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Yachi leaned closer to you, getting a better look at the marks. "I didn't get the chance to ask earlier, but - uh, what happened to your neck, Y/n?"

You sigh as you bring your eyes up to look at her. "Shoyo happened. He got horny last night and we ended up having sex. I woke up with my naked boyfriend this morning and had to force him to leave my house to get ready for school." You groan, laying your head on the girl's desk.

Yachi gently brought her hand up to carefully stroke your hair. "Sorry to hear about that. But, I'm kinda surprised. I thought you would've taken things slower instead of just having your first time together after dating for about a month or so."

You huffed out a breath. "Thing is, I didn't plan on doing it last night. It just kinda happened before I could process any of it. Worst part is that I couldn't really walk this morning, and then I was sore while riding my bike. It was not fun. I don't recommend doing it."

The blonde girl chuckles. "I'm guessing you're so upset that you're not gonna eat lunch with him today? By now, you usually leave the classroom to spend some time with him."

You frown, using your peripheral vision to look at your friend. "I let him know that I'm unhappy about the whole situation. I already lectured him on the way to school about all the marks he left. He even laughed about it! He clearly didn't think about how this would affect me!" You lift your head up, your chin still resting on the desk.

Yachi rubbed the back of her neck. "Ah, well, maybe it shows how possessive of you he can get. I read somewhere that some people like to mark the person they're in a relationship with to let others know they're taken. I mean, they're also called love bites or love marks, so he could just have found one way to express his love for you. Some people's love language involves the physical aspect of a relationship, so his love language could be things like touch and stuff like that."

You pout. "Yeah, but still! I had to tell the whole time that I have a boyfriend! I didn't say who, but the whole thing was still embarrassing for me. Those guys are my friends, so for them to find out about me being in a relationship like this must've been a shock to them. I mean, maybe someone like Tsukishima wouldn't care, even if he managed to figure it out all on his own. But some of the other guys on the team get nosy and might bother me to talk about more about my love and sex life! Can I even call it a sex life if it was just this once, though?"

Your friend shrugs. "I have no clue. I have no experience with this kind of thing."

"Y/n!" Kiyoko walked into your classroom, sitting by you and the blonde girl.

You smile at the older girl. "Oh, hey, Kiyoko. Oh right, to explain this, Shoyo and I had sex for the first time last night. It wasn't planned, he initiated it, and I had a rough morning because of it. He thought it was funny, but I'm genuinely upset. I told the guys I'm in a relationship, but they don't know with who." You groan, picking your head off of the desk and holding it in your hands. "This is gonna be such a pain to deal with!"

Kiyoko pat your shoulder. "Don't mind. It'll be fine. If anything, almost all of the guys will respect your privacy. I think the only ones you'll have to worry about bothering you for details will be Nishinoya and Tanaka."

"I sure hope that's the case."

Unfortunately for you, Kageyama walked to your classroom. He asked one of your classmates if you were still inside. When he heard you were, and that you were talking to two girls, the setter walked into the room and headed straight for you. "L/n, are you dating Hinata?"

You look up at him with wide eyes. "W-why would you think that?"

Kageyama sat at a nearby desk, lowering his voice so only you three girls would be able to hear his words. "Well, you and Hinata are very close. And he seemed kinda proud of himself all morning. Almost like marking you was his doing, and he's boasting over you like you were a trophy, or something like that."

You inhale sharply. "Was it obvious?"

The setter shakes his head. "No, only I noticed it since I'm close to Hinata. Well, kind of. Closer to him compared to the others on the team. I'm guessing the only other people that know are Shimizu-san and the blonde girl sitting behind you?"

You nod. "This is my friend, Yachi Hitoka. Of course I told her and Kiyoko everything. They even knew when I was crushing on Shoyo. So, yes, they should be the only other people that know. But I'm going to assume that Tsukishima might know too, since he's pretty smart and tends to pick up on things that no one else notices."

"That's a safe bet. Sorry if this wasn't how you wanted any of us to find out. I'm guessing the dumbass acted on his own, and you have to suffer the consequences?"

"You could say that." You look away from the boy, briefly making eye contact with the two girls.

Before any of you could say another word, Tsukishima walked into the room. "Oh, this is a surprise. Three girls and the king talking. I'm guessing everyone in this group knows that shrimpy is dating L/n? I figured it out weeks ago, just so you know. I haven't talked about it with anyone, nor do I care too much about it. I'm kind of surprised the king figured it out at all. But, I'm concerned for you, L/n. So, I have to know, he didn't force himself on you, did he?"

You quickly, and violently, shake your head. "Not at all. It just surprised me and was so sudden. He didn't do anything bad, maybe didn't consider how hard it would be on me, but he wouldn't do anything with ill intent. I promise, Shoyo isn't that kind of person. He even asked multiple times to make sure he could do what he wanted."

The boy with the glasses held his hand up. "Didn't need or want to know all that. I'm just glad you're alright. Let me know if he does something you don't like. I'll make sure that idiot gets it through his tiny brain that there are boundaries he shouldn't cross."

Kageyama agreed with him, for once. "I'll hit him if he hurts you in any way."

You smile at the two boys. "Thank you, Tsukishima and Kageyama. I'm glad I have caring friends like you."

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