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"Hey, Sugawara-senpai, do you think it would be ok if I go to the three on three match this weekend? Or would the rest of the team not be ok with it?" You look at the third year, curiosity in your stare.

Sugawara hummed, passing the ball to the shorter boy. "I'd have to talk it over with the rest of the team. I don't think Tanaka and I would mind, but I can always check to make sure that you'll be welcome to watch. Hinata, I see you've been practicing a lot. You're much better than when we first started. Maybe with a little more work, Kageyama will set to you."

Kageyama snorted. "His receives better be really fucking good then. I won't set to someone unless they prove that they're useful."

Hinata huffed out a breath, successfully receiving the ball yet again. "I'm doing just fine, no thanks to you! Y/n-chan and Suga-san are making sure my receives get better. Maybe if you'd spend some time working with me, you would be able to see just how much better I've gotten. Y/n-chan, you've been working with almost nonstop. Wouldn't you say that I'm much better than I was before?"

You nod, hitting the ball harshly at him, watching as he receives it without problem. "Of course you've gotten better, Shoyo. Kageyama, you might wanna spend some time to check on his progress. His receives would be just fine in a practice match. I mean, yeah he might need to work on them much more before he's ready for an official match, but this is good enough for right now. His current level won't hold you back during the three on three. Give him a chance to show you just how good he's been." You look at the tallest boy in the room, giving him pleading eyes. "Can't you just check on his progress, even if it's just this once?"

Kageyama sighs, hanging his head slightly. "Fine. Hinata, come over here. I'll hit the ball to you for a bit. If I think you do well enough, then I'll set to you."

You, Tanaka, and Sugawara watched as Hinata bumped up every ball sent his way, managing to get it back to Kageyama each and every time. Kageyama kept hitting it harder, wanting to see what Hinata could really do. You had high hopes for your friend, but you were a little nervous since Kageyama was much stronger than you. You wondered how Hinata was able to receive everything Kageyama hit at him. The again, this is your very persistent best friend. There's no way he's going to give up until he gets what he wants. This, you knew for a fact.

You were silently cheering for the ginger in your head, not wanting to gain the attention of any of the other boys in the room. You would most likely be embarrassed if someone were to call you out on having feelings for Hinata, and you wanted to avoid that as much as possible. You continued watching as Hinata used all the energy he had to keep receiving everything Kageyama sent his way. The orange haired boy was determined to prove he was good enough to have Kageyama set to him, there was no way he'd give up when he was already so close.

Hinata felt the pain searing through his arms, worried that he was currently bleeding while his arms received a beating from the ball Kageyama was constantly slamming his way. He winced the harder the ball hit his arms. He wanted this to be over soon, he could feel his energy being drained quickly. All he wanted was for Kageyama to praise him on all the good work he's done to improve his receives in this short amount of time. It seemed like he was going to have to work even harder, just to earn a set from the black haired boy.

With one final spike, Kageyama sends all his strength into the ball. Hinata felt exhausted, collapsing onto the ground. As the ball makes its way back to Kageyama, the setter gets into a position to toss the ball. Sugawara and Tanaka look on.

"I think Hinata is too exhausted, but Kageyama is finally setting the ball to him." One of them comments.

You watch as your friend finally sees the toss being set up for him. "No, Shoyo will be able to spike the ball. It's what he does best. There's no way he would waste this opportunity."

Hinata gets onto his feet, running towards the ball. He swings his arm, hitting the ball to the other side of the net. He finally got what he wanted form Kageyama, and he couldn't be happier. He happily looks at the setter, getting ready to celebrate. "Thanks so much, Kageyama! That set was the best one I've ever gotten!"

Kageyama turned away, a grin creeping onto his face. "Whatever." Internally, he was thrilled that he got a compliment on his sets. "You could've moved faster to hit it. But I guess that was good enough, considering you finally managed to get a good receive in. If you keep receiving that well, we have a better chance of winning tomorrow." The setter looks over at you. "Thanks for all of your help, L/n. Thanks to you being stronger than you look, and having some skill with volleyball, he was able to improve quickly. Hopefully, you can come to our match."

You nod at him, starting to clean up the gym. "It was no problem to help out, I actually enjoyed it. I trust that Sugawara-senpai will discuss it with the rest of the team. He can find me later and let me know the decision. Anyways, the rest of the team will be here soon, so we should probably hurry and clean up the gym. You wouldn't want to get caught by Daichi-san, now would you?"

This caused all four of the boys to scramble around the gym, making it seem as if no one had been inside since last night. It took a few minutes to erase all evidence that you all were here, but you managed to get it done before the rest of the volleyball club arrived. You leave the area with Kageyama and Hinata, walking towards the main school building.

Hinata let out a content sigh. "I'm so happy I finally got to get a good spike in! Are we still going to practice together after school, Kageyama?"

The black haired boy nods, heading to his shoe locker to change into the indoor shoes. "Yeah. We need to get in all the practice we can get. You will be there to help out as well, right L/n?"

You walk over to him, having changed your shoes. "Of course. I promised to help out until the day of the match. I want to make sure everything goes well before you face Tsukishima and Yamaguchi tomorrow. Speaking of which, Yamaguchi came into my class yesterday. He was trying to apologize to me after Tsukishima made fun of me for hanging around you two."

Hinata crossed his arms over his chest, already wearing his indoor shoes. "That Tsukishima guy is such a jerk. I'm not looking forward to being on the same team as him. He doesn't seem like the type to get along with anyone."

You sigh, walking with the two boys to the first years' floor. "Yeah, he's the meanest person I've ever met. I feel bad that he'll end up being your teammate. Will you be able to put up with him constantly calling you that awful nickname, Kageyama?"

Kageyama shrugs, not wanting to seem bothered by it. "I don't want to even think about him. I'll see you guys at lunch." He walks off, heading to his own classroom.

You look at your orange haired friend. "I think I'm going to head to my classroom and double check my homework. Did you want to come with me?"

Hinata shakes his head. "I'm kinda tired after practice. I think I'll just take a nap in my own classroom." He disappears into his class, resting his head on his desk and closing his eyes. Please stop worrying about me so much, Y/n. You need to focus on your own life. I don't want you to be hurt by me.

You walk into your classroom, sitting at your seat. You sigh as you take your work out of your bag, laying it all across the desk and looking over everything. You hoped you got everything right, but a part of you said you might've gotten at least one thing wrong. You didn't know what looked off, to you it seemed as if everything was right. You shook your head, thinking you were just overthinking. You turn your head to the window, looking outside. Just a little longer, then you won't be all alone in this room.

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