Chapter 3 The Battle of the Queen Bee

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    When Chu Ye arrived at Longya Village, he still had 150 gold coins on his body. He spent nearly 20 gold coins on repairing the house, buying daily necessities, and elixir seeds in the fields.

    Just after going out, Chu Ye spent 30 gold coins to buy a contract scroll, 20 gold coins to buy a bug net, 30 gold coins to buy two wood-type soul crystals, 10 gold coins to buy some grass crystal honey, and 10 gold coins to buy some Reviving Spiritual Liquid, there are only thirty gold coins left on the body.

    Chu Ye shook his head and threw the messy thoughts out of his mind. He could think about the future things slowly. The most important thing is to go into the mountain and find a chance to contact the defeated little queen bee. If it goes well, he will be able to have a soul pet. .

    Thinking of soul pets, Chu Ye licked his lips, showing some anticipation. By fate, he came to this mysterious and unpredictable world. Chu Ye didn't want to be an ordinary person.

    Chu Ye carried the package into the mountain. The package on his body was just a cover, and most of the things he prepared were in the space pendant.

    "Young Master Ye, go into the mountain!"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes!" The

    villagers looked at Chu Ye and said, "Could it be that Young Master Ye wants to go into the mountain to find a soul pet?"

    "That's right." The

    villagers sighed . "That's not easy."

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's okay to try."


    After Chu Ye went deep into the forest, he entered the outer territory of the silver-winged bee, where the silver-winged bee colony brewed The silver snow honey produced is very valuable, so sometimes villagers venture deep into the territory of the bee colony to seize the hive.

    Although the gold coins are good, life is more important, there are many villagers who died, and the villagers gradually dare not approach here.

    Maybe it was because the bee colony was in a critical period of transition between the old and the new. The bees were a little violent, and Chu Ye didn't dare to get too close.

    Chu Ye took out the compass on his body and found a place to wait.

    After Chu Ye waited for more than a day, the dot on the compass that represented the existence of the old queen bee became dimmer and dim, and finally went out.

    The moment the old queen bee's dots disappeared, two green light dots suddenly lit up.

    After the death of the old queen bee, soul crystals will be left behind. The new queen bee can absorb soul crystals and grow up quickly. There is only one soul crystal, but the new queen bee has two, which is obviously not enough.

    The colony seemed to sense the death of the old queen bee and became restless.

    The swarm buzzed, and countless silver-winged bees danced in the air, as if they were mourning.

    Chu Ye was lying in the grass honestly, not daring to show his head at all.

    The old leader of the swarm died, and the swarm was restless. At this time, if he leaked a little breath, it would trigger a fierce siege of the swarm.

    Before coming here, in order to avoid accidents, Chu Ye and the hunter in the village bought the tasteless powder and sprinkled two packs on his body, otherwise, it would be too bad.

    Chu Ye saw that on the compass, two green light spots were intertwined, and the light kept flickering.

    Many swarms flew towards the east base camp, Chu Ye thought to himself: These swarms flew over, I don't know if they were going to watch the battle.

    The light on the compass flickered and flickered faster and faster. Chu Ye secretly guessed that the battle in the forest must be fierce.

    Chu Ye's location was some distance from the base camp.

    The swarms of bees gathered towards the base camp, and the entire jungle was silent, giving people a sense of desolation.

    Chu Ye looked over the mountains to the east and looked over.

    There are several large swarms of bees gathered in the mountains to the east, and from a distance it looks like silver clouds are floating in the sky.

    Chu Ye looked at the clouds in the sky and sighed secretly, there are really many silver-winged bees in the mountains!

    It is no wonder that the silver-winged bee colony can become a tyrant in the mountains, and no ordinary people dare to mess with it.

    About two hours later, a green light point indicated on the compass flew out of the bee colony base staggeringly. Chu Ye estimated that the winner should have been decided.

    "Buzzing" Chu Ye heard the beeping sound coming from a distance, and the beeping sound was getting louder and louder, with a bit of joy.

    Chu Ye secretly guessed that the bee colony was celebrating the birth of the new king, the victorious little queen bee in the jungle.

    The clouds that originally gathered in the sky dispersed, and countless silver-winged bees flew up and down, and the scene was spectacular.

    The winner was in the spotlight, and the loser had no interest. Chu Ye mourned for the defeated little queen bee, and chased in the direction of the spot of light.

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