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You stretch, letting out a quiet groan. "I think that's everything, right, Hitoka?"

The blonde girl sitting across from you nods, starting to pack her materials away. "Yeah, we finished the last of our homework. Are you heading home?"

You look at your phone to check the time, seeing that a message from Hinata had come through a few minutes ago. "Actually, it looks like I'll be staying a bit longer. Shoyo's on his way back to the school. I'm gonna go home with him. I think I'll just walk outside with you, then head over to the bike rack to wait for him." You start gathering your belongings, pocketing your phone.

Yachi slings her bag over her shoulder, waiting for you before walking out of the library. "Ok. It was good to spend some time with you, like always. Let me know if something happens with your boyfriend. I don't wanna seem nosy, but I really like seeing you this happy. I like it when you feel comfortable enough with me to tell me about personal things, like your relationship."

As you walk side by side, you give a side hug to the girl. "Don't worry about it. I like having someone to talk to about these kinds of things. You're literally my best friend now that I'm dating the person who's been my best friend since childhood. I'll tell you everything, as long as you know that you're able to come talk to me about anything."

Yachi chuckles. "Yeah, I will. You're the person I feel most comfortable being around. Oh, and I have been working on talking to our other classmates. I was even able to hold a small conversation with some girls from other classes. I think I should be fine when we join as managers next month."

You grin. "Good. But, if you feel overwhelmed at all after we join, you can always come to me for help. I think Kiyoko-san will also be willing to help you out. I think she's the most excited about getting other girls to join as managers."

Yachi chuckles, pausing to turn to you as you both reach the entrance gate to the school. "I'll text you when I've gotten home safe. See you tomorrow, Y/n."

You wave as she starts walking away. "See you tomorrow, Hitoka!" You sigh, turning around and walking back to the bike rack. You lean up against the structure, waiting almost impatiently for your boyfriend to arrive.

The team was walking together, having just gotten back to school. They were about to pass the bike rack, but spotted someone waiting there.

"Hey, isn't that L/n?" Nishinoya points over to your figure.

Hinata jumps, preparing to sprint over to you. "Y/n-chan!" He nearly tackles you the moment he reaches you. "Did you wait for me?"

You nod, giggling as you get squeezed by the boy. "Yeah. You told me you would be back on campus soon, so I thought I should wait for you. Now, we can go home together."

The rest of the team slowly makes their way over to you. The second and third years were laughing at the fact that you nearly got tackled to the ground, but managed to remain upright.

Nishinoya jumped up, spreading out like a star. "Hey, L/n! We won all our matches today! Are you proud of us? Do you want to become our manager now?!"

You tap on your boyfriend, trying to get him to loosen his hold on you. "Ah, I'll be waiting another month before becoming an official manager. Shoyo, can you please stop squeezing me. If you keep this up, I'll be passing out from a lack of oxygen."

Hinata loosens his grip, still keeping his arms around you. He nuzzles his face against yours. "Sorry, I'm just really happy to see you. I thought you would've gone home by now. I was already having a great day cuz I got to play volleyball and won my games, but now it's even better since I get to spend some time with you!"

Sugawara chuckles at the sight. "It's a shame you couldn't come to our games this week. Are your teachers being strict with you?"

You shrug. "Eh, not really. None of them seemed to care whenever I was looking out the window while they taught. They knew I was paying attention in my own way, plus they know that I take very good notes. They don't feel the need to really worry about me, but they don't want me missing class time unless it's an emergency."

Kageyama looked at you, watching as you weren't pushing Hinata away. "We're winning tomorrow, too."

Hinata nodded enthusiastically. "We're going against Aoba Johsai for real this time! I wish you could come watch us!"

You chuckle awkwardly. "I would've liked to go, but I can't. It doesn't really matter to me, since I know you guys will tell me what happens."

Kiyoko walked over, gently patting your head since she couldn't give you a hug. "Don't worry, I'll fill you in on everything. Once the matches are over, I'll text you everything that happens."

You smile at her. "Thanks, Kiyoko. I really appreciate it."

Hinata squeezed you, doing whatever he could to get your attention. "Y/n-chan! Let's go home together now!"

"Stop squeezing her, dumbass! You'll kill her before she gets the chance to ride her bike!" Kageyama was about to smack the shorter boy.

Hinata dodged, hiding behind you. "Ha! You can't hit me with Y/n-chan here!"

You sigh, moving out of the way and going over to your bike. "Come on. You all have games tomorrow, and I have to go eat dinner. Let's leave before you make someone mad."

Daichi was about to say something, but calmed down when you spoke up. He smiled at you. "Thanks, L/n. Everyone, go home. We have to be ready for our games tomorrow."

Hinata grabbed his bike, standing beside you as he held it. "Come on, let's go home."

You nod, walking with your bike out of the school grounds. "If we hurry, my parents might let you eat with us tonight. I know Natsu is at my house with mom at the moment. I think she'll be happy to see us."

Hinata hops on his bike, starting to ride home with you next to him. "I wanna kiss you before we get inside your house."

You chuckle. "Alright. I'll give you the kiss you deserve before we enter my house."

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