Chapter 128 The Beginning of the Mutual Market

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    In the blink of an eye, several months have passed silently. It has been nearly three years since Chu Ye and the two came to Liangjie City.

    In the past few years, Chu Ye's life has been relatively peaceful.

    In the past few years, Xiaoyin's strength has reached the peak of the third-order warrior general, and he is only one step away from entering the fourth-order warrior general.

    Xuebao's strength has also reached the third rank of Warlord.

    Compared with the difficult steps of training Xuebao and Xiaoyin, the training of Xiaocai, Xiaobai, and Mo Tuanzi is much easier, and various resources are used closely.

    A few are still competitive, and the speed of advancement is not slow.

    Xiaobai, Xiaocai, and Mo Tuanzi all entered the ninth rank of scholar.

    In the end, Xiaobai had a high bloodline level and made the fastest progress. Later, he was the first to enter the ninth rank, and his combat power also increased extremely rapidly.

    As long as the suffocation is in place, with Xiaobai's aptitude, there is a 99% chance that he can enter the warlord.

    Xiaocai is not bad either. A few months ago, the seven rainbow fruits from the rainbow tree all entered Xiaocai's stomach.

    Someone in Liangjiecheng knew the news of the rainbow fruit and was willing to pay a lot of money to buy it, but both of them pushed it.

    After eating the rainbow fruit, Xiaocai's magic power increased by almost 20%. Lin Chuwen reckoned that if there was another beast tide, the ability of the little fox and Xiaocai's opponents would definitely be even better.

    During this time, the scale of Xuebao's chicken farm has expanded a lot, and the number of herbal chickens raised by Xuebao is now around 150.

    The number of ordinary chickens has also greatly increased, and the breeding of dragon fish has also formed a scale, and the output is much higher than before.

    In the past two years, under the continuous watering of the spiritual spring, the spiritual field in the cave has increased by five acres.

    The spirit grasses planted in Chu Ye's Lingtian are all for personal use, and are mainly divided into four categories. The spirit grass needed for refining pharmaceuticals, the last category is the spirit grass that Chu Ye needs to make wine.

    In addition to the ones planted in the cave, Chu Ye also planted a lot in the jade pendant space, and even this was not enough. From time to time, the two would go out to the pharmacy to buy a batch of spiritual herbs.

    After lunch, Chu Ye took Lin Chuwen to hang out in the cave.

    Looking at the thriving scene in the cave, a huge sense of achievement surged in my heart.

    "Those dragons and tiger chickens look good!" Chu Ye asked.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "It's okay."

    At first, Lin Chuwen's research on kidney-tonifying chickens was not smooth. He tried a lot of spirit herbs, and the herbal chickens were all lacking in interest. Later, Lin Chuwen simply arranged some kidney-tonifying chickens. , mixed with the spiritual spring that several herbal chickens drink on weekdays.

    Most herbal chickens don't like this herbal chicken mixed with potions, but a few are very interested.

    Certified by Wufeng, the eggs produced by this dragon-tiger chicken have very good effect of invigorating the kidneys, and are extremely popular with some customers of Piaoxianju.

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