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"My love~!"

You turn your back to him, smiling at the boys in front of you. "Tsukishima, Kageyama, did you two need anything? Maybe some water? A towel? Let me know and I'll get it for you."

"Y/n-chan!" He was jumping around in an attempt to get your attention.

Tsukishima snickers. "I think I hit my hand on something. Mind kissing it to make it feel better?" He holds his hand out to you, holding it right in front of your face.

You gently take his hand in yours, raising it to your lips. You plant a soft kiss on his hand. "Feel better?"

He nods. "Much better. Thank you so much, L/n."

Kageyama looks at you, holding in his own laughter. "Mind hitting a few of my tosses. I want to work on my sets a little longer. I'd really like your help."

You nod, quickly stretching out your limbs. "Of course! I'd love to hit some of your famous sets, Kageyama! You don't even need to ask. You could just tell me, and I'd help you anyways." You grab his hand and walk onto the court with him, only letting go to grab a ball so you can start practicing with him.

Hinata frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's her problem? She's been doing that all day!" He slumped onto the ground, a deep pout on his face.

Tsukishima laughed, enjoying everything going on before his eyes. "She must be mad at you, shrimpy. What did you do this time?" He crossed his arms over his chest, raising a brow out of slight interest.

"Nothing! She's just been ignoring me all day! I thought she and I were gonna eat lunch today, then I saw her walking to the vending machines with Kageyama! When I walked over to try talking to her, she disappeared and Kageyama said she had plans with Yachi-san an Shimizu-san!" He huffed out a breath, starting to feel upset about this whole situation.

Yachi walked over, a certain green haired first year by her side. "Y/n said you did something to upset her."

Hinata looked shocked. "What did I do?!"

Yamaguchi tries giving a kind smile to the shorter boy. "Maybe you did something by accident? You should probably talk to her."

The orange haired boy leans his head against the wall. "But she won't let me talk to her!"

Kageyama glanced over at his partner after you spiked yet another one of his tosses. He turns to you, amusement reflecting in his eyes. "So, when are you gonna stop avoiding him?"

You let out a breath. "The day before his birthday. I wanna give him a little surprise. I think he forgot that it's coming up in a few days, so I wanted to get everything planned out before acting normal with him again. For now, I just wanna act like I'm upset since Nishinoya and Tanaka bothered me nonstop yesterday about me and Shoyo dating. Let him think I'm upset for just a little longer, then he'll get a sweet and affectionate date with his loving girlfriend on his birthday. It'll be really cute. Maybe If I don't talk with him until the day before, I could make it seem serious by telling him something like 'I need to talk to you, come to my house at noon tomorrow'. How does that sound to you?"

The setter shrugs, picking up the volleyball you had just spiked. "Sounds good to me. Do you think you can keep this act up that long, though?"

You shrug, catching the ball as he throws it at you. "Probably. If I'm going too far, I might just tone it down and say that I just needed a little space, and that everything will be fine soon. I just hope he doesn't get too upset over this. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I absolutely cannot let him know about the plans I've been working on this week."

Yachi walks up to you, a concerned look on her face. "Y/n, I think your plan is upsetting Hinata. I'm starting to feel a little bad for him. Are you sure everything will be fine?"

You look past her, seeing your sulking boyfriend. "Oh, boy. Looks like I'll need to give him an excuse soon. I just need him to stay ok enough until Sunday. Think you guys can keep lending me a hand? Kiyoko is already going to be coming over to my house after practice on Friday and Saturday to help me prepare myself and set up my house for Shoyo's birthday."

Yachi nods. "If you need an extra set of hands, I can help out."

You put the ball in the ball cart and turn back to the girl, clapping your hands together and holding them out in front of you while your palms touch. "Please let Shoyo walk you to your bus stop on those days so he doesn't see Kiyoko coming over to my place! I can't let him think that anything is going on. Oh, Kageyama, do you think you could walk home with me this week, so we can discuss the presents I planned on getting him?"

Kageyama nods, holding up his hand in the thumbs up manner. "Of course. But how are we gonna work that out without Hinata getting suspicious?"

"We'll just tell him that you asked me to tutor him a bit. If he tries coming along, I'll tell him I'll help him in the morning to prevent a fight from occurring between you two."

Yachi looks at you with stars in her eyes. "Wow, you're so amazing, Y/n! You've put so much thought into all of this."

You nod, smiling. "Well, he's my childhood best friend that is now my boyfriend. I want to make special moments with him. I want him to feel like he's the most important person to me, because he is. I hope he'll like the plans I have for him."

Hinata slowly walked over to you, head hanging low. "Y/n-chan, did I do something wrong?" He looked on the verge of tears.

You felt an ache in your chest. "I'm sorry, Shoyo. I'm just a little upset because of Nishinoya and Tanaka harassing me about our love and sex life. I just need a few days to get over it. I promise everything is fine with us. I still love you."

He brightens up at that. "I love you too."

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