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You sigh while packing your things up. You hadn't got a message from anyone on the team all day. You had no clue what time the team left, nor did you know what time they would be playing their match. You sling your bag over your shoulder, getting ready to head to the library for your usual study session with a certain blonde girl.

Yachi noticed you looked a little down. "Is everything alright, Y/n? You seem a little upset. Has something happened? Or are you just having a bad day?"

You attempt to give the girl a smile. "Sorry. It's just that no one's told me anything about how today's games went. I don't really know any of the details, but I would've expected to get at least one text by now. Am I overthinking, or did something actually happen today?"

The blonde shrugs, sitting at your usual spot in the library. "I don't know anything about the team either way. I think you might just be a little worried. They're probably really busy, right? I think you'll get a text when they get the time. Don't stress about it too much. Why don't we just focus on homework for right now? If you don't get a text by the time we're getting ready to leave, then you should probably send a message to one of them first."

You nod, pulling out all of your homework. "You're right. Thanks, as always, Hitoka. I know I shouldn't worry about all of them so much, but I just can't help it. They're my friends and usually inform me of everything that's going on. Maybe getting into a relationship has caused me to not be able to hold my feelings back. I almost always think about Shoyo, and want to know everything that's going on in his life. Am I just being an overbearing girlfriend?"

Yachi shakes her head. "I don't think so. It's normal to have worries about someone you care about. I think you just held yourself back from letting your emotions out when you were still friends with him. Maybe you should talk to him about your worries when you get the chance. I still don't have any experience with relationships, but I think you should make sure to focus on proper communication."

"You're right. I'll message him after I get home. I think they might be so busy that they won't be back on campus for a while. I don't want to wait too long, considering I also promised my mom that I would help watch Shoyo's little sister after school." You sort through your homework, filing them so you can work like you usual do.

The girl across from you smiles. "Ok. Let's just get started. The sooner we start this, the sooner we can finish and go home."


You stand up, having just packed everything up and slung your bag over your shoulder. "Alright, let's get going, Hitoka. I just need to grab my bike, then I can walk you to your bus stop."

Yachi hums, slinging her bag over her shoulder and heading towards the door to the library. "Thanks. I think I feel safer on days when you walk with me for a bit."

You two leave the school building, stopping for a brief moment as you get your bike from the rack. You two head to the entrance gates, walking out and making your way to Yachi's normal bus stop. AS you two part ways, you let out a sigh. You still haven't heard from anyone on the team yet. You decided to text first.

How are the games going?

Sorry for not talking sooner, we had a somewhat late game
We lost in our match against Aoba Johsai
The coach and Takeda-sensei are taking the whole club out for dinner

I see
I'll see you guys tomorrow, then

You put your phone in your pocket, then get onto your bike. It was a long and quiet ride home. You get lost in your thoughts, up until you get home. You out your bike away and walk into your house. "I'm home."

Natsu comes running and hugs you once your shoes are off. "Y/n nee-san! Can you play with me for a while?"

You nod, walking further into the house with the little girl practically attached to you. "Let me get showered and changed, then I can spend some time with you. Does that sound good to you, Natsu?"

The little girl nods happily, letting go of you. "Don't take too long! I wanna spend a lot of time together!"

You laugh lightly, walking up to your room. You set your bag down by your desk, walking over to your dresser to pick out some clothes to wear to bed. You take your clothes and go get showered, getting dressed once you're dried off. You put your dirty uniform into the laundry, then walk back downstairs with your phone in hand.

Natsu had brought some dolls, and looked up from playing with them when she heard you walking over. "Nee-san! Do you wanna play dolls with me?"

You sit down next to her. "Of course I wanna play dolls with you, Natsu."

After about an hour or two, your mom calls you two for dinner. You two eat. When you finish, you help your mom clean up the dishes. As you were about to go back to playing with Natsu, the doorbell rang, so you went to answer it.

Natsu's mom was the one behind the door. "Good evening, Y/n. How was your day?"

You let the older woman into the house. "It was good, just a little lonely since Shoyo was busy with volleyball. I played with Natsu after getting home, and I think she'll be ready to go to bed fairly soon."

Natsu comes running back. "Nee-san, are we gonna play for a little? Oh, mom. Are we going home now?"

The mother nods. "Grab all your things, Natsu. Let's go home now. Thank you for spending time with Natsu, Y/n. She's been talking about you almost nonstop since the last time she saw you."

"I had so much fun, nee-san! Let's do this again soon!" She grabbed all her stuff, then walked over to stand beside her mom.

You smile brightly at them. "Of course! I'm looking forward to playing again with you! Have a good night, Natsu, Ms. Hinata!" You exchange a few more words with the two before they leave the house. You watch them enter their own home before closing your front door. You walk up to your room and lay on the bed. You glance at your phone, knowing there weren't any new messages.

Shoyo's probably feeling a little down since he lost. I'll leave him be so he can rest tonight. I'll try talking to him first thing in the morning. I think a hug and kiss should cheer him up enough. I hope he's not taking the loss too hard.

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