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You let out a small gasp. You turn your body towards the exit, preparing to rush downstairs. "Hitoka, you stay here and continue watching the match. I'll take care of Shoyo, whatever the issue may be." You rush out from the second floor, quickly making your way to the gym. From there, you head towards the court the team was on, getting close to your boyfriend. "What's going on?"

Hinata looks at you, weakly smiling at you. "It's nothing, really. I can keep playing. There's no need to worry about me."

Coach Ukai shook his head. "He has a fever. L/n, can you take him back to the inn please? I don't want him to be left alone. Watch over him closely until the rest of us get back there, ok?"

You nod, getting a hold of the orange haired boy. You lift his arm over you shoulders, grabbing his frame to support his weight against your body. "I'll take care of everything. Just keep giving it everything we've got. I'll see you all later. Good luck with the rest of this game." Without sparing another glance at the team, you leave the gym, pulling your boyfriend along with you. "You didn't rest properly after yesterday's game, did you? I told you-"

"I know. I'm sorry. I was too excited after playing so well, and for being able to give the receives that helped us win the match. I don't want to be pulled out of the game, though."

You sigh. "I know how you're feeling, but there's no way you can continue to be on the court right now. You'll only get worse if you continue to push yourself. The rest of the team can handle everything from here. We need you to rest up and get better. If we have more games to play, we need the team to be a t 100%, which means you need to get this fever down. No arguing with me. You're resting back at the inn, whether you want to or not."

Hinata sighs, hanging his head down. "I got it. I don't have the energy to try opposing you right now."

You force a smile onto your face. "Well, at least you won't be trying to argue. I'm just - I feel bad that this happened. I know the rest of the team is probably shaken up by this. The best we can do is support them from afar."

"I want to watch the match."

"I thought you might feel that way." Kenma appeared, holding a tablet out to you and your boyfriend. "I'll lend this to you, Shoyo. You can watch the rest of your team's match."

"Thanks, Kenma."


You sighed, carefully covering the sick boy with his blanket. "Just rest right now, Shoyo."

The orange haired boy had tears in his eyes, tears that were threatening to spill. "They lost because of me. If I didn't leave the match, we would've won."

You keep your eyes focused on the ground. "You don't know that for a fact. Tsukishima got hurt, and that was also a heavy blow to the team. It's one thing to be down one of the regular players, but the moment multiple of the starters become unable to play, there's less of a chance that we would've been able to pull through. It's not your fault. There's nothing that could be done about the situation. Please rest now. I'll go have some soup and tea made for you. I'll be back in a bit. Try to sleep in the meantime." You slowly stood up, turning to leave the room. You pause before opening the door. "I love you, Shoyo." With that, you open the door and exit the room. You make your way towards the kitchen of the building.

You talk with some of the employees, filling them in o the situation. They nod in understanding and start making the soup and tea for the sick boy. You had tried offering to help, but the employees insisted that you sit and relax until it's ready. So, you sat on a bench nearby, waiting for everything to be ready.

Back in the room upstairs, Hinata sits up from his futon, the blanket falling into his lap. The tears that were in his eyes finally broke free, spilling down his face. His face was contorted from the frustration he felt. His hands balled into fists on his lap, squeezing them so tight that his knuckles turned white. He slowly gets up from where he was settled, moving over to grab a certain sharp and shiny object that was hidden deep inside his bag.

The boy pulls out the knife, rolling up the sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing. Without wasting even a single moment, he started slashing at the skin of his arms. The wounds went deeper than he had ever done before, the blade going in far enough to cut the veins in his arms. Blood gushed out from the openings.

It's my fault. It's all my fault. I should just die. I need to die. There's no point in living. I let everyone down. I'll leave them all alone now. They'll be better off without me. I was never meant to be alive.

Tears kept falling down his face, staining his cheeks. He took in a deep breath, calming himself down. But the damage had been done. He searched his bag, but couldn't find any medical supplies. He sighed in defeat, finally letting the dark thoughts win. He dragged himself back to the futon and laid down. With a single breath, he closed his eyes. Everything went black for the boy, consciousness leaving as he continues to lose blood. His body falls limp, almost no sign of life radiating from him. The only thing that can prove he was still living was the shallow breathing, his chest still moving up and down slightly.

After about 20 minutes or so, the soup and tea had been finished. The employees handed you a tray with everything on it. You smile, thanking the kind workers for everything. With a smile on your face, you walk back up to the room your sick boyfriend was.  You stood outside the room, adjusting the tray in your hands so you could open the door.

You look inisde, seeing blood all over the floor. You drop the tray, the objects on top of it shattering as warm liquid spills all over the floor just outside the room. You rush over to Hinata's side, examining him. You find the cuts on his arms. You search the room, finding the tool that was used. Tears cascade down your face, and wails escape from your mouth. You hold the boy tightly in your arms, too afraid of what might happen if you let him go.


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