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You stretch, a yawn slipping past your lips. Even though you hadn't played any volleyball all day, you started feeling a little sleepy. You look over to find your boyfriend, but couldn't spot him. You let out a sigh as you walked over to where Kageyama and Yachi were standing. "Have either of you seen my idiot? We were supposed to go practice with some guys from the other teams together, but he seems like he got a headstart and left me behind or something."

Yachi shakes her head. "He disappeared so fast, I don't even think I saw him up to the point he actually left. Sorry. I wish I could be more help. I was just about to go with Kageyama to help him practice the new tosses."

Kageyama looks at you, an almost blank expression on his face. "I haven't seen the dumbass since our last set. I wouldn't recommend you going around to look for him. I think you might get lost or hurt that way. You're always more than welcome to join in on helping me, though. I know you're not too big on spiking, but it might help a little if I had a spiker around to help with visualizing in order to get my sets right."

You smile at the setter. "I'd love to help, but I've been getting exhausted with just receiving. I doubt I'll be very useful in spiking. I'll probably lose my energy quicker with all the running and jumping involved with it. Though, if Shoyo doesn't need or want me coming with him tomorrow night, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand for a while. I'll do the best I can to try spiking until you're done. I can't make any promises on that, though."

The blue eyed boy nods, understanding what you were trying to say. "I get that. I'll appreciate any help I can get. I expect to practice with you tomorrow. It won't be too long. I won't push you too hard. I don't like seeing you pass out. It makes everyone worry about you."

"I don't like worrying everyone. I'll just be trying to take it easy for the time being, until I can get checked out. Kiyoko suggested I make sure there's nothing seriously wrong with me, so I promised to go to a doctor when I get back home." You turn, preparing to leave the gym. "I think I know what gym he's in, if he's already left for individual practice. I'll see you guys later. Good luck with practice, Kageyama." You wave, then exit the gym. You walk all the way to the gym Bokuto usually uses. And you find all the boys you were with last night.

Tsukishima looks over as you walk into the gym. "I see you made it. I was wondering if you were taking a break tonight, L/n."

You shake your head, smiling at the middle blocker. "No. Shoyo left without me. I was trying to see if anyone else on the team knew where he might've went before looking for him myself. It wasn't hard to find him, though. I already knew which gym you guys would be using, since it's the same one you've been using this week."

Hinata jumped when he saw you. He went over to you, kissing your lips for a moment before showing his bright smile. "Y/n! Sorry for leaving you behind. I got really excited to continue where we left off last night."

You smile at him, ruffling his hair. "It's fine, Shoyo. Oh, by the way, I won't be helping you guys out tomorrow night."

Your boyfriend frowns, brows furrowing. "Why not?"

"I promised Kageyama that I would help him out tomorrow. He needed someone else to help with his new tosses."

Hinata pursed his lips, but forces a believable fake smile onto his face. "Ok then! As long as you're not gonna be lonely. I'll make the most of having you around tonight, then!" He turns, heading back over to the court. The smile falls from his face. She's helping Kageyama tomorrow? I thought Yachi has been working with him during the night. Why is Y/n suddenly helping him out? Is Yachi taking a break? Or did Kageyama wanna try something new? I was hoping to have her around more. I need to keep good thoughts in my head. If I stop feeling good, I run the risk of showing off how I really feel inside. I can't let anyone find out about how dark I really am. Force that smile back on your face, Shoyo. Pretend like everything is alright. Act like a little ball of sunshine. No one will ever like you if you stop being bright and friendly. No one will love me if I don't pretend like I'm perfectly alright. He manages to force another smile onto his face before the others notice it was gone.

You stand off to the side, being in charge of the score board for their 3 on 3 match. You managed to remember what the score was from last night, allowing them to pick up where they left off. "Alright, everything's ready. Bokuto's team was the last to score a point, so you can pick up where you left off. I'm pretty sure it's Akaashi's turn to serve."

The boys nod, readying themselves to start up for the night. Even if this was just for fun, almost every single one of the boys acted as if this was a real match. Lev would make mistakes from time to time, but Kuroo helped him work on improving. Tsukishima was the only one that still didn't seem to care too much about what was going on, but he still went along with it. He didn't put effort into it, but he was taking all the words said to him in. He was actually making adjustments to what he normally does, showing signs of changing for the better.

You beamed as you watched the match continue on. You felt pride swelling within you. It looks like everyone at Karasuno will be evolving from this training camp. I can't wait to see what they're able to accomplish during an actual tournament.

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