Chapter 99 Frost pit.

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    The little fox was lying at the entrance of the cave watching the flying snow, yawning a little bored.

    Chu Ye looked at the wind and snow outside the ice cave, frowned, and said, "This snow seems to be falling for a long time!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "It seems so."

    Lin Chuwen took out two Yan Yang medicine, handed one to Chu Ye.

    "How many medicines are there?" Chu Ye asked.

    Lin Chuwen checked the space ring and said, "There are still eight."

    Chu Ye frowned and said, "Not much!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes!" Before he came, he They have made full preparations, but the potions are still almost exhausted. If they can't find them again, I'm afraid they can only temporarily leave the ice field and find a place to repair them before coming here.

    Xuehu, who was lying at the entrance of the cave watching the snow, suddenly got up and jumped out quickly.

    Lin Chuwen frowned when he saw the little fox jumping out.

    Chu Ye said a little puzzled: "What's wrong with Xuebao!"

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm afraid I found something."

    Not long after the little fox ran out, he was carrying a small The little fox entered the ice cave.

    The little fox is only the size of a slap, looks like a small ball, very cute.

    The little fox suddenly saw two people in the cave, and was taken aback. The ice cave was full of random jumps. Chu Ye gave the little fox a chicken leg, and the other party became quiet.

    Chu Ye looked at the little fox lying in the hole nibbling chicken legs with great interest.

    "A snow fox is native!" There are quite a few snow foxes living in the Arctic, and along the way, they also encountered several.

    Xuebao's bloodline is relatively high, and he has a natural deterrent ability to the snow foxes on the extreme arctic ice. He has encountered several snow foxes on the road to Xuebao, and he has also inquired about the news of evil spirits from them.

    It's a pity that most of the little foxes on the icefield have not opened their intelligence, and they don't even know what the evil spirit is, so naturally they can't help Xuebao.

    After saving the little fox, Xuebao asked the other party about the evil spirit as usual.

    Although Chu Ye didn't hold out much hope that Xuebao could ask something, he didn't stop him.

    Xuebao and the little fox exchanged their paws for a while, and suddenly became excited.

    Chu Ye looked at Xuebao and asked Lin Chuwen, "Is there any gain?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes, that little fox said that the place where their family lived before, There is a big pit described by Xuebao that there will be fog. However, later, a scorpion came and drove the family away. The fox also ate his two brothers and three sisters. Because it was too small, There wasn't much meat, so the scorpion let it go."

    Chu Ye was overjoyed when he heard the words, "A big pit with fog, it looks like a scorpion pit." After

    coming to the Arctic Ice Region for so long, he finally has it. It's like a place where there is evil spirit.

    After the snowstorm outside stopped, Chu Ye and the two went to the hidden place that the little fox said.

    The little fox was reluctant to go back, so Chu Ye gave him a whole chicken.

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