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Kiyoko grins, leaning in close to whispering in your ear. "You seem to be in a really good mood, Y/n. Did something good happen?"

You nod, the smile never once leaving your face. "Mhm! Something really good happened."

"Did you confess to Hinata and he matched your feelings?" She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She slowly lowered her hand, whispering to you again. "Are you two dating now?"

You shake your head. "No, but I was close to confessing. He told me that my happiness is the most important thing to him. Then we held hands while running all the way here, kind of like how we used to when we were kids."

Kiyoko sighs, leaning closer to the wall behind you two. "Now you're making me impatient. You two are always so cute together. I wanna see you dating the boy you love."

You roll your eyes playfully. "You're so lucky all the guys are on a run right now. I'd be so embarrassed if they heard anything you're saying."

She shrugs, trying to pretend like what she was saying isn't that big of a deal. "Eh, who cares. But you should know me well enough by know. I'm not gonna spill your secrets. It's because all of the guys are on a run that I'm talking about this now. I'm actually kind of surprised that you didn't join them for the traditional run up the mountain, or whatever it is that they're running around."

You lean up against the wall, folding your arms over your chest. "I would've, but they were worried about having me go since I would make there be an odd number. I would either have to run with two of the others in a group of three, or I'd have to go by myself. They didn't want to do that to me, so Daichi asked me to keep you company while they're all gone. I think I'd rather hang with you. Too much time around Nishinoya and Tanaka gives me a headache. Love all the guys to death, but they can be a bit much at times."

Kiyoko giggles. "I get what you mean. They're so cute, but it can be a bit overwhelming with how they're constantly keeping their eyes on me or try getting me to react to them."

"Right? Like, you're my best friends and everything, but give me some space and stop simping over me from time to time. It's hard on me, since I feel like I'm more like one of the guys when I'm playing with them." You sigh, resting your head against the wall and looking at the ceiling. "I wonder how Shoyo's doing. I don't like thinking something bad would happen to him, but I can't help worrying about him whenever we're apart. Tell me, doctor, how bad is it?"

"Pfft!" She slaps a hand over her mouth to keep the laughs from coming out. "Sorry, but I think you're down bad. You've got a serious case of being in love with your childhood best friend."

"At least you're honest." You close your eyes, breathing slowly. "Can you be honest with me?"

Kiyoko nods. "Of course. I'll always be here for you, telling you exactly what I think and how I feel. I have no reason to even think about lying to you."

"That's a relief." You hesitate, making sure you knew how to put your thoughts into words. "Do you think I should confess before or after this upcoming tournament?"

The ravenette's eyes widen briefly, a smile soon taking over her features. "I personally think the sooner you do it, the better. We never know if and when we'll lose. It'll be better for you if you shoot your shot before he feels upset form suffering a loss."

You hum, opening your eyes to look at her. "Thanks. I'll try doing it soon. I just need to work on building the confidence, and looking for a good time to actually let him know how I feel."

Before the manager could say another word, the door to the gym opened up. The boys from the team came filing inside, all except Sugawara and Hinata.

You raise a brow, walking over to the guys. "Hey, where's Shoyo?"

Kageyama huffed out a breath. "He was being stupid and ran off the track."

"He what?"

Daichi gave you a nervous smile. "He ran off on his own, and may have gotten lost. You don't need to worry, though. Suga is looking for him as we speak. If anyone can find him, it should be Suga."

You frown. "I'm going to look for them." You turn and exit the gym, quickly running through the streets to find your friend. Shoyo, why did you run off on your own? Where are you?

It didn't take you long before you spotted two very familiar boys. "Shoyo! Sugawara-senpai! There you guys are!"

Sugawara looked at you, smiling to the best of his ability. "You came looking for us? That's sweet, but you really didn't need to. I found Hinata, and we were heading back to the gym. Did the others get back yet, or are they still out?"

"They already showed up. I think they're starting with practice." You look over at the shorter boy. "You should've been more careful, Shoyo. You need to pay attention to where you're going. I got really worried about you when I heard you got lost."

Hinata looked at the ground, unable to meet your eyes. "Sorry for worrying you, Y/n. I'll try to be more careful next time."

Sugawara sighed. "Come on, let's get back to the gym. If we take too long, the others might come looking for all three of us. I'd rather not see Daichi get mad, but I have a feeling he's going to lecture you for getting lost, Hinata." He looks at you, trying to hold a soft gaze. "You really didn't need to come after us, L/n. Sorry for taking so long. These kinds of things won't happen again, I promise you."

You nod, walking ahead of the two boys. You practically led them all the way back to the gym. When all of you walked in, Kageyama immediately started yelling at Hinata. Daichi waited for the first year setter to stop before giving a stern lecture to Hinata about how reckless he was during the run. The boys did eventually get onto the court and started playing volleyball.

You walked over and stood beside the manager. "Luckily, he seemed to be fine. He just didn't look at me after I found them."

Kiyoko patted your shoulder. "He probably felt bad about worrying you. I think you should just talk to him later. Make sure he knows everything's fine. Let him know how you feel. Maybe, if it feels right for you, you can confess your feelings for him."

You shrug. "Maybe. We'll just have to see." You watch the boys practice. You noticed how a certain orange haired boy seemed to be acting normal. But he's not smiling.

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