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Hinata was bouncing up and down. "We're going to the semi finals! We're awesome! I think we can win this whole tournament!"

"Shut up, you dumbass!" Kageyama glared at the smaller boy. "Save that stupid energy for the next match! We get only so long to rest."

Tsukishima huffed out a breath. "L/n, can you do something about those two idiots? They're being too loud, it's making it difficult for me to sleep."

You sigh, shaking your head. "Kageyama, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. And Shoyo, be quiet. If you have this much energy, then I think you can go watch the end of the other quarter final match. Go find out who our opponents are gonna be. Let the rest of the team rest up, ok?"

Your boyfriend looks at you, no smile on his face. "Oh, sure. I'll see you all in a bit. Are you gonna come with me, Y/n?"

You hum. "Oikawa-san is in that match, right?" You watch as he nods. "Then sure. I haven't seen him play in a while." You walk away from the team with the orange haired boy, making your way to the door of the other gym. You open up the door and peer inside with your boyfriend. You two watch as the game draws to a close.

"Guess we know who our opponents are." Tanaka and Nishinoya had snuck up behind you two.

You jump, whipping around to face them. "Yeah, but please never do that again. Next time, let me know that you're here." You look back at the gym. "Looks like you guys will be playing against Aoba Johsai soon."

Hinata frowned. "We won't lose this time." The two second years agreed with the middle blocker.

You nod. "Ah, you guys can go regroup with the rest of the team. I'll be there in a moment. I just wanted to talk to someone real quick."

They looked at you weird, but agreed to let you stay behind. Before they walked off, they told you to not take too long. You nodded to their words, turning back to the court. You backed away from the door as the teams filed out.

You stepped in front of a certain player when he walked out of the gym. "Hey, Oikawa-san."

The brunette setter smiled at you. "Long time no see, L/n-chan. You're not here to talk to me for Ushiwaka-chan, are you?"

You shake your head. "No. I'm not on speaking terms with Ushijima anymore. He was very upset when I chose Karasuno over Shiratorizawa. I came to catch up quickly before our teams face each other."

Oikawa hums, leaning closer. "First, tell me something important. Do you have a boyfriend now?"

"Yes. Hinata Shoyo, one of the Karasuno players."

"Bummer. I was hoping you were single. I would've asked for you to cheer me on, and then I'd ask you out after I win in the semi finals. Oh, well. I guess it's fine since it's not Ushiwaka." He straightened himself up. "Why are you here?"

"I'm now a manager for the Karasuno boys' volleyball team. So, I'm very sorry, but I won't be cheering for you today."

Oikawa sighed. "What a shame. But, I guess I can respect that. There won't be any hard feelings if I beat your team today, right?"

"None at all. But, we'll be the ones winning today, Oikawa-san."

"Confident, are we? That's exactly what I like about you, L/n-chan. Maybe in another life we could be soulmates. Until then, we have to live as rivals. I'll be taking my leave now. I do hope to see you after the match, no matter what happens." He starts turning away from you.

You smile at him. "Of course. Good luck, senpai."

He waves to you before disappearing. You sigh, the smile falling from your face. You walk back to where your team is, leaning against a nearby wall. "Beat him and get rid of that smugness. He needs to be humbled."

Hinata raised a brow, looking confused. "Who?"

"The grand king himself, Oikawa Tooru."


You stand in the empty hallway, a smile on your face. You look at the approaching boy. "I told you we'd win."

Oikawa chuckled dryly, a frown resting on his face. "I didn't know how much work they put into getting better. They were almost like an entirely new team. Quite impressive. I'm guess this was your doing, oh great volleyball princess? You always knew how to make people reach their maximum potential just by existing anywhere near them. Your talents know no bounds, do they?"

You shrug, grinning. "Who knows. I regret making Ushijima as good as he is, though. I would've liked it have seen you beat him, even just once. That would've been the most amazing game ever."

The brunette leans on the wall next to you. "Oh, how I wish that would've happened. You create volleyball monsters, L/n-chan. I'm jealous that I didn't get the honor of being one of them."

You lightly punch his arm. "You would've been my best monster. Unfortunately, none of the monsters I've created have knock Ushijima down, yet."

"And you want to knock me down, L/n? I would've thought you'd be rooting for me to win. We were once a good pair. Many say it was a shame that you never wanted a relationship with me." The devil himself appeared.

You and Oikawa frowned, turning to look at the uninvited guest. "Ushijima Wakatoshi. Long time no see."

Ushijima nods at you two. "Oikawa. It's a shame that I won't be facing you this year. You really should've come to Shiratorizawa, maybe then you'd have had a chance to go to nationals. L/n, your new team seems to want to try standing in my way. Talk them down, so they don't get crushed badly."

You narrow your eyes at the older boy. "Nah, I think I'm looking forward to seeing my boys wipe the floor with you."

Oikawa snickered. "L/n-chan, you're the only person I know that has the confidence to go against Ushiwaka, even after being so close to him once upon a time."

Ushijima's eyes flicked over to the setter. "You could've been great. But you let your worthless pride get in the way, Oikawa."

The setter frowned, pointing at the ace. "Don't you forget this useless pride. One day, I will beat you." He turns away. "It was nice speaking with you again, L/n-chan. I look forward to seeing you again someday." He walks away, not looking back at you two.

Ushijima sighs, looking at you. "If I asked you out, will you still reject me?"

"Of course. I'm dating Hinata Shoyo now. I believe you met him already. I hope you haven't forgotten him. You shouldn't forget the name and face of the one that will beat you."

The ace narrowed his eyes. "I see. I'm much better than Hinata Shoyo, but you've never been one to care about what's actually good. I will crush your team, and you will know that you made a mistake by not coming to Shiratorizawa." He turns his back to you. "Such a disappointment."

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