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Hinata's heart sank. That was the last thing he was expecting from you. "Wha -"

The bell rang, signaling the end of break.

You sigh, looking away from him. "Get to class. We can talk later, if you want."

Hinata blinks, then slowly turns and walks back to his class. I'm such an idiot. I made her so upset that she's thinking about breaking up with me. I should've just opened up to her. Instead of ignoring her, instead of pushing her away all those times, I should've just come out and be honest. If I replied to her last night or this morning, maybe she'd be fine. But the way she looked at me... She looked so tired, so sad. It's like she said something she wasn't thinking about at all. And if she is serious about breaking up, I have to do something fast. This is all my fault.

He buried his face in his hands, blaming himself for letting you get to this point. You two have only been together for about a month. To think about breaking up this early in your relationship, you must've seriously reached a breaking point. If Hinata does something fast, will you two really be done for?


The final bell rang. Hinata rushed to pack up all of his belongings. He ran out of the classroom as he slung his bag over his shoulder. He heads to your classroom, opening the door. He sees you gathering your things, talking with the blonde girl behind you. He saw your face, seeing you forcing a smile. She doesn't want anyone to know how upset she is. She's just like me. I put her through so much, now she has to pretend like everything is fine. And I think the girl she's talking to heard what she said around the time lunch ended. This is bad. I need to fix things quickly.

Yachi continued to look at you, visibly worried about you. "Seriously, Y/n. Are you sure you'll be fine? We can take a day off from doing homework together."

You shake your head. "I'd rather do something to get my mind off this problem."

"I can't believe you would just say that, though. You always seemed so happy with your boyfriend. Have things really been getting so bad that you're considering breaking up with him?"

You sling your bag over you shoulder, standing up straight. A frown rests on your face. "I told you everything at lunch, didn't I? If he's not putting the effort I'm asking him, then I'm pretty much dating a stranger. There's no point in keeping up a relationship if there's only one person putting in the work for it." You turn to start walking to the door with the girl, pausing as you spot a certain ginger standing in the doorway. You walk up to him, Yachi right beside you. You don't say a word as you give him a hard stare.

Hinata rubbed the back of his neck. "Look, I'm really sorry."

"About what? That you didn't tell me anything and Kiyoko ended up being the person to let me know what happened yesterday? Or are you sorry about avoiding me all day and not saying anything, even when I made the effort to reach out to you?"

"Everything." He takes a deep breath, making sure he was making eye contact with you, even though you kinda scared him with the look on your face. "Can - can we talk right now?"

You roll your eyes. "Look, I'm going to study with Hitoka. If you wanted to talk, you could've done that earlier. Or, now you can wait for me to be ready to share anything with you. You might want to start thinking really carefully about why I'm upset, if you couldn't already tell."

Hinata took a step back. "I noticed you were upset. I mean, why else would you ask me if I wanted to break up?"

"If you really want to talk, why don't you wait somewhere on campus while Hitoka and I study in the library. That, or we could break up right now." You crossed your arms over your chest, practically daring him to say something quick before you made a final decision.

Hinata shook his head. "I really don't wanna breakup. I'll wait for you at the bike rack. We can talk and work things out on our way home."

You nod, grabbing Yachi's hand. "Come on, Hitoka. Let's go study. I'd feel bad about keeping you here too late." You walk away, practically dragging the blonde girl with you.


"Y/n-chan! I'm so happy you're here. I waited for you, just like I said I would. Can you please tell me why you're upset?" Hinata tried giving puppy dog eyes the moment you walked up to the bike rack.

"What, you can't figure it out?" You didn't spare him a single glance, not letting him try getting anything out of you.

Hinata sighed, hanging his head as you two grab your bikes and start walking to the school gate. "I made you upset when I didn't try talking to you. I ignored and avoided you instead of making the effort to talk to you about what happened yesterday."

You snort. "It's not just about yesterday and today. You never talk to me when something is wrong. You're like a completely different person. Seriously, what happened to you during middle school? You used to talk to me all the time, tell me everything, and now you're keeping things from me. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?"

"I'm sorry -"

"You can't just try fixing everything with an 'I'm sorry', Shoyo! Most of the time it feels like I'm the only one actually making an effort to have this relationship work! This isn't much of a relationship if you're not going to try to match my efforts."

Hinata looked at the ground, gritting his teeth. "I didn't say anything because I was upset. I don't want to constantly bother you with all of my problems. If I always came to you when something was bothering me, you wouldn't be able to live your own life. I would be the only thing in your life, and that's not fair to you. I went about it wrong, but I really was trying to do what I thought was best for you. I made a mistake. I'm really sorry, Y/n."

You glance at him from the corner of your eye, seeing how he was feeling really bad about this. You sigh, looking at everything in front of you. "I appreciate the thought, but relationships are different. You need to communicate properly. If you don't share your worries, I'm just gonna think this whole thing was pointless and that we should break up. I can be the most patient person in the world, but I'm still only human. I have my own limitations. I need you to come to me with honesty if something's bothering you, even if you just want to tell me that you're upset and need some space. If you tell me what you think will help you, you should at least tell me instead of just doing whatever you think is best."

"I get it. I should've taken your feelings into consideration before doing anything. I'll start working on taking about things with you more often. I promise to be more open with you. Instead of just acting, I'll talk about things with you to make sure you understand my feelings and actions better."

You smile, reaching over to pat his shoulder. "That's all I ask of you. I don't care if there are some details you don't want to tell me. I understand that there are just some things you don't feel like you can tell anyone. All I ask is that you make that clear with me before I get the wrong idea. As long as you take my feelings into consideration, I can overlook anything you do, but you need to talk to me first. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, don't push me away. At least say something so I can understand what I need to do to make you feel better. Ok?"

He nods. "Yeah, I'll be better about this in the future." I really don't deserve her.

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