Chapter 49 Ice Candle Fruit

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    After leaving Longya Village, Lin Chuwen and Chu Ye wandered around aimlessly.

    Every time he went to a new town, Lin Chuwen went to the city to sell a batch of potions, and exchanged them for spirit grass and jade.

    Every time Chu Ye went, he sold some elixir.

    Previously, Chu Ye had planted a batch of elixir in the jade pendant space. These elixir grew well and sold for 500 gold coins one after another.

    The two of them wandered around aimlessly, and before they knew it, half a month had passed.

    Chu Ye sat on the haystack behind the carriage and suddenly opened his eyes.

    Before, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen came out of the city and met an old man who came out to sell Linggu. They accidentally learned that a batch of ice candle fruit was about to ripen in Qingquan Village, where the old man lived, so they wanted to go to the village to see the situation.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye and blinked, "Is it alright?"

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "It's alright, but Chu Sichen went to Longya Village again."

    When Chu Ye left Longya Village, he put All the silver-winged bees that had reached the rank were taken away, except for a fifth-order silver-winged bee that had established an affiliation with Xiaoyin.

    That silver-winged wasp was left behind by Chu Ye on a whim. Chu Ye had activated his synaesthesia skills, and he could see the scene seen by the soul pet attached to Xiaoyin, so he left the silver-winged bee in the village as a Just in case, as a result, he saw the Lin family go to the village through the eyes of the silver-winged bee a few days ago, and he saw Chu Sichen go to the village these days.

    Lin Chuwen frowned, shook his head, and said, "Are you still not giving up?"

    Chu Ye closed his eyes and said, "I'm afraid this synaesthesia skill will soon be useless." The

    use of synaesthesia skills is limited by distance. When Tian discovered the Lin family, he could still see some complete pictures, but now that the distance is too far, he can only see some vague pictures.

    "That's it." Just be careful in the future.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

    "Old man, when are you going to be there!" Lin Chuwen raised his voice and asked the old man in front of him.

    The old man threw the whip and replied, "It's fast, it's fast, it's fast."

    Soon Qingquan Village arrived, and Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen got off the carriage.

    "This village is very rich!" The land in Longya Village is barren, and there are many brick houses. The houses are built in a mess, and the roads are also messy. Qingquan Village is different. The houses in the village are scattered and all green. The brick building is very solid at first glance.

    Lin Chuwen hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Of course it's different from Longya Village. Didn't you find that there are many spiritual fields here?"

    The fields in Longya Village are all ordinary fields, so the herbs that can be planted are all For some common medicinal herbs, Lingtian is different, and Lingtian can grow some more precious medicinal materials.

    Spirit fields are generally built on spiritual veins, and spiritual veins are very rare. Villages with spiritual veins are usually richer, and there will be more soul pet masters in the village.

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