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You just stare at the sight before you, unsure of how to react. Your eyes were wide, unblinking and disbelieving. This was the last thing you expected to see once you walked through that door. You furrow your brows, trying to figure out what it is that you're looking at. But no answers (at least, not logical answers) come to mind. Finally you release a sigh, closing your eyes as you tilt your head down. "What am I looking at?"

"That's what I've been thinking for the past 30 minutes." Kiyoko walks over, standing beside you. She was also looking at whatever it was that was on the floor of the gym.

Yachi opened the door of the gym, walking in. She stops once she notices what's on the floor of the gym. "What's that?" Her eyes widened, her face turning paler than normal.

You pinch the bridge of your nose, squinting your eyes at the sight before. "That's what we've been trying to figure out. I'm gonna clean this up, you two better keep the boys from coming in here. Actually, make sure no one else sets foot in here until I've cleaned this up."

The blonde manager salutes. "I'll do my best."

The girl with the glasses sighs, a frown on her face. "I'll get you some gloves. You're gonna need them to clean up... whatever this is." She walks off, quickly returning with gloves that remind you of a hazmat suit.

You slip the gloves on, rolling them as farup your arm as they go. "I thought the gym was locked whenever the team wasn't using it. I didn't know that just anyone could come in here and leave their underwear, and what I can only assume is cum, on the floor."

Kiyoko snorts, trying to hold in her laughter. "I was gonna ask if those were yours, and asked how you and Hinata snuck in. I guess this answers my question."

You gasp, looking at the two girls, visibly offended. "I would never! That kind of activity stays in our houses, more specifically in his bedroom or mine. Even if he begged me, I wouldn't let him do something like that in a public place. And the volleyball gym of all places! This is where they work hard, not fuck hard!" You glare at what you need to clean up, walking over to the closet and grabbing a trash bag. You also grabbed a bucket and a mop. "One of you, fill this up with water."

Yachi grabs it. "Couldn't you just use one of our regular mops? Like, one of the ones we use to wipe up sweat at the end of practice?"

You shake your head. "I'd rather not. It would make me wanna just replace the whole mop. At least with this, I can worry about using water and cleaning things up properly." You watch the two girls nod at you before walking out of the gym.

Kiyoko ends up returning, handing you the filled bucket. "It was too heavy for Hitoka once it was about half full. I trust you can clean this up and make it seem like this never happened."

You nodded. "I will. I just need you and Hitoka to keep the boys out long enough for me to deal with this." With much disgust, you pick up the underwear and get it inside the trash bag. You turn to look at your friend, only to find she already disappeared out of the gym. You sigh, closing the bag and tossing it to the side. You grab the mop, dunking into the bucket and begin to mop.

Outside of the gym, the team had just finished changing. The group of boys walked together. They pause when they see two of their managers standing outside of the gym, blocking the door.

Daichi raised a brow. "What are you two doing out here? We need to get in the gym." He tries walking passed the two girls.

They shift, not letting him (or anyone else) get inside the gym. Yachi chuckled nervously, a drop of sweat rolling down her face. "Um, the gym isn't unlocked yet."

Sugawara walks up, twirling the key on one of his fingers. "Ok. Then let me unlock it."

Kiyoko blocks the lock on the door. "Uh, not yet!"

Daichi furrows his brows. "What's going on here?"

Hinata frowns, not knowing where you are. "Where's Y/n?"

Suddenly, your voice can be heard shouting from inside the gym. "WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW DID THAT GET UP THERE?!" There's a thud from inside the gym, then silence rings.

Kiyoko and Yachi exchange a nervous glance. "Is she ok?" They asked at the same time, both concerned about what was just heard.

Daichi pushes the two girls aside. He forces the door open and walks in, the others (including the managers) following. "What's going on in here?! L/n, are you ok?"

You groan, rolling onto your side. "Ow. Don't fall from the second floor. It hurts."

"Why were you on the second floor?!"

Your eyes widened, realizing the boys are in the gym. "Uhh... you guys aren't supposed to be in here. Kiyoko, Yachi, I thought you were keeping them out?"

Yachi scratches the back of her head nervously. "We all heard your shout and then a thud. Kiyoko-san and I couldn't keep them out any longer."

Sugawara walks over to the bucket and mop. "Why are these things here?" He carefully looks at the floor. "Did you mop our floor?"

You sigh. "Can a tall, able bodied person get onto the second floor and grab that?" You point up, a bra hanging from something.

The guys all stare with wide eyes, pink tinting their faces.

"And can you put it in that trash bag near the wall?" You point at the bag laying next to a wall.

Tsukishima sighs. "Give me the gloves you're wearing. I'll deal with the bra."

You take off your gloves, rolling back onto your back. You hand the tall boy the gloves. "Thank you. I apppreciate you, Tsukishima."

Kageyama slowly walks over to you, helping you onto your feet. "How did you fall?"

You rub your back, feeling a pain from how you landed after falling. "I got on the railing cuz I couldn't reach. I was tryna clean the gym up before you all got here, then noticed the bra hanging up there. It would seem some students came in and used the gym as a place for an unholy act."

Tsukishima threw the bra into the bag, taking off the gloves and throwing them into the trash bag. "Disgusting."

Hinata walked over, brows furrowed in concern. "Where did you land?"

"On the floor?"

He frowns. "I meant how did you land."

"Oh." You hesitate. "Well, I was on the railing, then I wasn't. Next thing I know, I'm on my back on the floor."

Your boyfriend walks behind you, crouching down and lifting your shirt up. "Oh, there's a red mark. It might turn into a bruise." He give it a soft kiss, then pulls your shirt back down. "Be careful."

You grin. "I won't fall the next time."

"Get a room!"

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