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You walk into the gym about an hour and half after practice started. You just came from your classroom, having worked on your schoolwork with Yachi. When you poke your head inside, you see the boys are busy with practice. You walk over to Kiyoko with a smile. "Hey, Kiyoko. Anything new going on?"

She turns to you with a smile. "Well, Nishinoya has been joining us for practice. I hope things are working themselves out. The team can really use him. He has the best receives out of everyone on the team. It would be a shame for him to leave permanently. I think we'd have better chances during matches with him around."

You look over, spotting a boy that you haven't met yet. "I see. Shoyo talked about him a little the other night. It seems like things are going well, for now."

Kiyoko sighs. "I hope things can stay this good. It would probably hurt the second and third years if things can't go back to how they used to be. We've already struggled enough, they could use something good happening. Oh, have you confessed to Hinata yet?"

You shake your head. "Didn't get the chance. It just didn't feel like a good time when he called me to his house to tell about the plans for golden week. I was kind of surprised when he asked me to join all of you. And about that, you'll be there as well. Where are you going to be staying during the week?"

"I was able to find out how close the building they'll all be staying at is to here. Apparently my house is pretty close by, so I'll be going to my house every night. Did you want to come stay at my place with me during the week?"

You nod. "If it's not too much trouble."

She puts her hand on your shoulder. "It's no trouble at all. I'd love to have you at my house, especially since you'll be coming to help us out everyday. You didn't have other plans for golden week, did you?"

"No. The only other friend I have, the one not a part of this club, is busy. She has some things to take care of at home, so she might not be able to see me at all during the break. She apologized profusely, even though I told her it was alright."

Kiyoko chuckles. "Well, at least she cares about spending time with you to feel that bad about being busy. I think everything will be fine. Having more girls around will motivate the team to play at their best. I'm just glad I won't be doing everything on my own. Plus, you're able to play with them if need be. You should probably not bring and skirts or dresses during that time. Wait, are you parents even ok with this?"

You glance at her for a moment, trying to keep your eyes on the boys. "Yeah, they were thrilled when I told them I'd have plans. They just didn't want me to be sitting around the house with nothing to do the whole break. They just keep reminding me to pack plenty of clothes, and to make sure I have all the necessities. My mom kept asking if I needed new clothes or shoes. Actually, when I get home tonight, she's taking me to a sports store. She wants to make sure I'll have everything I might need while at the training camp."

Kiyoko grins. "Looks like you'll be one of the guys once you have everything ready. You're gonna be on the court just as much as all of the players." She pauses, looking at you with concern. "Will you be able to handle playing with them during the break?"

You hum. "Probably for a while. I won't be on the court with them the whole time. I mean, I'm going to need plenty of rest. And I wanna help you as much as I can." You stop speaking when the gym door opens, Takeda walking in with another man.

Takeda looks over at you girls and smiles. "Shimizu, L/n, I'm glad you're here. This is Ukai Keishin, he'll be acting as the coach for the team."

Ukai looks at you and the manager. "Only until we face Nekoma. This arrangement isn't permanent. I just came in today to see what I'll be working with. Once golden week starts, I'll be getting serious with practice."

You bow to the older man. "Nice to meet you. I'm L/n Y/n. I'm going to be helping out the team throughout golden week. If you need me to, I can play on the court with the boys."

Takeda turns to Ukai. "L/n here has been joining in on practices frequently. The boys love having her around, and her skills can easily match theirs. She mainly plays in the libero position, but she apparently can also play as anything she's needed to be."

Ukai eyes you. "An all arounder? I think that can come in handy. What side usually wins whenever you play?"

"The team I'm on is usually the one to win in our mock games. I can push these boys to improve. I'll help out as much as I'm needed." You try to act confident, but inside you were nervous about this whole thing.

Ukai chuckles. "Alright. I'll hold you to it. You can sit out for now, I want to see only the actual players on the team for today. Starting tomorrow, I'll be actually taking over with coaching. I'll call on you to join them as I see fit. So always be warmed up and ready to play at the drop of a hat. Got it?"

You nod. "Yes, sir." You turn away and walk off with Kiyoko, quickly busying yourselves with other tasks while the guys take care of practice. "Do you think everything will be fine?"

Kiyoko shrugs. "We won't know until things happen. For the sake of the team, I hope everything works out just fine."

You sigh, looking at the boys as they take a break to meet Ukai. Before you know it, more adults are walking into the gym.

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