Chapter 157 Xia Shan's Trouble

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    After getting the medicine inheritance, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen did not rush back to Liangjiecheng. Liangjiecheng was not bad, but many things were not complete, and some special materials were difficult to buy.

    The two went to several towns in Yunzhou, sold a batch of medicines, and purchased a batch of materials.

    The two wandered around aimlessly, and unknowingly came to Sanyang City again.

    Sanyang City is still as lively as ever, with people coming and going in the city in an endless stream.

    "Xiashan." Standing on the restaurant, Chu Ye looked at the distant scenery, but didn't want to see the acquaintances he used to be, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

    Lin Chuwen was feeding Xuebao. Hearing that, he glanced at Chu Ye and said suspiciously, "Xia Shan? You read it wrong.


    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "No, it's really Xiashan."

    Lin Chuwen walked to the window, glanced down, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "It's really! It's such a coincidence that I saw it here. "

    Xia Shan is an old friend of the two in Longya Village, both Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen have a good impression of Xia Shan.

    "Scholar-rank seventh-rank, Xiashan's Huoyunma has grown a lot taller!" Chu Ye said.

    The cultivation of the seventh-rank scholar-level is not in Chu Ye's eyes, but the progress of this cultivation is already very fast for many ordinary soul masters who have no family background.

    Lin Chuwen looked at the Huoyun Ma in Xiashan, and there was a pattern of burning flames on the lower limbs of Huoyun Ma, which looked very mighty.

    "Xia Shan's bloodline seems to have improved as well."

    Chu Ye estimated that Xia Shan should have some chance during this time, otherwise his strength would not improve so fast.

    "I'm only in charge of shipping the goods. This box has been locked all the time, and the items have been delivered. You said that there are few items, so how can you blame me." Xia Shan said angrily.

    "Nonsense, you must have opened the box halfway through, so there are fewer things." A middle-aged butler with a pot belly said.

    Xia Shan said angrily: "You are talking nonsense, I didn't steal it, I always carry the goods with faith."

    "Joke, when you talk about faith, you talk about faith. I'm missing three revitalizing potions in this box. You must have taken it." The steward said arrogantly.

    When Xia Shan heard the Peiyuan potion, his brows jumped, his face flushed, and he said a little excitedly: "Impossible, this box has always been locked, and you didn't give me the key." The

    middle-aged steward snorted softly . , said: "Who knows if you found someone and quietly opened the box."

    Xia Shan said angrily: "I didn't do such a thing."

    Several people in charge of delivery beside Xia Shan looked at each other, but did not speak. .

    The middle-aged supervisor looked at Xia Shan, and said proudly: "Don't think I don't know, you have a criminal record!"

    Xia Shan said angrily: "Nonsense, you have a criminal record."

    "If you feel innocent, put the storage Just open the bag and take a look." The middle-aged man said, staring at Xia Shan's storage bag.

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