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I got a question for you

Is everything alright, Y/n?

I just miss you
Did you wanna go to this book store that just opened up?
The boys have club activities and I didn't want to risk bothering them since I already distracted them after their match

Where do you want to meet?
Should we meet at the store?
But then you would have to send the address
Is there somewhere better for us to meet?

First off
And I'll send you an address that you can meet me at
Then we can walk to the book store together

I'll see you in a bit

You sigh, standing outside of a random building. You decided to wait where you were, since it was pretty close to the book store you were telling Yachi about. So, you sent the address of your current location, hoping your friend would be there soon. Maybe you would be able to convince her to go to a cafe or something after this. You two could buy some new books, then go out for something to eat. That sounded like a good plan to you. You would just need to talk it over with Yachi after she meets up with you.

After about fifteen to twenty minutes of waiting, Yachi approached. She smiled when her eyes landed on you. "Hey, Y/n."

You smile at her, taking a few steps towards the blonde girl. "Hey, Hitoka. Ready to go? The bookstore is only a few blocks away from here. It's actually pretty close."

"Let's go, then. Was there anything else you wanted to do while we're both out today?" Yachi remained at your side as you two started walking down the sidewalk. She looked around, taking in the new sights. This was her first time coming around this area, and she was quite interested in all the shops that were around.

You, however, come this way frequently when you get the chance. You kept your eyes focused forward, being careful while leading your friend around. "If you're up for it, there's a cafe right next to the book store. We can get something to eat and drink there once we're finished with the store." You glance at her from the corner of your eye, trying to see any chance in her expression.

Yachi keeps a smile on her face. "That sounds like fun. Have you ever gone to this cafe before?"

"Once or twice back in middle school. It's a nice little place. It's quiet, and there usually aren't too many people there until evening. We have plenty of time to hang out there before it becomes packed." You take a turn, grabbing your friend's arm so she didn't get too far away from you. Even though this place is safe, you didn't want to take any chances of something happening to the girl. After all, you knew better than anyone what she was usually like.

Yachi's eyes sparkle, going wide when you two walk into the book store. "Wow, this place is really nice. I'm surprised there are people opening stores like this so close to our homes. It's much bigger than the book stores I usually go to."

You nod, starting to walk around the different sections of the store. "Yeah. I'm glad I though about coming here with you today. What kind of books are you usually interested in, Hitoka?"

She hums, taking a few glances around. "Well, I guess I like fantasy and romance. What genre do you usually read?"

"(Favorite genre). It's my favorite, and it's almost the only thing I read. I mean, I usually read just about anything, but I think f/g is the one I read the most."

"Interesting. This place seems so big, it might have every genre here." Yachi walked down one of the sections, taking a close look at all the books on the shelves. "There's so many choices. I don't know if I can limit myself with how many books I buy."

You hum, taking a book off the shelf, looking at the covers before deciding to buy it. "My parents give me a big allowance, and I usually just save up everything in my account. I don't think I've actually spent any of my money before. It wouldn't hurt me to splurge a little on some books, especially if I get a few that would benefit me in school."

Yachi grabs an English book off the shelf. "You mean like getting books in other languages? I think I'm going to try getting some books written by foreign authors. Most of them are printed in English, so it'll be a good chance to try getting better with the language. Are you getting some of these books?"

You look at some books that are in English, mainly books in your favorite genre. "Yeah. I need to make sure I get better scores in English, since it's probably my worst subject. My parents wouldn't get too mad about me spending a bunch of money if it's for educational purposes." You grab a few books off the shelves, carefully holding them in your arms. "I think I've got enough to last me a while. Are you ready to get going?"

Yachi nods, holding a couple of books in her arms. "Yeah. I should have enough for these books. I want to try out that cafe you were talking about. I haven't eaten anything in a few hours, and I could use something quick and light to last me until I make dinner for me and my mom later."

You grin at her. "Don't worry about paying for food. I'll pay for you today, since all of this was my idea." You guide her through the store, heading to the cash registers. You quickly pay for your books, carrying the bag they had been put in. "Ready?" You walk over to Yachi, getting ready to leave the store.

She smiles, holding her bag tightly in her hands. "Yeah. I wanna try some cake from the cafe. Oh, do you think they have good tea pairings with their cakes?"

You nod. "Of course they do. They have large selections, and everything I've tried there was so good. You don't have to worry about anything. I can assure you of your choice if you need help, and the workers there are also pretty good about helping their customers choose good pairings." You two walk next door, entering the small cafe.

You both take a seat at a table, looking over the menus. By the time a waitress came over, you and Yachi knew what you wanted to eat and drink. You informed the waitress of what you wanted, watching her leave after grabbing the menus.

You turned back to your friend. "Well, what do you think of this place so far, Hitoka?"

Yachi looked at you, a shy smile on her face. "This place is actually really nice. I see why you like it so much. I'm kind of excited to try the food and tea."

You two ended up laughing, talking about all sorts of things going on in your lives. When your food and drinks arrived, you two focused on what you were consuming. You took a few breaks to share what you think about what you two ordered. You ended up having a good afternoon together. When you finished at the cafe, you walked with Yachi all the way back to her apartment. You stayed at her place for a while, talking and watching a few movies. You even helped her go over the homework that was given for the weekend, helping her correct a few of the mistakes she made. You stayed for dinner, meeting her mother and sharing a few conversations with the older woman.

Long story short, Yachi's mom likes you and said you're more than welcome to come over whenever you want. You might just start heading to her house while Hinata is busy with volleyball. It would be nice to be able to do your homework together after school. You could even help Yachi make dinner at night.

When you finally went home, you gave both Yachi and her mother hugs before leaving their home. You took a bus for most of the way, then got to the school. You got your bike from the bike rack, turning to the entrance of the school.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice calls your name.

You turn to see a certain orange haired boy jogging towards you. "Hey, Shoyo."

Hinata tips his head to one side. "What are you doing still here?"

"I left my bike here. I'm heading home now. Did practice finish up for the day?"

He nods. "Yeah. Let's go home together!"

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