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"Y/n!" Hinata came running at you, stopping and engulfing you in a hug. "Can you come with me for individual practice? I want you to watch me while I play with Bokuto-san and the other guys."

You raise a brow at him, slowly wrapping your arms around the boy. "You mean, the same guys that I've been helping out this week? Nekoma and Fukurodani players? Tsukishima as well?"

The orange haired boy nods. "Yes. Them. Can you please come with me? I want you to be there tonight. I promise I won't do anything sexual. I'll stop at hugging and kissing."

You let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll be there tonight. I love watching you play. By the way, aren't you hot in the long sleeves? I meant to bring it up to you before the training camps, but I forgot about it. You've been wearing long sleeves all the time lately. You even wear the long sleeve shirt for our school uniforms. Is everything alright?"

He hesitates, but nods. He attempts to force a reassuring smile on his face, and you bought it. "Yeah. I'd just rather wear the long sleeves. It adds a bit of a challenge. I'm still doing good, right?"

You nod. "The best. We just need Kageyama to finally get a hang of the new tosses. I'm sure he can do it. You'll be making so many awesome spikes with the improved version of your quick soon. I promise that."

"I have faith that Kageyama can pull it off. I mean, it's Kageyama, after all. There's no way that there's something he can't do when it comes to volleyball." He leans over to give you a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for agreeing to spend more time with me tonight. I'm gonna have even more fun with you around."

You let go of him, gently pushing him away from you as a way to break the hug. "It's no problem. I'm happy to do anything for you, Shoyo. Well, anything within reason. There are limitations with what you can try asking of me."

"Got it. Well, imma head back to the others so we can do our penalty lap. Talk later, Y/n." Hinata is quick to run off, joining the other members of the Karasuno team.

Kiyoko grins, walking over to stand beside you. "Looks like things are back to normal. Enjoying this precious time with your boyfriend, Y/n?"

You nod. "It's nice to be around Shoyo. I just wish he'd be sweet all the time. He gets pretty intense and kind of scary when he's jealous."

Yachi agrees, shaking slightly at the thought of an intense Hinata. "It's surprising how intense and scary he can actually be. I mean, he seems so kind and friendly. It's almost hard to believe there are other sides of him that are the complete opposite of what he's usually like."

You hum. "Yeah, but he always has a good attitude. He never lets anything get to him. He's always cheery, no matter what happens. It's not like him to get depressed or stressed out. That's something I really love and admire from him. He's stronger than anyone I know, well in that sense. It wouldn't hurt him to find ways to improve his physical strength. But, I'm fine with how he is for now. I love just as he is. His personality has almost been my favorite thing about him. I can't imagine him behaving differently, or feeling down. Him being so upbeat is probably the best thing about him."

"Not the sex?"

You lightly smack Kiyoko. "Shut up! I don't care about that kind of thing when it comes to relationships. I love him for who he is. That's all there is. What happens doesn't matter. Feelings are everything."

Yachi nods. "I agree! Feelings are what's important in any relationship."

You glance at the two girls. "Speaking of which, when are you two ever gonna come out and say how you feel about Tanaka and Yamaguchi?"

Kiyoko looks at the ground. "Never is my preferred answer. But I'm thinking about telling him how I feel when I graduate. Just, plan it out to get him alone that day. Tell him how I feel and finally give him my number so we can keep in touch."

You smirk. "Romantic. I think that's a good plan. I'm holding you to it. What about you, Hitoka?"

The blonde girl fidgets where she stands. "Well, I'm not sure. I don't really know how he feels about me. I mean, we get along pretty well. So, I guess that's something. I think I wanna take some extra time to get closer with him. If we start off as friends, there might be less pressure to get to know each other when we start dating. I think it's better to get to know someone before rushing into things. I want things to go well, so I think there's a right way to do it, for me at least. Um, yeah. I think that's what'll be best for me."

You chuckle. "That's pretty smart. Then again, I think it's obvious that I personally like the friends to lover trope. Considering the situation of my relationship."

The two girls nod, in complete agreement with you. When the three of you notice that the team has finished up with their penalty, you all walk over to them. You girls hand out towels and water bottles, helping the guys recover from all the running around they've been doing. You felt kind of bad that they've been doing these penalties so much that they're pretty much used to all the running. You hoped that they would be able to at least win one match before the training camps end. The odds of that happening weren't looking good.

Hinata looks at you, seeing the frown on your face. "Is everything alright, Y/n?"

You look into his eyes, your lips curving up slightly. "Yeah. I'm just hoping that you guys will be able to win at least one set before we have to go back home. It doesn't feel right that you're all working so hard, but the results aren't exactly showing it."

Your boyfriend smiles, placing his hand on your shoulder. "It'll be fine. We'll get things together soon. We just need a little more time before things fall into place."

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