me." You take your shoes off before walking further into the house.

The mother stays close to your side. "Oh, it's no problem at all. I'm more than happy to have all you girls over. It just feels so nice to spend some time with others during the holidays. Anyways, how have you been?"

You smile at her, letting her lead you through the house. "I've been good, just a bit busy with the club. How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been just fine. It just gets a little lonely when there's no one around. I'm happy that Kiyoko has a club to keep her busy, but sometimes I would like to have my daughter home. It's even better when she brings friends home."

You chuckle. "That makes sense. I'm glad to be able to spend time with Kiyoko during breaks. Oh, is Hitoka already here?"

The mother chuckles, knocking on a door before opening it. "Yes, she showed up just a bit before you did. They're in here. Let me know if you need or want anything."

You nod, walking into the room. "Will do." You smile at your friends as the door closes behind you. "Hey. It's been a while since I've seen you two."

Kiyoko nods, patting the seat beside her on her bed. "It has. Let's catch up."

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