Chapter 69 Cave harvest.

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    After the Broken Dragon Stone was removed, there was an aisle.

    There are two rooms on both sides of the aisle, one of which is a bug house.

    The worm house was originally supposed to be used to raise some special spiritual worms. It may be that something happened to the person who kept the worms, causing all the worms in the worm house to die.

    Chu Ye found a jade slip on the shelf on the side of the worm's house that recorded some experience in raising spirit worms.

    There are some secret techniques for breeding bees and butterflies in the jade slips, which are quite useful to Chu Ye.

    "The owner of this cave looks like a spiritual worm trainer." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "I think so."

    The soul pet master who died in Longya Mountain was also a worm soul pet master. Maybe that person has something to do with the owner of the cave, so he has a map, and it's cheap now. They are.

    In another room next to the aisle, Chu Ye and the two found some animal skins and bones.

    The original quality of animal skins and bones should be good, but decades have passed, and the bones of many animal bones are somewhat weathered.

    The rotting animal skins and bones exuded an unpleasant smell, which made the little fox sneeze with disgust.

    In general, Chu Ye and the two of them did not gain much in the two rooms, and Chu Ye was a little frustrated.

    "I didn't expect that after working so hard for so long, that's all." In vain, he worked so hard to dig mines for so long, and as a result, these are the things.

    Lin Chuwen was in a good mood. "Exploring the ruins is like this!" After all, it was a bit of a gain. Chu Ye's spiritual worm cultivated jade slips, and there was still some value.

    Chu Ye and the two cleaned up the two rooms and continued to go deeper into the aisle.

    At the end of the aisle, it was blocked by another broken dragon stone.

    "Another stone, what should I do! Continue digging?" Chu Ye said in a somewhat embarrassed way.

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "It's all here, you can't give up halfway!"

    "That's true." If there is a mountain of gold and silver behind the aisle, it would be a pity to miss it.

    Lin Chuwen stepped forward, knocked on the stone, and said solemnly, "This stone is thicker than the previous one."

    "It's thicker, how thick?" Chu Ye asked.

    Lin Chuwen was silent for a while, and said, "It's about twice as much." I'm afraid it's more than three times. Lin Chuwen saw that Chu Ye's face was ugly and chose a conservative number.

    "Twice!" Hearing that, Chu Ye felt the urge to vomit blood.

    The previous piece took them so much effort, and this piece was twice as thick as the one they had encountered before, how could this be achieved?

    "What kind of virtue is the owner of this cave! He likes stones so much." Chu Ye couldn't help but said.

    Lin Chuwen muttered: "Actually, the owner of the cave is not bad." It was just stones blocking the door! Take your time and you can always break.

    The opening conditions of many ruins are very strict.

    Lin Chuwen had heard of a relic, and the relic looked like a relic left by a king-level powerhouse.

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