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You sat on the bench in between the other two managers. You couldn't focus on the matches your team played. Only one thing was on your mind. Please, don't let anyone flirt with me. Please, no guy here should flirt with me. Please, no one flirt with me during this whole training camp. I don't want to deal with the consequences of Shoyo's jealousy.

Kiyoko knew you were worrying about this situation. She leans close, whispering into your ear. "Calm down. If you get any tenser, you might make yourself throw up. Try to focus on the match. If you keep yourself busy, then you won't be so worried about something that hasn't happened yet."

You nod, taking a few deep breaths. "You're right. I need to worry about this whole thing less. I mean, I doubt anyone would flirt with me. I know all of Nekoma knows that I'm dating Shoyo. Maybe all the guys here know that fact."

Yachi glanced over at you two. "Everything alright, Y/n? You finally relaxed. Are you not worried about the match anymore?"

You look over at the blonde. "To be honest, I wasn't even paying attention to the match. Should I be worried about it?"

"The team isn't doing so good. Ever since Kageyama and Hinata fought, it's almost like the whole team stopped working."

You almost forgot about the fight. You were busy talking with the third years at the time. You didn't even know Hinata and Kageyama were fighting until the next day when you and Yachi saw each other. She explained everything to you. You had been upset that your own boyfriend hadn't even been the one to tell you about the incident. When you tried asking Hinata about it, he tried saying it was nothing. You knew better than to believe that. You noticed that whenever you were hanging around Kageyama, Hinata would get into a bad mood.

"Now that I think about it, Tanaka seems to be holding everything together between the two boys. Everyone else is playing at their best, and everyone is working on improving on their own. Between serves, to new strategies during matches, to even Nishinoya learning how to do libero sets. I think if they're able to get a hang of everything they're trying, they should perform better."

Coach Ukai overheard you girls talking. "You're right. I even have Kageyama learning to do new sets just so he can keep doing those freak quicks with Hinata. Whether it works or not depends on them now."

You keep your eyes focused on your team. "I think I see some improvements, but they definitely need more time to really get a hang of everything. This is actually the first time I've seen Kageyama struggle with something involving volleyball. He's usually perfect at everything. Whatever you have him working on must be really hard if he hasn't gotten it perfected by now."

The coach nods. "To be fair, I'm asking a lot of Kageyama. The sets I'm having him learn aren't easy. We'll be lucky if we can use Hinata and Kageyama as a pair at all during this camp. The likelihood of them being able to successfully use an improved version of their quick at this point in time is low. All we can do is continue working on things, and hope for the best."

Takeda looks between all of you. "I think our team can do anything, as long as they put their minds to it. This camp will provide plenty of opportunities for growth, they just need to want to get better."

You narrow your eyes, seeing yet another failed attempt at the new quick. "They're going to get frustrated the more they fail. This is bound to get to them. It can either force improvement, or destroy everything. I don't know if it's still a good idea to leave everything to the boys. We might just need to step in a bit. I can handle Shoyo, if need be. I can't promise that I can actually be much help with the other members of the team. The best I can do is distract Shoyo, and give him whatever he wants."

Ukai raised a brow. "Be careful with giving into his desires. I don't think I need to remind you, but there are things you shouldn't do while we're here."

You huff out a breath. "You don't need to tell me that. I know better than to just let anything happen. We're in no position to do whatever we want, and I don't plan on doing anything or letting him do anything that isn't related to volleyball."

The coach nods. "Smart. I trust you to behave yourselves while we're here. Don't need to get in trouble while we're focusing on getting better as a team."

You nod, not looking at any of the others sitting on the bench. "The best I can do is help out with Shoyo working on his spikes, or some of the other aspects of volleyball. I'll keep him on his best behavior. Now, let's try to focus on the matches at hand. All we can do now is watch over the team and hope for the best. We just need to give our support to the guys. I just hope we see results."

Everyone else on the bench. You all focused on the matches that continued on throughout the day.


When the matches finished up, everyone went their own ways. The coaches went somewhere to go drink together. The players either called it a day, or went to do some individual practice. You and the other managers went to go help out the guys that were still practicing.

Originally, you planned on helping out the Karasuno boys, but you couldn't find them. You had spent several minutes trying to look to your team, but had no success. You walked into a gym, only seeing members of Nekoma and Fukurodani. You let out a breath, just standing there and trying to think of what to do.

Your presence gained the attention of many of the guys in the gym. They looked at you, wondering what you were doing.

Bokuto walks over to you, a smile on his face. He stops walking once he's standing right in front of you. "Hey, are you lost?"

You look at the boy before you. "I was looking for the guys in my team, so I could help them out. But I haven't been able to find them."

He hums, his smile stretching wider. "We'll, why don't you stay here for a bit. We can use an extra set of hands. Would you mind helping us out for a little bit?"

You smile at the older boy. "Sure. I can help you out for a while." You follow him deeper into the gym.

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