Chapter 16 Picking honey in huai village

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    Chu Ye took a carriage and took two days to arrive at Huai Village.

    Before arriving at Huai Village, Chu Ye smelled a strong aroma of acacia flowers, and when he entered Huai Village, the aroma of acacia flowers was even stronger.

    The Huoyun horse in Xiashan is still very eye-catching. As soon as the horse entered the village, many villagers in the village felt that a big man was coming, and they came out to watch the fun full of curiosity. The village chief, and soon, an old man in his 60s or 70s walked towards the two of them.

    "The two little friends came from afar, and I don't know why."

    Chu Ye took out the letter in his hand and handed it to the village chief.

    The village chief took the letter and browsed it, and said, "Little friend is a soul pet master at a young age. He is very powerful."

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "The village chief has been awarded."

    "It stands to reason that, I shouldn't refuse this, but there are many children in the village who are playful, and I'm afraid they will provoke your pet..." Huai Village makes a living by selling locust flowers. Trees are not bad, but not much good.

    For the village head of Huai Village, one more thing is worse than one less thing, not to mention that if an outsider comes to the village to gather honey, the villagers are afraid that they will be dissatisfied.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "If the village chief agrees, I can contribute 30 gold coins and give it to Huai Village as a village fee."

    Many villages have village fees, and most of the village fees are raised by the villagers and used for the construction of the village.

    The village chief of Huaicun didn't really want to offend such a soul pet master as Chu Ye, but when he heard that Chu Ye was willing to contribute 30 gold coins for the village fee, he didn't stop him.

    "Young Master Ye said so, it would be too much for me to refuse again."

    Xia Shan listened to the conversation between the village chief and Chu Ye, glanced at Chu Ye secretly, and secretly sighed that Chu Ye's wealth was huge, and it cost him money to let bees gather honey. Thirty gold coins, Xia Shan felt in his heart that if Chu Ye didn't say anything and secretly released bees to gather honey, the people of Huaicun couldn't stop him.

    With the permission of the village chief, Chu Ye released the silver-winged bees from several beehives.

    The silver-winged bee swarm smelled the fragrance of the locust flower from a distance, and it was a little bit eager to move. It was suppressed by the small silver, and there was no change. As soon as it was released, it flew around like a happy one.

    Chu Ye told Xiaoyin, "Keep an eye on it, don't hurt anyone."

    Xiaoyin nodded and flew away.

    Chu Ye scattered fifty beehives all over Huai Village.

    After arranging the bee colony, Chu Ye had nothing to do, so he simply sat under a big locust tree to rest.

    Xia Shan sat down next to Chu Ye and asked with a strange expression, "Is your honey very valuable?"

    Chu Ye glanced at Xia Shan and said, "It's alright, why are you asking that?"

    "Will you lose money? Ah?" Xia Shan thought to himself: Chu Ye wanted to give himself ten gold coins, and another thirty gold coins to the village chief of Huai Village, and the honey cost forty gold coins before it was sold. If the honey can't be sold at a price , but at a loss.

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