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You groan, stepping off of the bus. You noticed how everyone kept their eyes on you, not moving too far away from you. It's almost like they're expecting me to pass out again or something. "Guys, seriously, you can stop worrying. I'm fine now. I was just overheating and forced myself to move around too much. I got plenty of rest. I'll be going home and shower, then get much more rest. I can take care of myself, there is nothing to worry about." You look away from the team, not wanting to feel like you were fragile. You readjust your bag, starting to walk over to the bike rack, where your bike was waiting for you so you could go home.

Hinata quickly joined at your side. "I'll keep my eye on her. See you guys tomorrow!" He faces forward, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. "Are you sure that you're feeling alright? If you need something, just let me know, ok?"

You smile at him. "I'm fine, really. You don't need to worry about me so much. I promise I'll let you know if there's anything I need. Come on, let's just focus on getting home. We both could use showers and some food before going to bed. You did do your homework already, right?"

He looked away, whistling. "I was going to do it, but I just got a little distracted by volleyball. I can do it when I get home."

"You better do it, Shoyo. You can come over to my house if you would like me to help you out."

The orange haired boy shook his head. "No, I think I'll be fine on my own. You need to rest since you weren't feeling well earlier. I didn't think that would happen. I was really worried about you, I had to force myself to focus on the matches. I didn't want to get yelled at or replaced if I did bad, and I wouldn't want to make you worried whenever you woke up."

You let a quiet chuckle slip past your lips. "It's fine, Shoyo. Sorry for worrying you. I guess I just pushed myself a little too hard during all of the matches. I'll be more careful the next time I'm put in."

Hinata smiles. "That's good. I'm gonna hold you to it. If I see you looking like you're gonna pass out or something, I'm making you take a break. There's no way I'll ever let my girlfriend get hurt or overwork herself."

You hop on your bike alongside your boyfriend, both of you starting to head home. "Alright. I'll trust your judgement. But really, I can handle myself. I guess I'm just not used to working that hard. Coach Ukai wanted to give Nishinoya plenty of rest, so that he'll be at his best while he plays. At the same time, I'm not really active as much as you guys. I have a limit that I need to be careful of not pushing too hard."

He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, the smile he forced onto his face remaining visible. "The last thing I want is you pushing yourself too hard." Not that I should really speak. I push myself harder than everyone else, and I barely take breaks. I want to get better so that I'm needed. I don't wanna be seen as useless to those around me. If I lose the one purpose I have, I probably won't have any control the next time I cut myself. And Y/n would be really sad if I killed myself. I need to try keeping those thoughts and feelings controlled.

You briefly glance at the boy, noticing he was lost in thought as he rode his bike. You hummed, wondering what he could be thinking about. You decided not to ask him, just in case he didn't want to talk about it. Instead, you focused on making sure you got home safely. You knew your parents were going to start worrying about you the moment you told them what happened. You didn't want to hide the fact that you passed out from them, so you were trying to plan out how you were going to tell him about that part of the training camp. You sigh, knowing you were going to end up having a long talk tonight.


"You passed out?!" Your mother stood up from the couch, raising her voice. "Are you ok?!"

You nod, still standing by the stairs. "Yeah. I didn't get hurt. It was just me getting overworked and dealing with the heat. I'm fine now. I just want to go up to get showered and ready for bed."

Your dad hums, looking over at you from where he remained sitting on the couch. "I know you want to rest, but dinner will be ready soon. Go shower, then come back down. If you don't eat tonight, we won't let you go to the next training camp in Tokyo."

You sigh, turning to the stairs. "Got it. I'll be back down in a bit." You slowly walk up the stairs, heading to your room. You drop off your stuff in your room, putting the dirty clothes in your hamper. You grab a clean change of clothes and then head to the bathroom. You take a nice shower, making sure to get all the sweat and oil cleaned off of you. Once you felt satisfied with how clean you were, you turn the water off and step onto your bath mat. You quickly dry yourself off, wrapping a towel around your hair as you get dressed in the set of clothes you brought with you. You unwrap your hair, then dry it. You hang all the towels up where they belong, then leave the room. You put the dirty clothes you had worn into your hamper, then made sure you had everything prepared for practice tomorrow.

You sat on your bed for a moment, thinking about how you were going to be doing so much during this summer break. Usually, you would just stay at home and study or do somethings with your parents. More often than not, they would take you to the beach. You knew you might be able to go to the beach with them for a few days this year, but you had already given them the schedule for you training camps. They promised they'd work something out. After all, they still want to spend some time as a family before you finish high school and go off to college.

You shake your thoughts out of your head, then leave your room. You enjoy a nice dinner with your parents before going to sleep for the night.

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