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The bus ride felt long, but you know it wasn't that bad. Maybe, just maybe, you were feeling uneasy about the matches for today. It was finally October, the day where the qualifiers for the prefecture take place. You let out a sigh as you continued looking out of the window. If you remembered correctly, the guys that flirted with you is from Johzenji. And that school was in the top four for the last tournament in the prefecture. You had no clue if your team was good enough to face them. Yes, you've made a few more trips to Tokyo to face the other teams. Yes, there have been a lot of changes with the team. And yes, they got much better. But that didn't mean you were completely confident in what they could do. Against some of the top teams in the prefecture, you weren't sure just how far this team would be able to go. You didn't voice your concerns, not wanting to create problems for the boys. You already knew that a few of them were going to turn into absolute messes the moment they got into that building. You were just doing whatever it takes to keep some of the pressure off of them.

Yachi leaned over, brushing against your shoulder. "Y/n, do we have plenty of first aid supplies? There's enough stomach medicine to go around, right?"

You nod, turning to look at the girl. "I made sure to stock up on everything. We're ready for every scenario that could possibly happen. I'm just hoping we won't actually need to use anything. I told you to calm down already. There's nothing to worry about. You're stressing yourself out for no reason. These guys worked really hard, all we need to do now is support them as they show how much they've grown." You hoped you could believe your own words, still being nervous about everything.

The moment the bus pulled into the parking lot, everyone filed out. You ended up grabbing the most stuff among you managers. Kiyoko took some of the things away from you, not wanting you to carry so much. "There's no point in one of us getting hurt before the matches even start. Take it easy, Y/n. You're supposed to have a level head while Yachi and half the boys panic." Kiyoko walks ahead of you, not wanting to lecture you on stuff she knew you know.

You took in a deep breath. "Right." You follow after the older girl. You shake the thoughts away, not wanting to worry anyone else over your own concerns for this match. "Hitoka, hurry up."

Yachi hurries herself, eventually being able to walk at your side. "Sorry. I guess I'm still not used to any of this. It feels like so much. And the team will be going against a prefecture powerhouse. How do you think they'll do?"

You held your head high, trying to seem confident about the team. "They're gonna win, of course. There's no way that they'll lose. We're all going back to Tokyo for the spring nationals. I have no doubts that they'll be able to beat all the teams in the prefecture." I hope the guys win. This is so nerve wracking. If they don't win, I might just throw up. Shit, I'm feeling sick. Maybe I should clear out my stomach before the game.

You all walk into the building, gathering together. Coach Ukai scans the group, letting out a sigh. "We play in 20 minutes. Quickly get yourselves together. This is going to be a tough game. You need to give it your all."

"Yes, sir!" The boys quickly went off to do the last minute preparations.

You sit on the ground, your back against the wall. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. "Everything will be alright. The boys will win, and play another game today. They'll move onto the semi finals for tomorrow."

Tsukishima sits down next to you. "Well, this is a first. You're actually nervous about our games. Or, you're at least showing your nervousness a little."

You open one eye, looking over at the boy next to you. "I can only be fine for so long. Let me have my emotions too. I work to hard ot keep everyone else together. I need a break."

The blond holds up his hands in defense. "Hey, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that. If anything, it's good that you're finally letting your own feelings out. It shows that you're not perfect, that you're human just like the rest of us. But, you don't need to worry. This team has changed from how we were a few months ago. We're stronger now. I think you'll have nothing to worry about."

You open your other eye, both eyes widening a bit. "That's surprising, coming from you. I expected you to not really care either way."

He shrugs. "I'm just trying to make you feel better. You've helped everyone else on the team. It would make sense that there should be someone there to help you when you've reached a breaking point. I seem to be the only one here that can remain level headed at all times. So, I took it upon myself to help you out."

You hum. "Well, thanks, Tsukishima. I appreciate it. I feel a bit better now. Good luck on your first match."

Tsukishima stands up, dusting off his clothes. "No problem. Feel free to come to me whenever you can't control your nerves. I'll be taking my leave now."

You watch as he walks away from you. A smile curves on your face. You stand up, checking the time. You walk over to the other first year girl. "It's about time for them to start warming up. You ready to go up into the stands?"

Yachi nods. "Let's go."

You two say your goodbyes, wishing the boys good luck, and walk away from the team. You two go up the stairs and find the perfect front row spots to stand just as the boys walk onto the court. Everything was going to be alright. 

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