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You take a deep breath, refusing to let the tiredness you were feeling get to you. You barely even did anything today. Now that you were filling in for Nishinoya on the court, you needed to be able to handle yourself well. The usual libero needs a break, and you're the only one that can fill in. You need to play for as long as you can, just so Nishinoya can rest up. But you weren't made to be put in for several games in a row. You could withstand only one set an hour. You needed more time for breaks. Continuously playing in these matches, one set after another, wasn't helping you at all. You just felt lucky that you were the only player that didn't have to take part in the penalty drills. You probably would've collapsed by now if that were the case.

There was also another problem at the moment: the team you were facing. So far, their ace hasn't flirted with you at all today. But you were worried how long that might last. Even though you convinced yourself that Bokuto wouldn't flirt with you, you worried that it was possible he might do it. And you were scared that he might try flirting with you in front of Hinata. You remembered the very words Hinata had said to you the moment he first got jealous at this training camp. You didn't want to let him do something while there are so many other people around. And now, your desperation for things to go well was showing in this set.

You were running all over the place, doing your best to make sure that the ball wouldn't touch the floor on your team's side of the net. You closed your eyes briefly, glancing at the team on the other side of the net. You looked at the owl like ace, seeing his golden eyes meet yours. He smiled, giving a small wave. You managed to force a tired smile onto your face. You couldn't lie, Bokuto was a great player. Your arms stun from how many times you received a ball that he had hit.

"Hey hey hey!" Bokuto turns to his setter. "Did ya see that, Akaashi? L/n just smiled at me. Think I got a chance?"

Akaashi shrugged. "I see you have no chance in landing a successful hit as long as L/n is acting as their libero."

"Akaashi! You're supposed to pick me up! Not put me down!" The ace huffed out a breath, turning to look at you. He frowns slightly when he sees another boy getting close to you.

Hinata tilted his head to one side. "Are you ok, Y/n? You look like you could use a break."

You shake your head, finally getting your breathing back to normal. "I can finish out this set. I'll be fine. I'm not feeling like absolute shit yet. Running around for just a little while longer will be fine."

The orange haired boy hums. "If you say so. You can always tell me if something's wrong. Don't push yourself so hard." He leans close to whisper in your ear. "That's my job." He chuckles, backing away from you.

You narrow your eyes at him, watching him practically run away from you. "You're lucky I need to save my energy for volleyball, Shoyo!"

Kageyama glares at the shorter boy. "Hinata, stop harrassing L/n! I'll seriously hit you!"



"Got it!" You move to try receiving the ball, but slip. The ball hits your face and you fall face first onto the ground. You just lay there, motionless.

The gym goes silent. Fukurodani and Karasuno are looking at you, seeing how you aren't moving while laying on your face.

Ukai gets up, approaching your form. He nudges you with his foot. "You dead?"

"Yes." Comes you muffled reply.

Bokuto slowly walks over, kneeling down beside you. "I'm so sorry! You got hit in the face with the ball I hit! I didn't mean to!" He claps his hands together, holding them in front of him.

You slowly roll onto your back. "It's fine. I needed a break anyways. I don't think I can get up. Can someone drag my lifeless body away from the court?"

"Oh no! I killed her!" Bokuto panics.

Akaashi sighs. "You didn't kill her, Bokuto-san. L/n is still very much alive. She's speaking and breathing, she even just moved. Get back to this side of the court so her own team can take care of her."

Bokuto ignores the setter, picking you up. He carries you over to the bench the other Karasuno managers are sitting on. He sets you down carefully, then looks into your eyes. "Does your head hurt?"

"A little, but I'll be fine." You blink slowly, leaning over to rest your head on Kiyoko. "Hitoka, can you get me some water please?" You look up at Bokuto. "Thanks for helping. You can go back to your own team now."

Bokuto nods, showing you his biggest smile. "Ok. See ya later, L/n." He walks away, proudly boasting about how he was able to help you out to his teammates. His teammates all internally groaned, knowing where this was going.

Hinata narrows his eyes at the scene, jealousy already bubbling within him. He didn't like that some random guy just carried you. He could always ask you about it, but he didn't want to. He'd rather have you tell him what happened before trying to make it seem like a big deal. But an idea formed in his head. I guess I need to mark what's mine.

Yachi hands you a water bottle. "Are you ok? You looked like you died."

Takeda looks at you, worried. "If you're not doing so good, we can always send you off to rest."

Ukai eyes you. "I don't think you'll be playing for the rest of the day. Take this time to get yourself together."

You nod. "I'm fine. I just need a break from playing with all the boys. If I tried playing for any longer, I might end up passing out."

Kiyoko furrows her brows. "Maybe you should see a doctor when we get home. This whole passing out thing could be a much bigger problem."

You sigh. "I'll think about it. I'll probably just tell my parents when I get home, then see what they want to do. I doubt it's anything serious."

"I sure hope it's nothing serious."

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