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"So, what's it like dating Shoyo?" A certain setter walked up to, curious to find out more about your relationship ever since his best friend told him the news.

You smile at the pudding head. "It's interesting. He's really nice, and makes me happy. He has enough energy for the two of us." You giggle. "Why are you so curious about it?"

Kenma shrugged, avoiding eye contact with you. "Well, Shoyo is an interesting guy. I just want to know more about his life, I guess. Sorry if I'm being annoying or something."

You shake your head. "You're not. Shoyo is actually excited to see you again. He's been talking about this training camp nonstop since we first heard about it. I think he's the most excited, out of everyone on our team."

"That sounds like him. Have you two had any problems in your relationship?"

You raise a brow, not expecting that question. "Uh, well, all relationships have their problems. In our case, it's usually just misunderstandings that we quickly clear up with each other. Neither one of us want this relationship to fail, so we're pretty open and honest with each other. Our communication is great, mainly because we've known each other our whole lives."

Kenma nods, humming quietly. "I see. Well, I hope you guys last forever. I'd hate to see something happen to Shoyo. If he were to ever seem like a different person, I wouldn't know how to act. I like how he is, it makes him someone you kind of just want to keep an eye on all the time. It would be kinda disappointing if he became depressed or something. Oh, I have to go for the next set. Maybe we can talk later?"

You nod, making sure the setter can see your bright smile. "I'd love to talk with you more, Kenma. Good luck! I hope you win!"

"Thanks." He smiles softly, waving at you as he starts turning to walk away. He joins his own team, the smile slowly fading from his face.

Kuroo grins. "What? You like chibi-chan's girlfriend now?"

Kenma frowns. "No. We were just talking about Shoyo. We seem to think similarly. We like seeing Shoyo at his best, and don't like it when he's down. Come on, we have a set to play." He turns his back to his friend, walking over to his coach.

You watch as the team finishes up their diving drills, the penalty of losing their match. You let out a sigh, leaning back in between the other two managers. "Man, I wonder when our first year duo will get here. I kinda miss Kageyama. And I really wanna see Shoyo."

Kiyoko chuckles, shaking her head. "You're not used to being so far away from your boyfriend, huh?"

You huff out a breath. "It's not my fault that Shoyo is practically glued to my side. I get so used to having him around that it feels kinda depressing without him." I hope he's feeling ok. I want to be able to watch him play at his best, even if it's just for one set.

As if some deity heard your thoughts, the doors to the gym open up. First a woman with short blonde hair walks in. Then, two figures appear in the doorway. None other than Kageyama and Hinata are standing just inside of the gym, both of them trying to catch their breath.

You smile as your eyes land on your boyfriend. "Looks like my prayers have been answered."


"So, Kenma, how long have you been playing volleyball?" You take a sip of your f/d, keeping your eyes on the second year.

Kenma doesn't look away from his psp. "I think since I was about 7. That's around the time Kuroo and I met, and he taught me the basics. How long have you known Shoyo?"

"Our whole lives. We live next door to each other."

Hinata sighs. "Why are you two talking and not including me?! I'm your boyfriend, Y/n! I haven't seen you all day, and when we're finally in the same place, we don't get the chance to talk or anything!"

You give a small smile to the boy. "I wanted to talk with you privately later. There's something that's been on my mind for a while, and I wanted to talk it over with you. Oh, there's nothing to worry about. It's nothing bad or serious. Just something that caught my attention."

The orange haired boy tips his head to one side. "Then why can't we talk about it right now?"

"It's something I'd rather talk with you about privately. Other people don't really need to hear about it."

The three boys currently in the room with you: Inuoka, Kenma, and Hinata, all looked at each other. They wondered what it could be about. And the only possibilities they could come up with involve your relationship. Meaning, it's a personal topic, one that other people aren't supposed to know about.

Hinata forced a bright smile onto his face, hiding whatever he thinks it could be. "Ok! We can talk after spending a little more time with Kenma and Inuoka!"

Inuoka cheered. "Oh, right, you didn't know about Lev, right? Since he didn't come with us to Miyagi during golden week. Did either of you have any questions about him?"

You hum. "How tall is he?"

Kenma sighed. "194 cm."

Hinata looked over at his fellow middle blocker. "So tall! Wait, how come he's taking your spot on the team, Inuoka?"

The brunette lets out a nervous chuckle. "Ah, well, since he's so tall, he's better for defense. And he's not terrible with the basics, so coach is taking a chance with having him in the starting lineup."

Kenma furrowed his brows, annoyed. "But his receives are way worse than yours, Shoyo."

You slap your hand over your mouth to prevent cackles from slipping past your lips. You were shaking, almost dying from wanting to laugh at the setter's comment.

Hinata's eyes went wide. "Really? Mine are better?"

"Much, in comparison to Lev's, anyways."

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