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Hinata paused once you two stood on the roof of the school building. He turns, looking at you. "Hey, what did you want to talk about with me?"

You inhaled a deep breath, doing a last minute gathering of your thoughts. "Are you ok? Ever since you got hit in the head during the week, you've been acting a little off. Even your playing wasn't that good until today. I'm kind of worried about you, since I've never seen you like that. Did something happen? Or did you get more hurt from the volleyball hitting your head than we thought?"

Hinata frowns, unable to find it in him to fake a smile in this moment. "You've been thinking about that the whole time? Was it really that obvious that something was wrong?"

"Well, I noticed. No one talked about it, so I doubt that anyone else figured it out. Did - did something happen to you that day? I remember you saying that you had a bad feeling that was bothering you. Did something bad actually happen?"

He takes a deep breath, looking at the ground. "My dad came home for a little while there was no one else home. I found him there once I stepped inside the house. Luckily, he left before mom and Natsu came home. But... he hit me. Grabbed me by the collar and punched my stomach a few times, then threw me to the floor while he kicked and stomped on me."

Your jaw dropped, shock filling you. "Oh my - are you alright? Why didn't you tell me that happened? I would've been there for you if I knew about it. You know you can always come talk to me whenever something happens, right? I don't care what it is, I wanna know about it. You have to tell me things so that I can help you to the best of my abilities."

The orange haired boy sighs, looking at you for a moment before looking up at the night sky. "Something like that - it's kind of hard to talk about. I mean, I didn't know how you or anyone else might react to that kind of information. I know I told you that he abused me in the past, but the fact that he still manages to find ways of coming to hurt me even now, it just feels like nothing good can come of me talking about it."

You take a few steps closer to him, gently placing your hands on his shoulders. "Shoyo, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you. I just want to know so that I can be by your side and support you. I like helping you, even if all I do is sit with you and listen to you rant about whatever is on your mind. Even if you just want a hug or a kiss, I'll give you anything if there's a chance it'll make you feel better. It's going to be ok. I don't think you'll have to live in fear of your dad for your whole life. One day, he won't be able to come anywhere near you. You'll be safe, and things will get better for you."

Hinata flicks his eyes away from the sky, finally making eye contact with you. A weak smile spreads across his face, tears building in his eyes. "Thanks, Y/n. I really don't know what I would do without you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his body.

You wrap your arms around him, nuzzling against him. "I'm always gonna be in your life. I just need you to not push me away or hide things from me. Nothing you could do or say will make me love you any less." You plant a sweet kiss on his cheek. "I love you, Shoyo, only you. You never have to worry about me leaving you."

He squeezes you, not wanting to let go of you as tears start breaking free from his eyes. "I love you. I love you so much, Y/n. Never leave me."

You rub comforting circles onto his back. "I'm never leaving you, Shoyo. You have nothing to worry about." Your smile falls as you feel him trembling in your arms. You know for a fact that something is wrong. "Shoyo... you're crying. Are you ok? What's wrong?"

He shakes his head, a sob slipping past his lips. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/n."

You pull back slightly, looking at his face. You cup his face in your hands, rubbing his tears away with your thumbs. "I'm worried, Shoyo. You don't usually cry like this out of nowhere. Is something serious going on?"

Hinata shakes his head, forcing the tears to stop. He forces a fake smile onto his face, hoping it looks real enough to you. "Yeah, sorry. I guess I was more emotional about all this than I thought. It's nothing. I just needed to let out a few tears. It's really fine. You don't need to worry."

You frown, furrowing your brows as you search his eyes. You can't tell that he's lying, making you release a sigh. "Oh, alright. As long as you're alright, then I guess that there's no problem. But don't hesitate to let me know if something's bothering you."

"I promise to let you know if something's going on. It's getting late, and we have a few practice matches tomorrow. We should probably get to bed. Go on ahead without me. I'm just gonna breathe in some more of the night air for a little longer. I'll be inside soon."

You walk to the door, turning to give him a small smile. "Alright. Goodnight, Shoyo. Get plenty of rest. I'll see you in the morning. I love you."

He nods, watching you open the door. "Love you." He watches you walk through the door, then let it close behind you. He sighs as he's left alone on the roof of the school.

I can't believe I let myself breakdown in front of her. I need to stop putting her through all of this. It isn't fair to her. I'm just being selfish. Y/n deserves so much better than me. He looks down at his arms, the hoodie he's wearing covering the bandages. He moves his sleeve up, looking at the fresh bandages. She needs someone that it's as fucked up. I need to stop letting her know my problems. If I get more attached, killing myself is only gonna end up worse.

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