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"Youth camps?" You look at Takeda once he finished speaking. "So, that means that for a week, Kageyama and Tsukishima won't be at practices. And Kageyama won't even be in the prefecture. How is any of that gonna work out?"

Ukai looked over at you. "We can work around not having two of our players around, it'll just give the others a chance to work harder to have a temporary place. It'll be fine. This will help us out in the off chance that we need to switch out some of the players during a match. Don't worry about it, L/n."

You nod, looking at the boys. "Well, good luck with your training camps. Make sure to text me every day to let me know what's going on. We need to make sure everything is alright. You can always come to me if you have any problems."

Tsukishima nods at you, still not seeming too thrilled about being forced into going to a camp for the first years in the prefecture. He would rather be doing anything else.

Kageyama nods. "Will do. I'll make sure to let you know whenever something happens, L/n."

You smile at the two. "Good. Is that everything? They can go back to practice now, right?"

Takeda smiles, pushing his glasses farther onto his face. "Yes, that was everything. I just wanted to announce that quickly. We still have some work to do while we have the time to be together. Let's make the most of it." He walks over to the side lines, making sure he wouldn't get in the way.

You walk over to the other two managers, letting out a sigh. "Man, the preparations for nationals is way more intense than I would've imagined. I mean, we had to take their measurements and get info on their stats. Not to mention, we have to practice even harder to be able to hold our own against the other teams that'll be at the tournament."

Yachi nods. "It seems like it'll be a lot for the guys to handle. I hope they'll be alright."

Kiyoko eyes you. "I bet you wanna step in and practice with them, to help them get even better, don't you?"

"Of course I do. But that's not gonna happen. You both know I can't play anymore, even if it seems like I'm doing alright." You lower your voice more, just in case any of the players are trying to overhear your conversation. "It wouldn't help anyone out if I end up having another seizure. It'll only make the guys worry about me more. I can't let that happen. They need to focus on working so they can perform well at nationals."

The older girl sighs. "You're right. I think they would take a break from practice if you have a medical emergency. It might make them lose focus and worry about you instead."

You nod, a worried expression on your face as you watch the team practice. "Shoyo is already asking me about it every day, trying to make sure that everything is fine. He's just worried something will happen and he won't be there to help me. I have weekly visits to the doctor, and I'm told that I should be fine to start doing more physical activities again soon. So, I was thinking about doing some light libero practice with the team to help them out. I don't know how well everything will work out, but I'll make sure I don't strain myself."

Yachi offers a small smile to you. "I think that would be fine. The moment you start breathing too heavily, we can just take you out for the day. And, it will still give the guys enough time to work on getting around good liberos."

Hinata glanced over once he landed from spiking. His eyes trained on you, seeing your expression. Thought were teeming in his mind, but he couldn't focus on you. Not today. I'm going to one of those training camps. I won't be stopped. I need to get better, and it won't do me any good to sit around here and do the same things I always do. I just hope I don't get in any serious trouble. I mean, there's two options for me. If I can't travel to the youth camp Kageyama is going to, I can always find a way into the Shiratorizawa training camp that Tsukishima will be attending. I've made up my mind. I'm going. I'll be at a training camp too. I'm gonna get even better.

At a break, Tsukishima walks over to you. "L/n, I wanted to talk to you. Would it be ok if we stepped outside for a bit?"

You nod, leaving the gym with the boy. You turn to face him once you hear the gym door close. "What's on your mind?"

He heaves a deep sigh. "I'm not looking forward to this training camp. I want your input on it."

"My input? Why?"

Tsukishima blinks slowly, gazing at you intensely. "You're the only person around I'll admit to respecting and admiring. You can put up with annoying volleyball players all the time. Give me some tips on how I can deal with it, and force myself to keep going every day."

You hum. "Well, I just say, think about the positives. You'll get chances to experience things you wouldn't normally deal with. It's a chance to learn to play differently, and with other people. It'll help you improve, so that you can be better in your position. I don't really know what to tell you. If you'd like, I can walk you to the camp after school. And while break's going on, I can walk you back home when it's over with. You can always call or text me if something comes up, or if you just want to talk about things."

A small smile creeps onto the boy's face. "Thanks, L/n. I think I'll be keeping in touch with you every day. And... I'd rather like it if you walked with me, even if that means you're late for our practice. I think I'd feel better knowing someone will support me, even if they can't be there with me."

You smile back at him. "I'm glad to help."

"It's just a shame you can't come with me. I feel like you would be able to help much more if I could spend every moment with you."

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