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"You seem more excited than usual, Shoyo." You're looking over at the short middle blocker, taking in his facial features and noticing how he's practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

Hinata smiles at you. "We get to play volleyball with our rival team today! I can't wait to play with them! I bet it's going to be really fun!" He jumps up, spreading out his limbs so that he looks like a star. "And you'll be there to watch me play, Y/n! Why wouldn't I be excited?"

You giggle. "You're right. I guess today is a much bigger day than I could've ever imagined. I look forward to watching you play. I bet you'll be amazing, Shoyo." You couldn't help trying to bring his mood up even more. You just find it so cute when he's like this. It couldn't hurt to let him get more energetic than usual today, right?

The orange haired boy looks around, making sure that no one was looking at you two. He quickly planted a kiss on your cheek, then looked away while turning red. "Y-yeah. I'm ready to give it everything I've got!"

You feel your face heat up slightly, blinking a few times to process what just happened. "Uh, Shoyo? Did you just kiss me?"

"No! I - I was just thanking you for helping out the whole time! You could've been at home working on all your schoolwork, or hung out with other friends. So - so I'm showing how grateful I am that you spent so much time with all of us!" He looked panicked, and kind of embarrassed.

Kageyama looked over, hearing his middle blocker raise his voice. "Shut up, dumbass. You're freaking out over nothing. You don't need to thank her so much. She could've just turned you down when you asked her to help out. L/n clearly wanted to spend time with all of us since she helped out. Right, L/n?"

You nod, smiling. "I was more than happy to help these past few days. It was actually really fun. I had a good time with all of you. I can't wait to watch you guys play against another team."

Kageyama looked away. "We'll win. No doubt about it." He walks off, trying to focus on other things. He also didn't really want to be so close to Hinata, if he was being honest.

Hinata pouted. "He only came over to call me a dumbass and have a good conversation with you, Y/n-chan."

You chuckled, leaning over to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "Don't get upset over something like that, Shoyo."

"Did you just kiss me?!" He whisper shouted at you.

You grin. "No, I was just giving you some good luck for your game." You wink at him, walking off to stay near Kiyoko. "Hey, Kiyoko. Are you looking forward to meeting Nekoma today?"

She smiled at you. "I'm not too keen on being around even more boys, but I'm hoping they have a manager we can be friends with. I wonder what kind of girl would help them out."

You shrug. "Dunno. I just hope everyone on the Nekoma team is nice. Though, I feel like there might be at least one overbearing guy. I hope none of them freak out just because you and I are pretty."

Kiyoko chuckles. "I think we already deal with enough boys like that. It would be nice to meet more people that don't care too much about being around some cute girls. And if you end up having to play, you might be impressing some of the guys from Tokyo." She nudges you, a grin on her face. "Maybe Hinata will get jealous over potential competition."

You shake your head, a giggle slipping past your lips. "Like that'll ever happen." You lower your voice so only the girl can hear you. "I only have eyes for Shoyo. He can't have competition if there's no one that can make me fall in love with them other than him."

She nods, completely understanding. "That's true love for you. Only ever being in love with one person for your whole life. I feel like this is gonna end up as a high school sweethearts that end up together for the rest of their lives kind of story."

Kiyoko please stop breaking the fourth wall

You and Kiyoko walk into the building, but you stop at the door. You turn, seeing Karasuno lined up. They were facing the other team, which had also lined up. You turn to Kiyoko. "I'll join you in a bit. I just wanna make sure they're alright."

She nods. "Ok. Don't take too long. I'd like to be able to help out the coaches with the set up, and other things that need to get done before the teams can start their match."

You nod, turning to walk over to the two teams. You put on a bright smile, speaking to gain their attention. "Uh, hello? You guys need to hurry up and get into the gym. The coaches want to get everything set up quickly, so we can do warm ups and start the match soon."

Everyone turned in your direction. Nishinoya and Tanaka had stars in their eyes. "L/n spoke to us!"

Yamamoto fell to his knees. "No way! Karasuno has the most attractive girl I've ever seen as a manager?!"

You chuckle, rubbing the back of your neck. "Actually, I'm not their manager. I just help out the team from time to time. You might end up having me come into the game if the guys get too tired." You close your eyes, giving an awkward chuckle. "But, if you guys don't mind, it would be great if you all could hurry and get inside. I wouldn't want to keep the coaches waiting too long."

Yamamoto wailed. "I was just blessed with the grace and speech of a goddess!"

You sigh, hanging your head as your arms fall to your sides. "So this is what I'm gonna have to deal with. It was already bad enough with Tanaka and Nishinoya. But another one? And from Tokyo? Shoulda just stayed at Kiyoko's house." You turn your back to the boys, grumpily walking back into the building.

Kuroo and Yaku smacked Yamamoto. "You just scared her off, you idiot!"

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