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Your eyes dart across the court, watching the ball's every position. You take in a sharp breath, watching how the blockers move. Your body quickly moves forward, not letting the ball touch the ground. You save your team from losing another point. The ball flies right to Kageyama, and he sets it up for the wing spiker that was running towards the net. You slowly let out your breath, feeling your heart pounding against your chest. Sweat rolled down the side of your face as you walk back to the starting position. You only needed to keep this up for a little longer.

You noticed that the boys from all the teams present were taking glances over at you. It was weird for a girl to suddenly join in practice matches between boys' teams. And you were pretty good, for a female manager. You somehow always managed to keep the ball in play, no matter where it went on the court. You felt tired from all the sets you were switched into while Nishinoya  needed a break. All the times you had to run after your blockers managed to get one touches, the times you needed to go almost to the other side of the gym, then make sure you run all the way back to the court to stop the ball from touching your court from the opposing team's blocks. You were moving around, even more than Nishinoya was. It was impressive to all the boys, who made sure to take some time to see you in action. It was almost like all other matches paused whenever you stepped onto the court for the Karasuno team.

You bend over, your hands on your knees. You needed to catch your breath if you were going to keep playing in this set. You look up, seeing members of your team smiling at you. They were saying things, but you couldn't hear. You heard you heart pounding heavily in your chest. Your vision was getting blurry. It felt like you couldn't breathe anymore. You were overheating, exhaustion claiming your entire body. You tried to stand up straight, attempting to take a step forward. You swayed slightly, dizziness hitting you hard. You fell forward, completely blacking out.

"Shit." Ukai cursed under his breath upon watching you pass out on the court. "We had her on the court too long. Nishinoya, quickly take her place. Sugawara, Yamaguchi, quickly pick her up and bring her over here. The managers and sensei can take can of her from here on out." He watches as everyone does as he says, looking over you once you were set down on the bench.

Kiyoko is quick to dampen a clean towel with some of the water from a water bottle she had just filled. She gently placed it on your forehead, her eyes glancing at your flushed face. "Hitoka, I think she might have a fever suddenly. We need an ice pack. Can you go find one so we can place it on her forehead?"

Yachi nods, quickly rushing off to find an ice pack. Once she gets one, she comes back and helps the older manager place it on your forehead. "Is Y/n going to be alright?"

Takeda looks over with a worried expression on her face. "I sure hope so. All we can do is pray that it's nothing too serious."

Hinata glanced at you from the corner of his eye, his brows furrowed. Is Y/n alright? Why would she just collapse like that? I know she isn't currently playing sports, and that she usually focuses on her grades over being athletic. I hope she's going to be fine. Maybe she just needs rest? We did have her playing with us for longer than what she usually does. Could she have passed out from exhaustion? Was she too hot? Is she getting sick? Wait, no! I can't focus on her right now, even though that's all I want to do. I need to concentrate on the game.


You open your eyes, groaning at the slight pain you felt in your head. With a flushed face, you turn to look at what was going on. "Kiyoko, how long was I out?"

The girl with glasses looks over at you, relief washing over her face. "A few hours. We'll be leaving after playing one more set. How are you feeling?"

"Hot, sweaty, and my head hurts. I think I overdid it."

Yachi sighed, handing you a damp towel. "Here, put this against your forehead to keep cooling off. We all got worried when you collapsed! Everything stopped for a bit to make sure you were alright. Everyone here worried about you."

You sigh, quickly changing yuor breathing to take deep and slow breaths, hoping you could keep your body calm. "I don't even know what happened. Everything just suddenly got blurry, my whole body was heavy, I was having trouble breathing. Then, the next thing I know, I'm laying over here."

Takeda noticed you're awake, relief washing over the poor teacher. "Thank god you're alright! Are you feeling any better?"

You shrug, letting the damp towel cool your head off. "Just trying to focus on getting my breathing back to normal. I think I might be overheating from all the running around I've been doing."

Kiyoko nods. "It's pretty hot here, too. I'm kind of surprised you were the only one to collapse. You held out for quite a while, and all the guys here are impressed. Just, next time, if you feel unwell, quickly let us know so we can give you a break."

Yachi quickly got up, then found the water bottle she recently filled up. She handed it to you. "Here, you should drink some water. You should feel better with rest and hydration."

You weakly grab the bottle, bringing it to your lips to take a couple of big gulps of the water. "Thanks. I don't think I'll be able to play anymore for a while."

Ukai glances over at you, grinning. "Glad you're doing better. Take your time to rest up. I better not see you awake while we're heading back home. You especially need to take it easy."

You nod, slowly sitting yourself up. You lean against the other managers, continuing to calm your breathing. "Yes, sir."

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