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You turned to the girl behind you the moment the bell rang. "Do you have a bento, Hitoka?"

Yachi nods, smiling at you. "Right here." She holds up the boxed lunch. "I made it fresh this morning. I think it might be better than the ones I usually make. I tried something different today."

You take out your own lunch, setting it on your desk. "Man, I would love to find out more about your lunch, but Shoyo will being here any second to come get me for lunch."

"Have fun with your volleyball friends. Are we still going to my house to study after school?"

You nod. "Of course. I can't wait to spend the afternoon with you again. I might even be able to stay and eat dinner with you tonight."

The door to your classroom opened, revealing a head of orange hair. "Y/n-chan! Come eat lunch with me and Kageyama!"

You grab your lunch, heading over to your friend after giving Yachi a wave. "Hey, Shoyo. Where's Kageyama?" You look around, but you don't see the taller boy.

Hinata grabbed your hand, pulling you through the halls. "He said that he'll meet us at the spot we usually eat lunch at. Anyways, how was your day? I've been bored in class, and I think I fell asleep for a while. Why are you asking about Kageyama?"

You blink, trying to keep a smile on your face. "My day was fine. Yes, things were a little boring, but I stayed awake and actually learned what was being taught. I asked about Kageyama since he's our friend too. I feel like it would be a little rude to not even invite him to lunch."

Hinata loosened his hold on you when you two arrive at your usual spot for lunch breaks. "But Kageyama is mean! You don't see what he's like at practice in the afternoons!"

A certain black haired setter looked down at your friend with a glare. "I'm not mean. You just suck. You still need a lot of work to actually be up for consideration to become a regular on the court." He turns to look at you. "How are you today, L/n?"

You offer a warm smile to him. "I'm fine, Kageyama. Thanks for asking. Also, try getting along with Shoyo, especially at practices. You're his setter, so you two will be working together often. And your special quick should make you two friends by now. Oh, how are you doing, Kageyama? Sorry I didn't ask right away."

Kageyama waves you off. "It's fine. You have a good point. I'm fine, just bored and a little tired. I was fine up until classes started. I think the teachers are trying to put me to sleep."

You chuckle. "Try not to fall asleep in class. You need to learn. It'll come in handy while you play volleyball. You need to have a certain level of intelligence when you're out in the world."

The setter shrugs, sitting on a bench. "I guess you're right. I just have no interest in anything that doesn't involve volleyball."

Hinata huffed out a breath, sitting down on the bench, away from Kageyama. He left enough room for you to sit in between the two boys, feeling a little jealous that you and Kageyama were acting close to each other. "So, Y/n, do you think you'll finally be able to come to our practice after school?"

Kageyama started drinking his boxed milk, looking at you expectantly. "Yeah. It's way more bearable whenever you sit in on our practice. You can even join in while we play again. It's fun when you're our opponent. It makes us work harder."

You sit in between the two boys, opening up your lunch. "As much fun as that would be, I have plans everyday after school. I go to my friend's house and we work on homework together. We don't really get much time together outside of class, so we made plans to hang out everyday after school. I love joining in on your practices, but I think I'll stick to morning practices only. I still need to focus some time on homework. School is important, and I need to keep my grades up if I plan on joining a club at some point."

Hinata frowns for a moment, forcing a smile back onto his face. "I guess that makes sense. You will join the volleyball club as another manager for us when you're ready to join a club, right?"

Kageyama nods, looking at you with an almost begging expression on his face. "We really like having you around. You actually get along with the whole team, and you can play with us. You'd make a great manager, and be completely useful at any moment. If you join a club, you should join us."

You put your chopsticks down, looking at each of the boys. "I'll think about it. If a join a club, Hitoka will be joining the same club with me. I've already talked about all of you guys with her. She might be willing to join, but it'll take time to convince her to join with me. I'll try having her ready around summer break. It'll give her plenty of time to adjust to all of you, while I also fill her in on everything she needs to know about volleyball."

Hinata leans his head on your shoulder. "So, you won't be with us during the upcoming tournament?"

"When does the first tournament of the school year take place?"

Kageyama answers you. "In June."

You hum. "That's about to months from now. I can't promise I'll be a manager by then, but I'll see what I can do about watching your matches. If I can get permissions from my teachers and the principal, I'll come to watch your games. Otherwise, I'll just watch a recording of your matches when I can get my hands on them."

Both boys cheered. Kageyama remained silents, celebrating internally. Hinata, on the other hand, was cheering. He jumped up from his spot on the bench, jumping into the air and flailing his limbs about.

You smiled as you watched your friend be so happy with this compromise you were trying to make with the boys. I hope to be able to watch these guys play. I'm looking forward to seeing what they can accomplish.

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