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You cheered loudly as the last point gets scored. You run onto the court, hugging Kageyama, then jumping onto your friend and wrapping your arms tightly around him. "You guys did it! I knew you could win! You guys were awesome!"

Hinata laughed, hugging you back. "See, I told you I was gonna be awesome! Did you see all of my spike? Did you? Did you?!"

You nod enthusiastically. "Of course I saw, Shoyo! That was so cool! You were all like - like -"

"Whoosh! Then bam! Right?!" He jumps up in your arms, looking more excited than you've seen him before.

You agree with him. "Just like that! Whoosh and bam! Great way to describe it!" You had no idea what he was saying when he spoke like that. You just know that at this point, you should smile and go along with whatever the short boy was saying. That just made life easier. Trying to decipher what he meant could be a real pain, especially since he didn't know how to describe things while using actual words.

Kageyama leaned close to you, lowering his voice into your ear. "You understand what he's saying?"

"Not a clue. It's just easier to pretend that I do. You learn to get used to it and adapt to his way of talking. The more you're around him, the better accustomed to it you get." You tried explaining to the blue eyed boy, hoping he understood every word you said. You let your eyes dart around the room, looking at each and every one of the boys currently in the gym. This was the new volleyball club for the school. This team would work hard together, just to show this team isn't weak. You felt there was a lot of hope for these boys. You knew they could go far together. It just might take some time.

Tsukishima snickered, looking at you. "Must suck to have spent the majority of your life with shrimpy."

You glare at him. "Must suck being a salty loser your whole life."

The gym went dead silent. No one, not even your best friend, would've imagined a retort like that coming from you. The people that had gotten to know you thought you were sweet and kind, they never thought for a minute that you could say something so mean.

Kageyama burst out laughing. "Again! Put him in his place, L/n."

Hinata joined him, laughing hysterically. "Y/n takes shit from no one! That's my best friend!"

Tanaka was holding his sides from how hard he had started laughing. "Oh my god! Not the sweet, helpful first year girl coming back at Tsukishima with a sassy comeback!"

Tsukishima walked right up to you, trying to look somewhat intimidating. "Do you have more to say?"

You looked right into his eyes, almost challenging him. "Yeah. Who died and made you the king of bitchiness? Or were you just born with a stick up your ass?"

Even the tall middle blocker couldn't hold himself back. He let out a chuckle, smiling almost fondly at you. "I like you. You're one of very few people that can actually stand your ground without losing your shit. I wouldn't mind having you around more often, even if you are friends with shrimpy and the king." He turns and walks away from you.

You just blink, staring at the spot he had just been in. "Did I accidentally make friends with the rudest person here?"

Sugawara walked up to you, patting your back. "Seems like it. At least you managed to get on everyone's good side, instead of getting into a fight. You seem to have a good affect on people, don't you."

You shrug. "Probably. I seem to make friends easily. I get along with anyone, even if they are assholes."

Hinata, while still laughing, walks over to you and puts the majority of his weight onto you. "You really should come visit the club often. It'll be interesting to see what happens when you join all of us."

You smile at your friend. "I'll see what I can do. Since I can also play volleyball, I would be able to help out during practices, if I'm able to attend them."

Daichi smiles warmly at you. "You're welcome to join us whenever you want to. It would be great to have someone like you around more often."

"Then I'll try to come by every now and then. I don't think I'd come everyday, but I'll make sure to stop by often enough to help you guys." You wrap an arm around Hinata, not wanting him to fall onto the ground while laughing. "Tanaka-san, Kageyama, Shoyo, you guys can stop laughing now. It's been a few minutes since I made those comments to Tsukishima. It isn't this funny. Calm yourselves so we can continue on with our day."

The three boys started ceasing their laughing, desperately trying to stop so they don't risk making you mad. None of the guys knew what you were capable of when you got into a bad mood, and they weren't all that willing to find out the possibilities. It was better to just listen to you and keep you in a good mood. So, with every bit of self control they had, they managed to completely stop laughing. They were finally calm once more.

Yamaguchi slowly approached you, seemingly wary of you. "Uh, hi, L/n."

You smile at the freckled boy. "Hey, Yamaguchi. You played really well today. I can't wait to see more of what you're able to do. Keep working hard and trying your best." You give him a thumbs up, doing your best to get along with him.

The green haired boy nodded. "I will. Tsukki seems to like you a little, or at least it seems like he's getting used to you already. I know he may seem kind of rude at times, but it would be great if you could treat him the same as you'd treat anyone."

You blink a few times, your mouth in a straight line. "I am. It may seem like I was being rude back just because he started it, but I'd treat anyone like that. I like for people to be nice to each other. I don't mind acting a bit rude from time to time to keep people in their places. If they're on their best behavior, then there's nothing to worry about, right?"

Yamaguchi stared at you, stars in his eyes. "You're amazing. Why don't you join as a manager, or something."

You wave your hands in front of you. "Oh, don't get me wrong. I already love all you guys on this team, but I have no intention of being a manager at the moment. I want to get used to doing my schoolwork well before even thinking of joining a club."

"Is there a chance you might join later on?"

"Of course. This might be the only club I'll look at, when I'm ready to take part in something new. Until then, I'll just be happily watching you guys from the sideline."

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