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You walk side by side with the black haired girl back to her house. You two had remained silent the whole time, but a smile rested on your face. "Hey, Kiyoko?"


"Will you be contributing to our girl talk when we get back to your house?" You look over at her, trying to get a read on her facial expression.

Kiyoko shrugs. "Maybe. I mean, I might feel a little uncomfortable with my mom being there. I'll try to tell you things. Is there a certain topic that you want me to share some personal info on?"

"Your love life, or just your views on romance as a whole."

Kiyoko gasps. "So this is about what I think it is!"

You grin, facing forward as you continue to walk with the manager. "Who knows. Maybe it is, or maybe I'm just leading you on to get you to spill your secrets. You'll just have to wait to find out."

Kiyoko chuckles, opening the door to her house as you two arrive. She walks in after you, closing the door behind her. "I see. Well, I guess I'm looking forward to whatever you have to say. Mom! We're back, and we want to have a talk with you listening!"

Her mom walks into the room, watching as you two take off your shoes and walk further into the house. "Oh? What kind of things are we going to be talking about?"

"Apparently, it'll involve romance." Kiyoko explains, leading you to the living room.

As you all sit down in different areas of the room, you take a deep breath. "So, I confessed to the guy I like, Shoyo. For your information, Mrs. Shimizu, he and I have been friends our whole lives. I was about to pretty much tell him that I'm fine with him not liking me, getting ready to basically run away after letting him know my feelings. But then he hugged me, telling me he felt the same."

The mother's eyes widened. "Are you two dating now?"

You smile, nodding. "He and I agreed we wanted to get into a relationship. Now we're boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Kiyoko squeals, shaking her fists in front of her excitedly. "Oh my god! I've been waiting for this to happen since the moment I realized you were crushing on Hinata. I'm so happy for you." She engulfs you in a hug, then lets go and raises a brow at you. "What about this subject did you want me to share, Y/n?"

You give a huge smile, revealing your teeth and closing your eyes. "You have to have some interest in love. So, is there anyone you like, Kiyoko? And if so, who?"

She leans back against the chair she was sitting in, letting out a sigh and closing her eyes. "I started getting this crush on Tanaka some time last year. I mean, he seems so determined to get me to go out with him, and he's so persistent."

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel, dear?" Kiyoko's mom looked at her daughter, almost not believing that her daughter liked someone that happened to like her back. "I mean, he clearly likes you back, right? Why don't you do what Y/n did and confess?"

You nod excitedly. "Yeah, you have a 100% chance of getting into a relationship with him. He's, like, madly in love with you. I think he thinks you're a goddess, or something like that. Don't you want to get a boyfriend?"

Kiyoko slumps in her seat. "Well, yeah. But I can't just suddenly confess to him out of nowhere. The whole team would find that to be completely unexpected, and they might insist on having me talk about it. And, I guess I'm just kind of nervous to be honest about my feelings with him. All the guys on the team crush on me, and I think some of them have a thing for both of us, Y/n. I think I want to take some time to get to know him a bit better, mainly just observe him, before I think about trying to deepen whatever kind of relationship we have. Does - does that make sense?"

"To me it does."

Her mother chuckled lightly. "I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else. This is the first friend you've ever brought home, so I'm not surprised that you haven't built up the courage to let someone know your feelings yet. But, what about this Tanaka boy do you like? Wait, Tanaka is a boy, right? I mean, it's fine if they're actually a girl, I would just like to know what your preference is."

Kiyoko hid her face in her hands. "Yes, Tanaka is a boy, mom. I guess I just kind of like how he never gives up, and that he wears his heart on his sleeve. He tries so hard, constantly improving himself. He doesn't even do it for anyone else, he does everything for himself. But, he's also a good friend and will gladly do anything for anyone he calls his friend."

You smirk. "Aw, and you say I'm down bad? Honey, please look in the mirror. You've got hit pretty hard by the love truck."

She rolls her eyes at you, throwing a pillow at your face (which you caught). "Oh, shut up. At least I know how he feels about me before just taking a chance with confessing. I know I can make him my boyfriend at any time, but I'm just making sure of it. I want to see with my own eyes that I'm the only girl he'll ever want to be with. If some other girl can easily gain his attention, then it'll probably be for the best if I never confess to having these feelings for him."

You laugh. "First off, that throw was weak!" You quickly put a serious expression on, almost as if you never laughed in the first place. "But I can see where you're coming from. Nothing is scarier than going into a confession blind. The fear of being rejected is so strong when you have no clue how they feel. And it would be absolutely heartbreaking if you were to ever break up because he fell for another girl, or someone else was able to get his attention. You're making the right choice. I think you'll be able to decide when it would be good for you to let him know how you feel."

"Thanks, Y/n. You're the best friend anyone could be lucky enough to ask for."

Her mom gets up from her seat, starting to head towards the kitchen. "Well, thank you girls for including me in this little chat. I'll be starting on dinner. Go ahead and get washed up while you have the chance." She disappears into the kitchen.

You sigh, getting up from your seat. "Alright, let's get cleaned up. I could desperately use a shower after playing around with the guys."

Kiyoko giggles. "Alright. Let's go." She get up, and you both separate into your own bathrooms to get cleaned up.

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