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Bokuto glances at you once the boys finish with practice for the night. "L/n, are you ready to go back to your room? Let me walk you!"

You nod, smiling at the older boy. "Yes, thank you, Bokuto-san. Let me help you guys clean up."

The ace gave a worried expression. "Are you sure you'll be alright to do that? What if you faint or something?"

You chuckle. "I'm feeling much better now. You don't need to worry about me so much. I can handle myself. And, I'd feel really bad if I didn't help you guys with much."

Kuroo grinned. "Well, I'm not gonna push you away. Help all you want. I'm kinda surprised you don't want to spend more time with your chibi-chan."

You shrug, helping put the balls away. "I couldn't find him. If I can't find him, then I can find something else to do. It's not like I have to be around Shoyo 24/7. I do have some freedom."

The tall boy hummed. "Well, if you say so. I think it's funny when he starts glaring at everyone around you."

You roll your eyes, glad that the Fukurodani boys couldn't hear this. "Please don't talk about that. I'm trying to keep Shoyo from doing anything bad while we're here."

"Oh? Well, good luck with that. I bet he wouldn't be happy if he finds out that Bokuto is acting so close with you." He walks away, smirking to himself.

You sigh, shaking your head. You didn't want to worry about how your boyfriend would react to you helping out other guys. And it was only for tonight, right? There's nothing wrong with helping others from time to time.

Bokuto walked over to you, a smile on his face. "Looks like everything is cleaned up. Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Let's go get something to eat."

The ace turns to the other boys in the gym. "The cafeteria should still be open, right?"

Akaashi looked at his phone, checking the time for you guys. "It should be. But we should hurry. It might close soon."

You all hurry to get out of the gym, making sure to shut off the lights before closing the door. As a group, you walk to the cafeteria, quickly grabbing your food. You all sit at a table together, seeing some of the other boys also eating.

Bokuto was sitting beside you. "How did you learn to receive so well, L/n? You looked as if you've played volleyball for years."

You take a quick sip of your drink. "Well, my middle school had us work extra hard in gym class to make sure we did well on our exams. They had high expectations. But that's to be expected when you go to a school like Shiratorizawa."

The ace's eyes widened. "You went to Shiratorizawa?! How are you at Karasuno now?!"

You tilt your head to one side, humming. "Well, I went to Shiratorizawa Middle School. My parents made me go. They said if I did well during middle school, then I could go to whatever high school I wanted. I chose Karasuno, mainly cuz I didn't really like going to Shiratorizawa."

"Does this mean you know Ushiwaka?!"

You nod. "Ushijima and I talked while we were both in middle school. Sometimes, he would come back to the middle school just to talk to me a bit. He even convinced me to help out the boys' volleyball team while I was in middle school."

Kuroo raised a brow. "Really? No wonder you know so much about volleyball. You've even been probably the best manager out of all the girls here."

Akaashi nods, quickly swallowing the food that was in his mouth. "You were very helpful, L/n. Thank you for lending a hand today. But... I was wondering, do you have a medical condition? You've been either passing out or getting close to it whenever you've been helping out."

You furow your brows, trying to think about it. "Not that I know of. I guess between the heat and moving around so much, my body just can't keep up with it all. It amazes me that all you guys can handle it so well."

Bokuto slings an arm around your shoulders. "You learn to get used to it as an athlete. Just keep watching me be amazing. I think you'll like what ya see."

You chuckle. "I'll watch you whenever I'm not too busy with my own team."

Akaashi shook his head. "Bokuto-san, please don't bother L/n so much. And L/n, if this continues to happen, I would suggest going to a doctor to see if there's something serious going on. I'd hate to see something bad happen to you."

You nod, going back to eat your food. You decided to remain quiet, listening as Bokuto and Kuroo held a conversation while they ate. You would notice Akaashi glancing at you, noticing how his eyes wandered to Bokuto's arm, which was still slung around your shoulders.

"Bokuto-san, how long do you plan on keeping your arm around L/n's shoulders?" The setter gave a blank expression to his ace.

Bokuto blushed lightly, slowly moving his arm away from you. "Sorry about that, L/n. Let me know if I make you uncomfortable. Ok?"

You nod, a small smile on your face. " I will. I'm fine with how you act. I don't mind you hugging me or whatever. Just... maybe not do it too much."

"Ok!" He hugs you quickly, then starts eating his food quickly.

You chuckle, going back to eating your food. You stop when you notice Akaashi staring at you. "Is there something wrong, Akaashi-san?"

He shakes his head. "No. I just find you to be interesting. Not even our own managers let Bokuto get affectionate with them. Normally, our team just kinda leaves him be, and we try not to let him do whatever he wants."

"I see." You look over at the older boy, seeing him happily stuff his face.

He looks over at you, quickly swallowing his food and smiling at you. "Need something?"

You shake your head. "No. I'm just looking at the kind of person you are."

"What do you think of me?"

You hum. "Well, you're a good person. I think you're fun to be around!" You close your eyes, a wide smile on your face.

His face turns pink. "Th-thanks."

Silence claims the four of you for a while. You all go back to eating, quickly finishing your food. You stand up with your empty tray, walking to go put it where it belongs.

Bokuto remained right at your side. "Let me walk you back to your room."

You nod, leaving the cafeteria with the older boy.

Akaashi watched from far away. "Bokuto-san is developing a crush on L/n."

Kuroo smirks as he watches beside the setter. "This is gonna be interesting."

Meanwhile, you and Bokuto were almost to the room all the managers were staying in.

The ace smiled as he stood outside the room with you. "This is the room, right?"

You nod. "Yeah. Thanks for walking me here."

"It was no problem. See you tomorrow. Goodnight!" He turns, raising his hand up to wave at you.

You wave back. "Goodnight, Bokuto-san." You went inside the room.

Yukie looks at you weird. "Did you just come back with Bokuto?"

"Uh, yeah. I was helping him out tonight, and he walked me back."

Kiyoko sighed. "Hinata is gonna get jealous if he finds out."

"It was only for one night. I can give Shoyo my full attention now."

Kaori shook her head. "You clearly don't know Bokuto well enough yet. Once he gets someone's attention, he'll make sure he keeps your attention. He gets attached pretty easily. Good luck dealing with him."

Soon, you all go to bed. Tomorrow would bring something new. What exactly it would bring, you have no clue of. This training camp is going to be interesting.

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