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You took deep breaths as you walked into the large building. This is your first time coming to one of the volleyball tournaments. You were a little nervous. There were so many people all around, and there was a very distinct smell in the air. It smelled like a sport's tournament. You looked over your shoulder, seeing your blonde friend nearly having a panic attack. You didn't have the chance to let your nerves get the best of you. Yachi was doing that all by herself. You had to be the confident, brave first year manager. You tried glancing over at the team, getting a mixed reaction from the players. Hinata and Yamaguchi concerned you with how nervous they were getting, Asahi too. You sigh, knowing that things would only get worse if you let yourself act as nervous as you were feeling. You were just glad that the majority of the boys seemed alright.

"You guys are a mess. We're a strong team, we have almost no chance of losing. And yet, here some of you are. Looking scared enough to be sick to your stomachs. Get it together." You were giving the boys tough love, hoping that would work. You hoped you weren't too rude to them.

Yamaguchi went over to Yachi. "Hey, Yachi, do you have any stomach medicine? I think I'm gonna be sick."

The blonde girl turns to him, giving a fearful look. She looked like she'd be sick any moment. "Oh, really? Me too."

This seemed to make the green haired boy better. Instead, he started panicking over the girl's well being. "It - it's going to be fine, Yachi!"

You let out a sigh. "Man, this is a mess. How did we ever get this far?"

Kiyoko pat your shoulder. "They do better on the court. Why don't you make sure Hitoka-chan is alright. She looks ready to pass out any moment. I think that might be the last thing we need today. The boys already have enough to worry about."

You groan. "Fine." You walk over to your friend. "Hitoka, calm down. This is not the end of the world. Our boys got this."

A sick looking Hinata put his hand on your shoulder from behind you. "You really think so, Y/n?"

Your eyes widened, seeing how pale he looks. "Oh my God, Shoyo! Go to the bathroom! You need to get yourself in order right now! We only have about another half hour before our first game! Go, now! Hurry!" You start pushing him away, hoping he'd make it safely to the bathroom. He's told you stories about what happens during his trips to the bathroom around the time of a game. You started praying to every god out there that he wouldn't run into anyone scary while he's gone.

Kageyama snorted. "Let's see what happens to him this time."

You frown at the blue eyed boy. "Try to look at things in a positive light."

The setter looks up at you from where he sat on the ground. "Fine. I'm positive something's gonna happen with that dumbass."

Tsukishima walked over to you. "L/n, do you have anything that might help Yachi and Yamaguchi? They look like they're about to have panic attacks."

You sigh, walking over to the other two first years. "Calm down, both of you. Try meditating or something. You need to clear your minds and reset yourselves. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Close your eyes, keep breathing. Everything will be alright. There is nothing to worry about. You can calm down now." That seemed to workwith the two nervous wrecks. They calmed down.

Sugawara pat your head. "What would we ever do without you, L/n?"

Daichi sighed. "Can you get Asahi in a better head space? He looks ready to lose it."

"I don't get paid enough for this shit."


You cross your arms as the team gets closer to you after their match. "See? You guys had nothing to worry about. All that worrying seems pretty silly now, doesn't it?"

Nishinoya pouted. "You're being pretty mean today, L/n. What did we ever do to you?"

You glare at the libero. "You guys literally had me fix all the problems before the match began. I may be here to help you, but that doesn't mean you can make me do everything for this damn team. Learn to do things on your own!"

Hinata beamed at you. "Was I good in that match? Was I? Are you proud of me?"

You sigh, rolling your eyes. You put a smile on your face and walk over to the boy, kissing his cheek. "You were great. All of you were great. We just have one more match today, then we get to go home. After this... looks like we won't have any other games until October. Hurry up and get some rest, eat something. You need to be back at 100% when it's time for you to play in your next game."

"Yes, ma'am!" The boys gathered their belongings, heading up to the stands to watch some of the other matches while recovering from the match they had just won.

You stretch, heading over to the other managers. "Looks like everyone has been accounted for. There shouldn't be any problems for now."

Kiyoko smiled, stretching her arms over her head. "That's good. All we need to do is ready ourselves for the next match. Y/n, do you want to keep an eye on the team, or would you rather go looking around at the other matches going on?"

You shrug. "I guess I can watch the other games going on. I don't mind seeing who we'll be facing next."

Within about a half hour, you were able to see who you'd be facing next. Your eyes widened when you saw the star player of the team. "He's at least two meters tall! How is that even possible?!" You quickly shake your head, trying not to worry about the problem of height. You got the name of the school, then ran to meet up with the rest of the team. "Looks like we'll be facing Kakugawa next."

Tanaka gasped. "Isn't that the team with the player that two meters tall?!"

You nod. "Yeah. Don't worry aboou the height of our next opponent. We'll win the match, no problem."

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