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You sat in the club room, watching the scene unfold with your arms crossed over your chest. Normally, you would've just gone straight home, even without Hinata. But tonight, you felt a negative emotion you've never felt before. Whatever it was, it caused you to supervise the study session Yachi would be having with your boyfriend and Kageyama. You glared at your friend every time she got closer to the orange haired boy. You somehow managed to keep yourself from punching her. You didn't even understand why you felt like punching her, but at times you thought her face looked punchable.

Tsukishima was watching you the whole time, noticing your jealousy getting worse by the second. He lets out a sigh, pushing himself off of the wall he had been leaning on. "L/n, can you come with me real quick? I think I might've left something in the gym, but I need an extra set of eyes to help me look." He walks over to you, grabbing your arm.

"Wait, why me?" You tried to protest as he pulled you out of the clubroom. You didn't understand his actions, but it wasn't like you could do anything about it at the moment.

Once inside of the empty gym, Tsukishima quickly turned the lights on. He pushed you into the empty building, closing the door behind him and blocking the only exit you had.

You raise a brow at him as you turn to face him. "What's going on? I thought we were looking for something you left, but I don't think I see anything."

Tsukishima crosses his arms over his chest, looking at you while narrowing his eyes. "I never pegged you as the jeakous type, but I guess I didn't know too much about you."

You furrow your brows, confused by his words. "I'm not the jealous type. What are you talking about?"

He lets out a sigh, shaking his head. "The way you look like you're about to murder Yachi whenever she gets close to shrimpy. Don't you feel negatively about leaving them together, even to the point where you feel like you need to keep a close eye on them." He watches your eyes widen in realization. "Yeah, thought so. That's jealousy, L/n. You're actually feeling jealous over a friend being so close to your boyfriend."

You let out a groan, covering your face with your hands. "I can't believe this. Hitoka is one of the last people I'd ever get jealous of. I mean, I never thought about ever getting jealous at all. She's my best friend, and he's my boyfriend. They both know their places in my life. I have no reason to get jealous." You start pacing around the empty gym, trying to tire yourself out in hopes of getting rid of the jealous feeling you've been having all afternoon. "What do I do about being jealous, Tsukishima?" You look at him desperately, hoping to get some help from him.

Tsukishima shrugs. "How would I know? I've never felt jealous a day in my life. I don't have a love life, nor do I have any interest in ever having one. Maybe you could try talking to both of them about your feelings."

You pace faster. "Yeah, right. I can't even imagine how they'd react to me being jealous of them. They'd probably just say that they're friends and that Hitoka is only helping Shoyo study. I already know that information, but I'm still jealous! What do I do?!"

Tsukishima moves his head back and forth, keeping a close eye on your stressed out figure. "Maybe see if you can make shrimpy jealous in return. If he can relate to how you're feeling, then the problem could work itself out."

You stop pacing, turning to look at him with a raised brow. "How would I do that?"

Tsukishima walked over to you, tightly grabbing your hand andf leaving the gym. He closes and locks the door, then heads back to the club room with you. Once inside the room, he walks with you. He shoves you towards the wall and stands next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Shrimpy, hurry up. Your girlfriend wants to go home. Or... maybe I should take her home." He smirks, putting his plan into motion.

Hinata tenses up, slowly looking up at you and the boy beside you. His eyes narrow. "I'll take just a little longer."

Tsukishima shrugs. "It can't be helped then. I'll be taking you home now, Y/n. Let's go." He grabs you hand and walks out of the room with you.

It becomes dead silent in the club room.

Hinata slams his fist on the ground. "That asshole!"

Everyone looks at the first year with wide eyes, shocked that he could behave like this.

Yachi nervously opened her mouth, pushing sound out. "Are you ok, Hinata?"

He doesn't look at anyone. "I'm jealous. I already somehow managed to get Y/n to fall in love with me. And now, Tsukishima is getting closer to her while I'm busy. I can't stand the thought of anyone else being that close to her, touching her, calling her by first name. He's the last person I ever expected to be like that. I guess I shouldn't have trusted him. He's a fucking jerk."

Yamaguchi felt beads of sweat rolling down his face. "I'm sure it's not like that. Tsukki isn't like that. Maybe there's a good reason behind his actions. I mean, I know he cares about L/n as a friend. I've never known him to like anyone in a romantic sense. Maybe he and L/n talked about something, and he's doing something about that."

This only fueled Hinata's anger. "Like what?! She could've come to me if she was dealing with something!" Don't tell me... has she started feeling like I don't love her anymore? Am I not good enough? Does she want someone better than me? Is she unhappy that I'm busy studied because I failed my exams?!

Yachi let out a slow exhale. "I think you're worrying about it too much, Hinata. Maybe Tsukishima just wants to be friendlier, and Y/n is the one helping him out. There's probably a good reason behind him acting like that with Y/n. And Y/n loves you. There's no way she'd let someone steal her from you."

Hinata sighed, trying to calm himself down. His hands were still clenched into fists. "I still just can't help but feel a little jealous about it. I love her too much, I don't want to lose her."

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