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"Good work this week, everyone. You've all gotten better! I think your teams are gonna be proud to have you as members!" You smile at the boys as the end of the training camp approaches.

The boys all bowed. "Thank you!"

After a few more words from the coaches, all the players were dismissed to finally go to their homes. Starting tomorrow, they'll all be going to their normal practices with their teams.

You walk out with the two members of your team, after you exchange contact info with some of the boys from the training camp (Kunimi, Kindaichi, Koganegawa, and Goshiki). You sigh as you head towards your home. "Good job, you two. Are you looking forward to going back to practices?"

Hinata nodded eagerly. "I can't wait to play again!"

Tsukishima snorted. "It was almost enjoyable to not be around the others for this week. The next practice we have, the king will be back and I'll have to deal with morons."

You shake your head, a soft chuckle slipping out your mouth. "I guess you wouldn't be too enthusiastic about it, Tsukishima. I'm just glad that I'll finally be able to help everyone out again. We only have a week or two before we head to Tokyo. We need to get in the practice we can. I'll also be joining you guys. You'll have to work against my receives for a while each day."

Tsukishima glanced at you from the corner of his eye, not wanting to get caught looking at you. "Just be careful. Don't push yourself too hard. It won't do us any good if you collapse from overworking yourself."

You nod. "Yes, yes. I know. I'm only gonna be on the court for an hour at a time, and I probably won't come in more than once or twice, depending on what coach Ukai wants us to do."

Hinata beamed, a little skip in his step. "Kageyama will probably be even better after going to the youth camp. I can't wait to hit his sets again!"

You hum, momentarily looking at the boy. "I think he's gonna get mad that you skipped out on practices while he was gone. What do you think, Tsukishima?"

The tall blond grinned. "Oh, he's going to explode. I can imagine him calling shrimpy a dumbass, then asking what was the point of wasting time that could've been spent practicing. Not to mention, shrimpy caused you to have to come attend our camp, so I can only imagine how irritated that would make the king. I wonder what he'd hit shrimpy for first."

Hinata shivered, already fearing the anger that might get aimed at him. "K-Kageyama won't do any of that. I had my reasons, and they're valid. Even if I didn't get to play much this week, I still think I made some improvements. As long as I play better, Kageyama wouldn't get mad at me, right?"

You shake your head, letting out a sigh. "I think he's still gonna be annoyed that you purposely skipped out on practices, Shoyo. And, because of you, I also had to spend less time at practices. That time could've been used much better. I still can't believe I was sent to babysit you."

Tsukishima snickered. "You went form girlfriend to babysitter with him. Are you sure that you want to be in a relationship with someone like shrimpy? I bet you could do much better. You could find a smarter, maybe even taller, guy. Someone with more talent. Someone that you won't have to watch over so that you can live your life a little bit." It wasn't much, but there was a little bit of hope within the tall middle blockers that you would agree with him.

"You're right, I could find someone like that if I wanted. But that's not what I want. I like Shoyo. He's great to be around, and I've known him forever. I love him, even if he does do stupid stuff from time to time. It's part of his charm, really."

The orange haired boy jumped up. "I win! There's no way I could ever lose Y/n! But, I'll try to be more careful with what I do. I'll try not to stress you out so much."

You smile at him. "Much appreciated."

The tall boy with glasses just snorted, not pleased by what he just heard. "To each their own. This is my turn. I'll see you, L/n."

You turn to wave as he walks away. "See you, Tsukishima. Get home safely. Remember to eat dinner, and get plenty of sleep!"

He nods, holding his hand up to wave at you as he continues walking down the street. He doesn't dare look back, not wanting the disappointed look on his face to be seen by you. He keeps his head held high, trying to keep himself together as he walks home by himself.

Hinata grabs your hand, almost pulling you towards the direction of your home. "Come on, Y/n! Mom said she was gonna make something really good tonight, and said that I should bring you with me."

You turn your head to face forward, attempting to keep up with his faster steps. "That sound great, Shoyo. I can't wait to see Natsu again. It feels like it's been forever since I last went to your house."

"Yeah, you should try coming over more often."

You chuckle. "Well, to be fair, we've been quite busy this week. Between the camps, school, and practice, I haven't had much time to myself. Let alone make extra time to visit your mom and sister. I haven't even been home for the past few days. I've just been on Shiratorizawa's campus."

Your boyfriend furrowed his brows, a thought coming to mind. "Where did you even stay these past few days?"

"Oh, with Goshiki. Ushijima would've invited me to stay in his dorm, but he shares it with Tendou. Semi was about to ask, but Goshiki cut him off to ask me first. He said he had an extra bed in his dorm and would be ok with me staying there for the rest of the camp's duration. It was actually kinda nice. He's respectful and a good host. I almost feel bad about not going to Shiratorizawa."

"What about me?"

"That's why I said almost. I still feel I made the right choice by going to Karasuno. I got to spend more time with you, after all. I wouldn't change any of the choices I made, even if I had the chance. I'm perfectly happy being able to remain at your side."

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