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You take a deep breath, walking out of your house. You grab your bike, but don't move. You knew you felt jealous, so what were you going to do about it? You love Hinata, and there was nothing that could change that. You weren't going to breakup with him, that might just make the problem worse. Of course, you didn't want to admit that you, a ball of sunshine, could actually feel jealous. It wasn't something you really had experience with, and you were glad that Tsukishima didn't let anyone know about it. Though, you had doubted that his plan to make Hinata jealous would even work.

Little did you know, it had definitely worked.

Hinata walked out of his house and grabbed his bike. He looked over, seeing you just standing with your bike in front of your house. He decided to walk over to you, being impatient to approach you about what happened last night in the club room. "Morning, Y/n."

You jump, quickly turning to look at the boy. "Oh, morning, Shoyo."

His brows furrowed, a frown resting on his face. "What was up with you and Tsukishima last night? I know you guys are like friends, but he was getting too close to you."

You raise a brow questioningly. "Oh, well he was just tired and didn't want to leave by himself, since Yamaguchi was helping Hitoka and Ennoshita-san tutor you and Kageyama. Is there a problem?"

"He called you by first name. I'm ok with Yachi-san and Shimizu-san calling you Y/n, since they're your best friends. But I didn't like Tsukishima calling you that. In fact, I don't want any of the other guys to call you by your first name. I'm special, so I should be the only guy to call you that."

Your eyes widened, surprised by how serious he was being over this. "Are you jealous, Shoyo?"

He nods. "Of course I am! I love you, and I finally get to be your boyfriend. I don't want some other guy to try coming along and steal you away from me. How do you feel about Tsukishima?"

You let out a low chuckle. "Shoyo, he's really only a friend to me. I could never love anyone that's not you. Last night, you and Hitoka just seemed so close, and I guess I was also getting a little jealous." You two hop onto your bikes and start making your way to school as you keep talking, not wanting to be late to morning practice. "Tsukishima was able to tell, pulled me into the gym, and came up with a plan. He thought the best thing to do would be to make you jealous, so that we were feeling the same way. I'm sorry if I upset you while going along with his plan. I didn't want to make you feel bad, but I just didn't know what else to do. Originally, I just didn't want you to find out that I could get jealous." You look down briefly, quickly flicking your eyes back up to the road in front of you.

Hinata took in this information, his features softening. "I see." He lets out a low chuckle. "You could've just told me. I understand you feeling a little jealous if I'm getting too close with other girls. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, since Yachi-san's your best friend. And I thought you already knew I love you. You really have nothing to worry about. I don't care about other girls. You're the only one I have my eyes on."

A smile starts spreading on your lips. "Thanks, Shoyo. Sorry for not telling you sooner. I'm just glad that you understand. I won't let Tsukishima call me by my first name, he kinda did that on his own. I didn't know he was going to do that."

"I'll make sure he knows not to call you that anymore."


"And that's what happened." Hinata finished explaining to his teammates, after nearly starting a fight with the tallest member of the team.

Tsukishima seemed completely unbothered by all of this. "I see. Whatever. I guess it's good that you two talked it out and worked things out." He finishes changing, wanting to get to class quickly.

Sugawara chuckled. "To think, even Tsukishima can get along with someone well enough to pull something like that off. It's good that all of you can work your problems out without needing an adult or someone to step in."

Daichi nodded. "It's very mature of you guys. Just, try not to do something like that again. The last thing we need are misunderstandings within the team. We need to be able to work together, not cause problems and make it hard to function as a team. Be careful with what you do."

Everyone in the club room agreed, not wanting to risk angering their captain.

Meanwhile, you desperately sucked in air, having just explained the entire situation to your fellow managers. You spoke somewhat quickly, taking very few pauses to breathe. You looked at the ground when you finished speaking, too embarrassed by your actions to see the reactions your friends had.

Kiyoko bursts out laughing. "I never thought you'd be the type to get jealous, Y/n. That was kind of a petty thing to do. No wonder it wasn't your idea."

Yachi, however, looked troubled. "I'm sorry to make you jealous! I didn't mean to! I was just helping out since you said you weren't going to take part in preparing Kageyama-kun and Hinata for their supplementary lessons. Please forgive me!" She stops walking just to bow down to you.

You pause mid stride, turning to look at the girl. "It's fine. I'm not upset anymore. I honestly never thought I would ever get jealous. The situation wasn't something either of us could help. Don't take it personally. I think that I would get jealous if any girl started getting closer to Shoyo. Please, stand up straight. We're best friends, I don't want to see you bowing to me."

The blonde girl quickly straightens herself. "I'm glad you don't hate me now. I'll try to be careful about how close I get to Hinata. You'll never have to worry about me trying to steal him for you. I don't even like him like that. I actually have a crush on Yamaguchi!" She gasps loudly, quickly slapping her hands over her mouth.

Your jaw dropped. You kept your voice low, so that no one other than these two girls could hear you. "You like Yamaguchi!"

Kiyoko grinned. "You know, I can see it. They share a few traits. I think they'd make a cute couple."

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