Chapter 8 Silver Winged Swarm

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    Early the next morning, the village chief came to the door in a hurry.

    Chu Ye opened the door and saw the worried village chief. He was a little puzzled, "Village chief, is something wrong?" The

    village chief looked at Chu Ye and said tangled, "Young Master Ye, are you okay?"

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "It's alright!"

    "Someone saw a group of silver-winged bees flying to your house yesterday." The village chief said cautiously.

    Chu Ye smiled and said frankly: "It's okay, I contracted a silver-winged wasp. Yesterday he brought a group of younger brothers to come to rely on me."

    Chu Ye secretly said: If he wants to brew enough honey, he must put silver-winged bees on it. When the bees go out to collect honey, the bees will definitely attract attention. Since they can't hide it, it is better to tell the villagers frankly.

    The village chief looked at Chu Ye in surprise, "Young Master Ye, you contracted a silver-winged wasp?" The

    village chief also heard the villagers mention that Chu Ye went to the mountains to find a soul pet.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "That's right." The village chief     admired

    it and said, "It turns out that Young Master Ye is already a soul pet master. He is very powerful."

But since the contract is successful, it can be regarded as entering the ranks of soul pet masters, but the contract is silver-winged bees, and the future is probably limited.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's easy to say." The village chief said worriedly, "Young     Master

    Chu, there is a silver-winged queen bee in the mountains. Your silver-winged bee may be summoned by the queen bee."

With natural restraint, the village chief only thought that Chu Ye had contracted an ordinary silver-winged bee, but he never thought that Chu Ye was also contracting with the silver-winged queen bee.

    Chu Ye said nonchalantly, "No, the silver-winged queen bee is in the deep mountains. I am not close to the deep mountains. If the distance is far, the queen bee will not be able to control me." The

    village chief nodded, "Ye just thinks less . ."

    The village chief came over and left after asking about the situation.

    Soon, the story of Chu Ye contracting a silver-winged bee spread widely in the village. Many people in the village felt strange when they knew that there was a soul pet master in the village.

    "Young Ye has contracted a silver-winged wasp! From now on, he will also be a soul pet master!"

    "Why did you contract a silver-winged bee! What can a silver-winged bee do! It's better to contract a savage bee! Cattle can cultivate the land and pull carts." The people of Longya Village don't communicate with people often, and they don't have much knowledge. In everyone's impression, a good contract beast should be a large beast like a tiger or a leopard. Go out to have face and hunt.

    "Young Master Ye may not have good qualifications, so he can only contract a small soul pet."

    Chu Ye will be assigned to Longya Village, it must be because his qualifications are not very good, and he was assigned by the Chu family. They all felt that Chu Ye's soul power was too low, so when he contracted a silver-winged bee, no one would have thought that what Chu Ye contracted was a mid-quality silver-winged queen bee.     "Young Master Ye seems to be planning to keep bees

    . If you can really raise them, you can make a lot of money."

    "No, the price of spiritual honey from the outside world is not very high!"

Support is another problem. Now that the plants planted by many people in the village are blooming, Chu Ye simply brings Xiaoyin's newly harvested silver-winged bee colony to gather honey in the village.

    During this time, Chu Ye had a good relationship with the villagers. Although many people in the village were afraid of silver-winged bees, they did not stop the silver-winged bees from gathering honey.

    The silver-winged bee swarm moved, and the mighty group was quite spectacular.

    Having seen the majesty of the silver-winged bee colony, the villagers have changed their minds about Chu Ye's contract with the silver-winged bee.

    Originally, the villagers thought that the contract silver-winged bees had no future, but they felt that the contracted silver-winged bees were also good.

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