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The training camp came to an end. The coaches ended up preparing a barbeque for all the players, as a way to celebrate the end of all the hard work everyone has put in during the whole week. The players were more than thrilled to be able to eat the fresh meat that had been bought for them. Nothing went to waste, as everyone ate their fill. By the end of the day, everything was gone. It made the clean up much easier. You had mainly stuck around either the managers or Hinata during the barbeque. You made sure to eat plenty, making sure you put your health first. Kageyama and Hitoka would come up to you and whisper, making sure that you were alright. You ended up getting that whole seizure situation explained to you by Kageyama, who had been the most worried about you. Apparently, he might have trauma after watching that happen to you. You made sure to apologize to him profusely, making sure that he knew you felt bad about making him panic like that. He said it was fine, in fact he was just happy that you were better. He even promised to never make you do anything like that for him again.

Hinata had no clue about what happened, since you decided it would be better if he didn't know a thing. Instead, he just made sure you were alright. He ended up helping you out for the remainder of the training camp, hoping that nothing bad would happen to you. He stayed by your side whenever he wasn't practicing. He became more affectionate with you, thinking that it would keep you in a good mood. Which it did. You were happier that he was focusing on you more, even though volleyball means everything to him. Though, you didn't have the heart to tell him you had a medical emergency during the training camp. You didn't want to worry him, but you also knew that he would make a big deal over something happening. You wanted to avoid that.

You ended up calling your parents with Takeda one night. You two explained what had happened. Your parents responded by saying they would take you to get checked out the moment you got back. So, Takeda was in charge of letting your parents know when you would arrive back on campus. They were going to bring a car, so they could take you straight to the hospital. You agreed to all of this happening, knowing that there was no point in trying to argue about it. You knew your parents were just looking out for you, and you understand that they might feel a little scared about their only child having  a seizure while away from home.

So, here you are. You're sitting on the bus with everyone else that makes up the Karasuno boys' volleyball club. You were sitting beside Hinata, who was laying his head against your shoulder. You smiled, leaning your head against his. You glanced out the window, taking in the scenery. You thought that the trip to and from Tokyo had some of the prettiest sights you've ever seen. You didn't want to miss a moment of the landscapes you usually don't see at home. You hummed to yourself, bringing your arm up so that your hand can run through your boyfriend's hair. The soft, fluffy locks felt comforting against your hand.

You remained as calm as possible, knowing exactly what you would have to deal with the moment you set foot back in Miyagi. The results of whatever tests that would be run on you made you worry a little. You didn't want there to be anything seriously wrong with you, but it's not like you can do anything if the doctor finds something. You had a feeling that you might get put on some sort of medications. You were willing to do that.  Anything was better than having seizures at random points in time.

Ukai was currently driving, but he looked at you through the rearview mirror. "L/n, are you feeling alright? You're the only one not asleep?"

You smile at his reflection I the mirror. "I'm fine, just not really tired."

"You should rest up, we still have a few more hours before we're back home."

You nod, careful not to wake your boyfriend up. "I'll try." You relax your body, closing your eyes. You manage to drift off to sleep for a while.


The doctor hummed, looking at the results of the extensive testing that was done. "It doens't seem like too much to worry about. Since this is something recent that came up, we have doubts that it could be genetic, or that she was just born with it. It's even less unlikely, since there were no records of any family members having this kind of problem before. However, this is something that can be very serious. Since it could potentially be a seizure disorder, we're going to try getting her on medication to help keep this problem from getting worse. This period will be a trial to see what brand works, along with how strong the dosage needs to be for her to no longer worry about having seizures. I will have to warn you that this may not be 100% effective. So I'd suggest using caution when getting involved with any activities that can trigger a seizure. Are there any questions?"

Your parents ask to speak with the doctor outside of the room, leaving you alone. You didn't have any questions or concerns with any of this. You had just sat quietly, been patient, and listened to everything you were told. You just assumed that the adults would take care of everything. You weren't going to worry about any of this. You just hoped that this would't be a huge problem you would have to deal with.

Your parents come back into the room after talking with the doctor for a while. They smile at you, telling you that it's ok for you to finally go home. They suggested you rest for the day. They promised to pick up your new prescription from the pharamacy.

You assumed everything would be alright.

Hinata was anything but alright.

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