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The moment the bell rang, you sprang up from your seat. You run out of the classroom, rushing through the halls. You needed to talk to a certain someone, seeing if they can provide you with the advice you need for confessing to Hinata. You reach the third years' floor, walking through the hall. You tried remembering the class number this person was in. When you were confident that you reached the right place, you opened up the door and looked inside the classroom.

You smiled as your eyes landed on the person you've been searching for. "Kiyoko-san, do you have a moment?"

The girl with glasses turns to look at you, a smile appearing on her face. "Hey, Y/n. Is there something you need me for?"

You nod, walking out of the room with her. "Let's head up to the roof. I need to get your advice on something, and I'd prefer if no one overheard our conversation." You walk onto the roof, taking a deep breath before turning to the older girl. "So, you know how I have a crush on Shoyo, right?" You watch as she nods her head, patiently waiting for you to continue. "Well, I'm thinking about confessing but I'd let to have some input from other people. I already asked the friend I have in my class, but I think you might be able to help me out."

Kiyoko hums. "Well, I'll be more than happy to help you however I can. I will have to let you know, I've never actually confessed to anyone myself, so I'm not an expert on this. What are your thoughts about this whole confessing thing?"

"Well, for one thing I'm nervous about him not feeling the same. We've been best friends for our whole lives, and I don't want to risk losing him as a friend. I've also been trying to put his feelings before mine. I want to be patient, let him tell me everything that's been going on with him. I don't know if it's the right time to confess. I don't want to scare him off before he's comfortable to open up with me. What do you think I should do?"

Kiyoko blinks, taking a nice breath in. "I think first, you need to take a few deep breaths. Remember to breathe slowly. You need to relax before doing anything. If you're not ready at the moment, that's no big deal. I know there may not be such a thing as a right or wrong time to confess, it's all up to whenever you're ready. You need to prepare yourself for this kind of thing. If you really want him to know how you feel, just find a time to be alone with him. Just be open and honest, let him know that it's ok if he doesn't feel the same. If he's not ready for a relationship, let him know that you're not forcing anything on him. Just make sure he knows that all you want to do is let him know how you feel, and that anything else that happens can be on his terms. I don't really know what to say or do in these situations, so I'm sorry if I wasn't very helpful."

You shake your head, a smile on your face. "No, that was actually the best advice I could've asked for. I don't want to put any pressure on Shoyo, so I think what you told me I should do is the best course of action. I still don't know when or where I should tell him all of this. I don't want to be in a public space, just in case people overhear. I'd rather keep it quiet until Shoyo knows what he wants and lets me know he's comfortable with letting others know of the situation."

Kiyoko nods. "That sounds like a plan. Maybe you should invite him over to your house, or even go over to his house when you're ready to tell him. Actually, it might be better to be at his place, so you'll be able to leave at any point. Just, when you do it, make sure you let him say whatever he wants. Don't just leave without letting him speak."

"Of course. His thoughts and feelings are very important to me. I want to make sure he knows I'm not forcing anything on him. I really value him, so I wouldn't do anything he wouldn't like."

Kiyoko smiles at you. "I think you're ready to confess at any time. Make sure to let him know exactly how you feel. I know you probably have so much to say to him, so I say the most important thing about this is to plan out what you want to tell him before you get him alone."

You nod. "Thanks, Kiyoko-san. I really appreciate your help. Sorry to bother you during lunch."

She shakes her head. "It's no big deal. I still have plenty of time to eat my lunch. Speaking of which, you need to go eat now. Aren't you supposed to be eating lunch with Hinata and Kageyama?"

"Not today. They wanted to practice volleyball a little, so they told me I could just stay in my classroom for lunch. I'll probably go back and talk to the friend I have in class."

You two walk back into the school building, walking down a flight of stairs before separating. You say goodbye to each other, then walk back to your own classrooms. You sit back down in front of Yachi once you reach your class. You take out your bento and start eating.

Yachi peered over your shoulder. "Did you get the advice you need?"

You nod, turning to look at her. "Yeah. I think it really helped me. I should be ready to tell Shoyo in a few days, unless I lose my confidence. I might wait a little while, since he's going to be getting pretty busy with the volleyball club soon. Since there's going to be a tournament taking place within the next two months, I think it might be best to wait until he's free. I don't want to risk adding stress to him when he already has so much to focus on."

"That sounds like a good idea."

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